Feature Wishlist Part 1

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Re: Feature Wishlist.

Post by sivrup »

Fix the bug where the crafting window constantly clears. if i have to make a bunch of helmets for a quest, it's annoying o have to constantly re-select the mats.

Also, perhaps a visual indicator when you get to 75% pack full, and another at 90%??? that way i can hunt without constantly looking at the "p" screen. if i see a "scales" symbol i know i'm getting close, and when it changes to a "red Scales" then i know i need to hit a town quickly.
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Re: Feature Wishlist.

Post by billg1 »

General issues

1. A way to Auto Select weapons or groups for duel wielders

2. Remove some of the useless NPCs in the towns. Theirs just to many that get in the way

3. Remove some of the MOBs in the wilderness, again theirs just to many

4. Better Targeting system. How about the TAB key to cycle nearby targets instead just the space bar for the nearest

5. Ability to create my own chat tabs and chat forums

6. Ability to dock private message tabs

7. Better descriptions for the stanzas and upgrades


8. Better Inventory System setup similar to the Tabbed hierarchy of the skills menu. Have a tabbed inventory system for weapons, armor, materials, mission only Items. Then have those tabs contain tabs of the different types of weapons, materials and so on. This way you can have all blade mats in 1 tab and all shaft mats in another tab and so forth. Also have them auto sort by type then quality for similar Mats.


9. When prospecting for specific minerals and mineral types you should ONLY find what you specify in the skill/stanza setup. This is not the case. When I setup a prospecting skill with the stanzas to find choice shafts that is all it should look for and find. It should not locate basic or fine shafts. It should not locate dead nodes. It should not locate the nearest coice mat. It should ONLY find nodes of Choice Shafts that can be harvested. As it is now I wasted alot of skill points on searching for specific mats and NEVER find anything or I find basic mats or even worse the nearest choice mat node, but I spent the focus for locating Choice Shafts.

10. When harvesting for specific mineral types you should ONLY harvest what you specify in the skill/stanza setup. This is not the case. When I setup a harvesting skill with the stanzas to find Choice mats that is all it should look for and find. It should not locate basic or fine mats. It should ONLY find nodes of Choice mats that can be harvested otherwise its wasted focus and skill points.
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Re: Feature Wishlist.

Post by masis »

No. Please do not remove some of the mobs in the wilderness. The current amount of mobs keeps down the killstealing that is so rampant in other games. I'm very, very happy in this area.
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Re: Feature Wishlist.

Post by chevelle »

I'm quite agreed with mots of these posts, and I have a suggestions that others have mentioned in a new topic on the board.

An idea was for a way to reset your skills up to level 30 (while you're still in newbieland). We all make some bad choices up tot hat point and instead of recreating it would be much simpler to reset and get back the skp.

I think it would be best to reset skills individually since it is only up to level 30 that isnt very overpowered. Each 10skp you reset drops you a level in the skill and each time you delete a low ranking skill like Extraction1 it would take away extraction 2 (giving you back those points).

Or more simply: Only allow the resetting of skills that don't have dependants so that you'll hae to reset the highest level first and work your way down. Basically a way to remap your skills.

Another topic idea is to edit the "Aura" skills. They're currently quite underpowered for the recharge time. I have to concur as I have Aura Hp 2 and I can't noticeably see the effect of those 12 regens while its activated. Suggestion: Make the regen more noticeable/last longer or cut the recharge to 5 minutes or so.
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Re: Feature Wishlist.

Post by altair »

cut down on useless npcs - I have basically the minimum requirements, and the extra npcs lag my computer to no stop, plus I can't find people in the huge crowds.

harvesting - like stated above, if you don't change the prospecting to find only the mats that are used to make the skill, at least make it so the 50m, 100m, etc. only find the mats. It's very annoying.

bugs - get em fixed... there's no reason a game should have so many bugs at launch time.
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Re: Feature Wishlist.

Post by sunhawk »

masis wrote:No. Please do not remove some of the mobs in the wilderness. The current amount of mobs keeps down the killstealing that is so rampant in other games. I'm very, very happy in this area.
Agreed, one of the best things about Ryzom is that it does actually feel like a real world a lot of the time. Thinning out the herds would not be cool.

I don't think it'd be a good idea to cut the numbers of NPCs, either. In the newbie towns, yes, there may be too many guards for the size, but remember - they are essentially refugee camps where some of the greatest warriors, mages and craftsmen of the civilization may come from. Wouldn't you want that protected?

I love the way there are patrols, I don't know about the other cities, but Yrkanis felt extremely good that way, as well as having guards at the gates. Plus, we need other NPCs for flavour. Though maybe they could remove the places where there are two merchant selling the same thing next to each other, and at least spread them to other parts of the city (Again, I'm only speaking for Yrkanis here.).

