raven58 wrote:So now we have a crafter Saint Haddo crying out about this,and i can understand where he is coming from But the simple awnser to all this would be to get players to use a tell ingame or drop you an email in game so they can get orders of you at the price you want them to have them....so simple.
And at what point would he have time to even do any digging/crafting? Given the demand on these items, he'd spend his entire day answering /tells. And, the man can't be on 24 hours a day; how does he service customers that live in different time-zones? (like most of the server since he's GMT+5)
But no you want a closed market so only crafters can sell the goods they make onto the market with no resale and so all Traders(resellers) suffer...
Again, folks, let's not read more into Haddo's request than he actually wrote. He simply asked that you don't support those players that are providing no value to the rest of the community. He didn't ask for game changes or penalties to those players. He didn't suggest they go on anyone KoS list. If you don't agree with his request, then don't abide by it. These resellers are not hurting him (and he's said as much).
well thats up to you just hope you can get around Ryzom to get to the players who cannot get to other markets to find goods you have.Their is a place for Resellers on Ryzom it's just you guys want the monopoly on the market.
He never asked for a monopoly. It's the resellers that are creating a monopoly situation by buying up every thing He and Keoni and others make and putting them back on market at an inflated price. If you want to be a reseller that provides value (like making them available in other markets), then work with the crafters to get an understanding and then do it.