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Re: Becuase there are so few around who rember how it was...

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:53 am
by daisuki
Ya, been around since open beta, closed ect. Loved it all and still happy with game. Sure I miss killing peacefull diggers and hope I can do it again in the future.

Re: Becuase there are so few around who rember how it was...

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:55 pm
by gudule
was there, hated it, and lost many friends during this episode.
lost even more of them with the beginning of OPs...
so as the old tryker lady i now am, i regret the nice time of pre Ep2.

Re: Becuase there are so few around who rember how it was...

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:32 pm
by raven41
I lost alot of friends aswell durring those times... But I still have some here... And thats the ONLY reason I log on at all ever.

Re: Becuase there are so few around who rember how it was...

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:24 am
by daisuki
But too me, we at least had a goal with that episode. Now we are just fighting over OP's and let's face it, it's old and stale and we need something new like that. Most people, if I recall correctly, did have fun there and it was not until OP's were established that folks started splitting. The game may not be what everyone wants but I like the way it is going and look forward to new content. Have a good one yall :)

Re: Becuase there are so few around who rember how it was...

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:22 am
by raynes
Well get to making content then!

Re: Becuase there are so few around who rember how it was...

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:17 pm
by brithlem
totnkopf wrote:ah yes, Ep II.... ah, the memories

*Dinging 250 Desert dig during the first phase

*Infinity finally getting organized and taking the Zora temple from under 10% to 100% in one of the branches in 1.5 days (then laughing at the other people that had refused to help us do the Zorai temple fail at the Tryker temple. You didn't scratch our back, so....)

*Logging on to find an uneasy truce going on... and taking all of 3 mins to break it, then basking in the whine fest from the "I'm only here because I want the gear from an event that involves PvP, but I don't want to PvP" folks as they're lying on the ground.

*A full team of Infinity members taking on 20+ karas and lasting long enough to have their honor point timers reset 3 times.

*A Forum screenshot leading to much embarassment to an Infinity member as he was unmasked as a closet kara who enjoyed killing his guildies. (not a forum event or anything, we just kinda noticed some Kara faction chat from a known alt of a Infinity member cheering on the team that was killing some Infinity members in a screenshot that was posted on the forums). Ooh... and various people being removed from the forums for insessant whining!

*Certain Kami players accusing me, Brithlem and a few other Infinity members of camping the crafter NPC, only to have them go very quiet when Bri points out that their guild had twice the craft points than their dig points, while Infinitys was almost 1:1

*Hunting down Seti, Heav, and a few others in the first phase only to have them be my team mates by the third phase

*Watching Infinity go from the guild everyone attempted to distance themselves from (the kara hated us, the kami didn't like us and kept their distance. Honda Accord anyone?) to the power house Kami guild that went on to play a dominant role in OPs. All that "bad" pvp before paid off!

Granted Ep II was not for everyone. Some players left. Given the chance would I throw Ep II away to gain those players back? No. SoR has changed since then. It was the dawn of a new era for Atys, one that lead to OPs and PvP tags, an Atys thats much more PvP oriented. In other words, they'd come back to a game that they wouldn't enjoy. They didn't like the PvP event then, so they wouldn't like the tags, OPs, etc. They had their stay on Atys, they decided they didn't like the direction the game was going, and they took their leave. Power to them and may they be happy where ever they end up.

As for me, I really enjoyed Ep II. It did get a bit repetitive, but I took a break in the middle, (Logged in to the Lakelands map only once) and came back to it to find it as much fun as when it first started. My only beef with the event was the fact that many of the low level or CPers got the shaft when it came to honor points. Many of the high level diggers ended up with millions of honor points, yet the CPers who helped get those mats got nothing. there should have been a way to share those points or have a way to 'tip' them over. But a minor issue. All in all, I enjoyed the event and would love to see something similar come to Atys again.

...You're gonna make me cry, damn it!

Re: Becuase there are so few around who rember how it was...

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:26 pm
by fiach
I was here, but the memory is so faint now, it could've been a rumour :D