Auras sound like the need to be revised, I was planning to take one or two but after reading this forum it just doesn't seem worthwhile.

I know for a fact that ranged combat needs to be revised. IMO, doing something like upping the ammo caches fivefold would be a good idea - you'd get sixty shots before needing to reload, and you'd actually get a reasonable amount of ammo from harvesting. Tone the price of individual bullets down, though, so you can't make easy money from it. I love the feeling of shooting things to bits, but it's just not something easy enough to do in-game, and whilst that's fine in and of itself, it's essentially removing the option for a lot of people. Please rethink the ranged combat.
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Re: Feature Wishlist.

Post by chevelle »

Refreshing the wishlist! Quick guide to avoid reading all the pages:

1 A way to tell the game time/day/week/month/year, similar to the beta login prompt.

2 Some want a way to make it easier to visit other continents at low levels, others think it a bad idea.

3 A burst run feature, the sprint skill may be inadequate and is quite expensive anyways. Mounts may fix this however.

4 The log-in/Character creation/Character selection screens don’t work well with wide screen displays. Please include options for widescreen resolutions available in game since changing graphics settings causes the widescreen to revert to a normal 4:3 aspect resolution. not being somewhere I can look, but I’m pretty sure that aspect ratio and resolution can be manually edited/added in one of the client_config files. Also move the delete button!!

5 More information in the targeted eyeball thing that mobs/players looking at you get. Specifically having it turn red/flash red/something similar when they are attacking you.

6 A graphic/overlay/wireframe that shows prospecting range & cone.

7 A range indicator for the target info window (where it shows hp/name/etc), sometimes the compass will reset to north or you will need to be tracking something else like a group member.

8 The aggressive/nonaggressive indicator box does not work very well and many(all?) aggressive mobs will show as nonaggressive/green in it. This may be a known issue.

9 Better descriptions on what the different stanza/bricks do, some (such as bomb/spray/etc) may still be in French.

10 Group missions would be nice.

11 The stats on the teammember hp/stam/sap displays are two thin and could have their bar thickness increased. There is a setting for this in one of the client_config files but I don’t know how playing with it will effect the actual graphic the bar goes over

12 Long distance adding of group members, other mmo’s have done this with things such as /invite <name>, by an option in a friends list, or other similar thing.

13 An easier/faster way of equipping armor/weapons/craft tools. Also it’s difficult to quickly tell the difference between similar items such as two different staffs with different bonus’s or different types of ammo. Having the ability to hotkey equip <insert item> would alleviate at least part of this problem. Horizons had a good macro system for equipping things.

14 Clothing and/or the ability to make frivolous clothing. AO had a wonderful amount of this in Miirs and other similar shops.

15 Quartering seems to be completely random, a way to influence what type of resource you get through a skill or item would be nice.

16 A way to merge multiple mats into a single higher quality one (basic>fine, fine>choice, etc). Horizons had something similar with alchemy and it was useful but enough of a pain that people tried to avoid needing it.

17 Currently ranged fighting has an early everquest style “optional” requirement of THOU MUST SHALL ALWAYS BE HARVESTER because of the incredible amount of resources needed to make a useful amount of ammo (9 mats for 12 shots).

18 The Harvesting may need an overhaul. Harmful and gentle extraction “aren’t like originally described”.

19 Harvesting missions are incredibly difficult/tedious for the same reward as incredibly easy/quick crafting missions and moderately annoying fight missions

20 It is incredibly difficult to collect a useful amount of materials as a harvester. This may change at higher levels, but at low levels they are pretty much useless due to the incredible time it takes to harvest a bunch of mats.

21 The ability to jump

22 Compartmentalized inventory or packs that can be used to sort inventory. At the very least a “stuff I want to keep”, “stuff I want to sell”, and “stuff I haven’t sorted yet” way of labeling things. It’s a nuisance to look at the properties of 10 different swords that were just crafted to make sure that you don’t sell the choice mats one that you use when doing a quest.

23 Better looting systems. /team loot alpha, /team loot random, the ability to have anyone open the corpse but the items show up on the screen for the person who’s turn it is to loot (to even things up for support/ranged classes).

24 Change global chat to include the newbie lands to help prevent new players from feeling like they are in an empty world when they start in a few months.

25 Make it possible to revisit the newbie islands.

26 Better inventory management when selling/buying. Examples given are ctrl-click to select multiple items and shift-click to buy an entire stack of one item

27 /emotename style calling of emotes.

