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Re: [FAQ] Ryzom in Linux (Reloaded)

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:58 pm
by juryz
Okay, wine obliviously doesn't understand meaning of AIGLX.. :-/ Anyway... it finally works... Although there are graphical glitches, which are probably caused by my gfx card. Well, thanks for help again. :)

Re: [FAQ] Ryzom in Linux (Reloaded)

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:18 pm
by djhyland
Excellent, Blaah! Thank you for the config file, it works great. See you in game!

Re: [FAQ] Ryzom in Linux (Reloaded)

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:40 am
by vhelsing
Hi linux users,

I've just been accepted as the new maintainer of the Ryzom entry on wine AppDB and want to ask you all to add your test data and votes to our great game (3 votes per account so only ~50 accounts needed to kick of WoW from the #1 Gold list :P ).

Re: [FAQ] Ryzom in Linux (Reloaded)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:01 pm
by houlecorn
blaah wrote:run 'glxinfo | grep render' in terminal. direct rendering needs to be 'Yes'.
That's what unlocked it for me... The game is ok now, some minor mouse & keyboard issues at which I'll have a look later.

For now I just have a few questions about displays... Running Ubuntu Hardy with a nVidia Geforce 7600 GT.
My glxinfo tells me direct rendering is off (can't find out how to turn it on by the way) on display :1 (which is apparently the default display)... But I have direct rendering on display :0. So I run Ryzom on display :0 where it's got a decent graphic quality (which it hadn't when it episodically worked on :1) and the ryzom_configuration_rd.exe runs properly (doesn't on :1). (Funny thing, probably linked, nvidia-settings fails telling me the nvidia driver is not running on :1, but DISPLAY=:0.0 nvidia-settings runs fine...)

My main problem right now is when I launch Ryzom on display :0 I get the game floating on top of my desktop but not actually in a window. So display :0 has no window manager and is on top of :1 ? I tried to find out my I had these two different displays but couldn't, really. The gdm configuration file only has "0=Standard device=/dev/console" in the [servers] subsection...

I tried to have a look around for some documentation about all this... didn't really come up with anything. Should I look into documentation ? or gdm's ? Is there an easy way to have this working decently ? (I think I read somewhere that some wow players under linux start another display to play...)

Any suggestions ? I'm linking here my xorg.conf, and the outputs of glxinfo for :0 and for :1.

Re: [FAQ] Ryzom in Linux (Reloaded)

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:25 am
by blaah
houlecorn wrote:My glxinfo tells me direct rendering is off (can't find out how to turn it on by the way) on display :1 (which is apparently the default display)... But I have direct rendering on display :0.
twin-view setup ? when i run nvidia-settings and enable twin-view, it creates two device/screen/monitor sections for me. i only see one of each in your xorg.conf (i have hand edited xorg.conf too, so maybe it get confused, dont know).

... but with one video card in twin-view and one screen has direct rendering and other dont... strange hehe

Re: [FAQ] Ryzom in Linux (Reloaded)

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:16 pm
by houlecorn
Right, kind of got it.... It was XGL & AIGLX I had to look into. Xgl is basically an x server (:1 here) running on top of an existing x server (:0). And AIGLX is more of an x server extension... And you need either XGL or AIGLX to run a composite window manager (like Compiz).

The thing is the XGL server not being the one to control the display, it won't let you use direct rendering.

So I guess the solution would be to use AIGLX instead... don't know why I didn't so far. (This is as simple as removing the xserver-xgl package). Everything's fine now. <3

Re: [FAQ] Ryzom in Linux (Reloaded)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 11:01 pm
by iceaxe68
OK, just for grins I decided to try to run Ryzom under linux today.

Newest (very) ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala 64 bit.

Copied in a functioning Ryzom dir from my windows partition.

I diddled with the dlls and finally got ryzom_configuration_rd to start, but it crashes with a NeL error like so:
Unknown Exception exception generated at 0x409707.
Unknown Exception 0x80000100.

Log with no filter:
2009/10/30 17:50:19 ryzom_configuration_rd.exe DBG 9 big_file.cpp 278 : BigFile : added bnp 'characters_maps_ma_hom_cheveux_hr.bnp' to the collection
2009/10/30 17:50:19 ryzom_configuration_rd.exe WRN 9 path.cpp 1503 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(, [][/email], 0, dds): already inserted from 'characters_maps_hr.bnp@', skip it
2009/10/30 17:50:19 ryzom_configuration_rd.exe DBG 9 big_file.cpp 278 : BigFile : added bnp 'r2_roots_pz.bnp' to the collection
2009/10/30 17:50:19 ryzom_configuration_rd.exe DBG 9 big_file.cpp 278 : BigFile : added bnp 'lacustre_vegetable_sets.bnp' to the collection
2009/10/30 17:50:19 ryzom_configuration_rd.exe DBG 9 big_file.cpp 278 : BigFile : added bnp 'fyros_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2009/10/30 17:50:19 ryzom_configuration_rd.exe DBG 9 big_file.cpp 278 : BigFile : added bnp 'characters_maps_zo_hof_underwear_hr.bnp' to the collection
2009/10/30 17:50:19 ryzom_configuration_rd.exe DBG 9 big_file.cpp 278 : BigFile : added bnp 'primes_racines_tiles.bnp' to the collection
2009/10/30 17:50:19 ryzom_configuration_rd.exe DBG 9 big_file.cpp 278 : BigFile : added bnp 'bagne_zones.bnp' to the collection
2009/10/30 17:50:19 ryzom_configuration_rd.exe DBG 9 big_file.cpp 278 : BigFile : added bnp 'fyros_newbie_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2009/10/30 17:50:19 ryzom_configuration_rd.exe DBG 9 big_file.cpp 278 : BigFile : added bnp 'characters_maps_tr_hof_casque01_hr.bnp' to the collection

The output in the terminal ends like this:
wine: Call from 0x409707 to unimplemented function MFC42.DLL.6646, aborting
fixme :d bghelp :d ump_system_info fill in CPU vendorID and feature set
the mfc42.dll I have in the ryzom folder is one I downloaded. I also tried copying in the one from windows/system32, but that one didn't work at all.

(windows is Win 7 RC)


Re: [FAQ] Ryzom in Linux (Reloaded)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 1:10 am
by blaah
iceaxe68 wrote: the mfc42.dll I have in the ryzom folder is one I downloaded. I also tried copying in the one from windows/system32, but that one didn't work at all.
try one from this

Re: [FAQ] Ryzom in Linux (Reloaded)

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:53 pm
by vl
We just release the first pre-alpha version of Ryzom for Linux. It's a package with pre compiled ryzom so you can directely run it.

All information are on this address: ... lientLinux

We need your feedback!