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Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:34 pm
by troll16
Not talking about OP or events here btw

Being killed in a PvP area is probably seen by nearly everyone as being ok as you would expect to be attacked at some point.

Problem arises when someone kills the same person over and over again in a short span of time in the same area. I believe this is seen by a lot of people as a form of griefing or anti-social behaviour.

I don't think that killing a character over and over (almost certainly an easy target, they usually are) is good for anyone. It's not good for moderate of hard line PvPers and does nothing to promote PvP in general.

In WoW there has been a noticable growth in the amount of Normal servers compared to PvP servers. 2 reasons I know of for this 1 - people camping bodies and 2 - imbalance in the 2 sides making it almost impossible for the weaker side to do anything in some areas.

With WoW though you can change server type and avoid the problem, here that option does not exist. It would be ashame to loose people through such actions, as that is not good for any of us.

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:44 pm
by dakhound
troll16 wrote:Problem arises when someone kills the same person over and over again in a short span of time in the same area. I believe this is seen by a lot of people as a form of griefing or anti-social behaviour.

I don't think that killing a character over and over (almost certainly an easy target, they usually are) is good for anyone. It's not good for moderate of hard line PvPers and does nothing to promote PvP in general.
I know I'm in danger of flooding this thread but can I attempt to give a little reasoning to this.

killing someone over and over again is considered griefing where the player does not consent to PvP

if I kill someone in PR (pvp zone) its with the intention of making them leave the area, if I killed them and then let the spawn and carry on doing as they were doing before it would then mean I killed them for no reason.
if I kill someone who is tagged for PvP over and over again its because they are tagged as my enemy and therefore they have consented to dying, you can turn that tag off any time you wish (within a few mins)

the only situation I can think of that I would consider greifing is waiting at the tp and stopping the person getting out of the safe zone, this is a reportable offence and is often dealt with quickly by the wonderful CSR team.

I appreciate where you are coming from though, if there was a system where I could kill players who have not consented to risk themselves I would be in the wrong.

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:44 pm
by nazak07
arfindel wrote: And correction: in OP wars only the attacked guild has something to lose, nobody else :)
I have to disagree here, there is alot of ingame tradeing, for cats and OP materials. Should someone whom trades with you lose there OP your guild just lost a source of cats/Op mats to a "enemy" guild. So lots to lose for all involved, otherwise there would be no real reason for alliances to exist. If nothing is lost to you why help others? Most think like that.

Essentially, nothing is wrong or against policy killing diggers in pvp area. Just realise it loses you one friend if not many. That person and there friends wont be around to craft for you. That person and there friends may not invite you to that shalah party when you 2 levels from 250. That person and there friends may not rez you should you be dead right beside them. That person and there friends won't sell you Supreme weapons, armor or jewelry. It's not lawfully wrong its more of ethically wrong. ;)

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:51 pm
by johnne
nazak07 wrote:I have to disagree here, there is alot of ingame tradeing, for cats and OP materials. Should someone whom trades with you lose there OP your guild just lost a source of cats/Op mats to a "enemy" guild. So lots to lose for all involved, otherwise there would be no real reason for alliances to exist. If nothing is lost to you why help others? Most think like that.

Essentially, nothing is wrong or against policy killing diggers in pvp area. Just realise it loses you one friend if not many. That person and there friends wont be around to craft for you. That person and there friends may not invite you to that shalah party when you 2 levels from 250. That person and there friends may not rez you should you be dead right beside them. That person and there friends won't sell you Supreme weapons, armor or jewelry. It's not lawfully wrong its more of ethically wrong. ;)
And also consider how your comrads view your actions... I've seen some notable Kami defectors come over to our side because of this. So there are consequences... mostly indirect ones.

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:51 pm
by riveit
kyesmith wrote:only once been killed without attacking first on supernodes, sehraci has that honor :p
Wasn't she bounty hunting one of your teammates and you were in the launcher backwash? You were just collateral damage in a bounty hunt. :D

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:06 pm
by jamela
Lol!!!! :D

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:03 am
by sprite
Kye being counted as "collateral damage"... that's gotta hurt :p

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:10 am
by putterix
kyesmith wrote: On another note apart from wars on SN ive never been attacked while digging, and only once been killed without attacking first on supernodes, sehraci has that honor :p

Well, i never been killed when digging SN, even when the flamed Infinity and
Omega V wars was goin on they never tried to. :)

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:45 am
by pvtarea
arfindel wrote:Personally I would suggest GF to change the digging quality in LoU to q250 and make any part of a non-pvp area orange-red. With this we end the confusion that many newbies do: that they are supposed to grind digging in LoU and they have no other alternative.
Or easier: move supernodes in US or Wastelands and make that area pvp, leaving LoU only for treks and small level diggers. However I am at your disposition to walk, trek and show you very very nice spots in non pvp areas at any time.
wooot wastelands as PvP area i like the sound of that...we could kill the campers and the buggers of mobs...(please oh please GF make it a PvP zone)

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:17 am
by iwojimmy
Digging supremes at level 250 has nothing intrinsically to do with PvP, suggesting making all purple zones PvP is just forcing people who prefer one style of play to become victims of those who get their jollies a different way.
The current system is functional, with PvP and non PvP options.
As a neutral, i have enough trouble just getting to dig spots to waste time in PvP areas and risk some dropkick interupting my digging, so I dig in non PvP PR.. but .. as a neutral, if I feel the need for PvP, then the Nexus and Lands of Umbra are my only readily available options.