28 Kipees in the newbie land sound like they should be their 3-4 story tall high level brethren.

29 More missions for crafts other than weapons & armor in the newbie lands, there are none for jewelry, ammo/ranged weapons, possibly shields, etc.

30 “quest item” drops are virtually useless and only serve to frustrate and clutter inventory. You are always going to get at least one completely useless drop on any kill and often times will get nothing other than these unsellable unusable quest items. Please allow us to sell them again or give them some purpose.

31 A toggle to remain in combat and autotarget the last/next critter to hit you.

32 The ability to chain up a bunch of ammo stacks or simply have it autoreload with similar ammo. The ability to make one giant stack of ammo similar to how you could have a 50k stack of ammo in AO and just have your weapon keep pulling from it.

33 Fix the bug where the crafting window constantly clears. if i have to make a bunch of helmets for a quest, it's annoying o have to constantly re-select the mats.

34 Perhaps a visual indicator when you get to 75% pack full, and another at 90%??? that way i can hunt without constantly looking at the "p" screen. if i see a "scales" symbol i know i'm getting close, and when it changes to a "red Scales" then i know i need to hit a town quickly.

35 A way to Auto Select weapons or groups for duel wielders

36 Remove some of the useless NPCs in the towns. Theirs just to many that get in the way

37 Better Targeting system. How about the TAB key to cycle nearby targets instead just the space bar for the nearest

38 Ability to create my own chat tabs and chat forums

39 Ability to dock private message tabs

40 Better descriptions for the stanzas and upgrades

41 When prospecting for specific minerals and mineral types you should ONLY find what you specify in the skill/stanza setup.

42 When harvesting for specific mineral types you should ONLY harvest what you specify in the skill/stanza setup.

43 An idea was for a way to reset your skills up to level 30 (while you're still in newbieland). We all make some bad choices up tot hat point and instead of recreating it would be much simpler to reset and get back the skp. I think it would be best to reset skills individually since it is only up to level 30 that isnt very overpowered. Each 10skp you reset drops you a level in the skill and each time you delete a low ranking skill like Extraction1 it would take away extraction 2 (giving you back those points). Or more simply: Only allow the resetting of skills that don't have dependants so that you'll hae to reset the highest level first and work your way down. Basically a way to remap your skills.

44 Another topic idea is to edit the "Aura" skills. They're currently quite underpowered for the recharge time. I have to concur as I have Aura Hp 2 and I can't noticeably see the effect of those 12 regens while its activated. Suggestion: Make the regen more noticeable/last longer or cut the recharge to 5 minutes or so.

45 I know for a fact that ranged combat needs to be revised. IMO, doing something like upping the ammo caches fivefold would be a good idea - you'd get sixty shots before needing to reload, and you'd actually get a reasonable amount of ammo from harvesting. Tone the price of individual bullets down, though, so you can't make easy money from it.

46 Shield skill branch in the Fighting tree, with some sort of bash (stun) skill as well as the ability to block for 1-3 nearby group members depending on the shield size; currently there isn't much incentive to use anything other than a 2-hander

47 Dual wielding skill branch in the Fighting tree with special styles and the ability to dual wield more types of weapons (like dual axes or maces)

48 I'd like to see dual weild on pistols. it would be nice. would allow a bit of style to be used.

49 Noticeable notification of new emails, via a notification box, audible sound, or a combination of the two.

50 Smaller dockable progress meters. The current progress takes up a great amoung of much-needed space. It would be nice to have the option to have a few small bar graphs onscreen to monitor advancement in selected skills, rather that checking the progression window every so often.

51 Option for guild leaders and officers to send a guildwide email with a simple click of a button, as opposed to manually sending it to each person or entering names of everyone in the guild.

Credits to the folks who made the posts in the first place, apologies to any repetitive information or anything I've missed. I had no idea how much work it'd take to copy past all this when I decided to!
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Re: Feature Wishlist.

Post by ozzy111 »

cerest wrote:Great suggestions guys! Most of them ;) Anything else that would really enhance the game?

Yes Cerest there is.

The GM's do a heck of a job trying to keep everyone informed of what's going on in Klient, but it does absolutely no good whatsover for the webpage to say that the server is up when its not.

I believe this to be a minor issue to fix and would appreciate any assistance you could offer.
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Re: Feature Wishlist.

Post by neiana »

I'd like to add another thing. How about when I click a chat window, that it it makes that chat window the default, rather than requiring me to double click in the actual text input area.

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Re: Feature Wishlist.

Post by gralen »

sivrup wrote:Fix the bug where the crafting window constantly clears. if i have to make a bunch of helmets for a quest, it's annoying o have to constantly re-select the mats.
That is actually a feature to make out of game macro use and afk crafting more tedious. The boxes randomly clear which requires user intervention.

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