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Re: Universe Channel - Cho

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:13 am
by dakhound
for the record, the CSR's in this game are probably the best bunch you will come across, I've played many games where the CSR's aint half as attentive as the ones here.

uni chat is for Q&A, follow the rules and no harm can come to you.

while 5 people might be involved in purile jokes/wow discussion/general spam with you, there are another few hundred people thinking "time to turn uni chat off" and generally those people are the ones who know their stuff and dont mind helping people.

Re: Universe Channel - Cho

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:16 am
by eriu3
Oh, lets take this to an entirely new level of intellectualism; why not?

But in these cases we still have judgement here; that we but teach
Bloody instructions, which, being taught, return
To plague the inventor:

Most folks assuredly do revolve around the concepts that plague them. Personally I find the CSRs to not be in that ballpark...

The CSRs do an incredible job, are the least authoritarian I've come across, and deserve respect and friendship in my eyes. Rules can exist to powerplay or to fall back on when powerplaying arrives from other sources; not only have the CSRs been reticent in their use of the power at hand but even sad about the need for it.

Now that's Shakespeare's kinda freedom to me.

Re: Universe Channel - Cho

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:44 am
by tengheau
soulsnatcher wrote:We gave an inch and a mile was taken. We've learned.
Yeah, but apparently the wrong lesson, and one that in the long run will cost you a lot of Yank customers.

Which is of course fine, I am just asking where you expect to get the expanded playerbase you will need for Ryzom to be successful? Cho is a lightly populated english speaking server and there are a lot of Brit and Aussie players here, so marketing seems to have made a foothold in those countries. But I *first* heard of Ryzom via a Penny Arcade banner just after Halloween, and I try to keep an eye out for pretty and interesting RPGs in the fantasy genre, so there is a great untapped playerbase here. And now you have to fill Cho up, or I suppose, move it to a different language, but if you do try to fill it up with English speakers, are you really going to run it so as to be offensive to a such large potential playerbase?

And really, I am not kidding or gesturing. That attitude is just not going to fly with an American audience. You can hate the stereotyped attitude and all, but scratch the surface of Americans and you will be startled how fast you start hearing about the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, even if they can't tell you what is actually says or about it's relation to the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. The point is, John Stuart Mill's On Liberty is required reading at most all universities and frankly, to a Yank it reads like a collection of Truisms. Careful proofs of them to be sure, but Truisms nonetheless. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Expression and the illegitimacy of Prior Restraint are core values, unnoticed often, right up until the time they are threatened.
Mill's disdain of social distinctions are alive here as well, point to economic differences all you like, but it remains that in America, only pets are named King, Duke, Duchess etc. And titles like "Right Honorable" honestly and truly look profoundly foolish.

Do what you like, I can live with playing in a more European context, but I promise you that you will not retain American players with that attitude.


Re: Universe Channel - Cho

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:56 am
by aardnebb
You have the right to free speach based on your constitution, but on a privately owned communications system you do NOT have the right to violate it's terms and conditions. Which may restrict what you can talk about to the set topic of that channel (in this case Q+A). AND do not forget that your constitution may define certain legal conditions in America, but some of us live elsewhere and have different laws. (Like one where verbal abuse is a form of assault :) )

Please come on guys, lets not get silly. most of you have Kami/Kara chat which seems pretty handy, though obviously I havent much experience with it...

Re: Universe Channel - Cho

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:09 pm
by rushin
Calevin, you are insane?

Just so i've got this correct, you are coming here to complain that you cant spam a help chanel ingame and that somehow violates your rights as a 'yank'? And as such you threaten us that every american player will be equally appauled. oh my, i'd be laughing but you actually believe what you just wrote dont you? *rolls eyes*

As Dorothy said so well: Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas now.

Re: Universe Channel - Cho

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:32 pm
by blaah
tengheau wrote:You can hate the stereotyped attitude and all, but scratch the surface of Americans and you will be startled how fast you start hearing about the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ...
Next time, before clicking "Accept", read what it says.

You seem to know lot of Your rights, but you forgot that You also have responsibilities.

Remember, that even in US, you cant always follow "freedom of speech".
You need to be politically correct with what you say even when you mean nothing bad.

edit: better

Re: Universe Channel - Cho

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:44 pm
by dakhound
omg, invoking the freedom of speach BS coz you cant spam a help channel, like seriously what the hell, I've never heard such crap in my life,

it wont affect the american audiance 1 iota simply as most of the "yanks" I know have a thing called "common sense" which you my friend are sadly lacking in.

I bet the american forefathers are turning in their grave as all their sacrifices and great achievements have been invoked simply as "we here demand the right to spam your help channel, call you nazi's and talk about wee'ing in a circle"

reality check needed*

I changed my mind, new channel should be called "special needs channel"

Re: Universe Channel - Cho

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:55 pm
by d29565
tengheau wrote:That attitude is just not going to fly with an American audience.
I'm an American audience, and it flys just fine with me.

American have individual freedom up to a point. "The right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins." If you infringe on the rights of another, you lose the freedom that you had.

It's the same with Ryzom. You have freedom up to a point, until you infringe on the rights (offend) of another.

Re: Universe Channel - Cho

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:06 pm
by tr808
Well, tbh, i think the TS throw in his own and others window, before his argument and topic here, there where complaints, people wouldnt mind a little chitchat, CSR's let thing a little lose, but since some1 claimed it as his chatchannel and scolded a csr in the progress this is where we are. Dont blame the game Calevin, blame the player...

Re: Universe Channel - Cho

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:07 pm
by ajsuk
c'mon, someone hit close... :D