hmmm Never read this post before but now I understand why some of those
I've played with for a VERY long time are gone
A good way to loose a friend :(
Re: A good way to loose a friend :(
soulsnatcher wrote:Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're done with the abuse and flaming
Thanks souls
Kibs - High Officer of The New Empire (Arispotle server)
Kibsy - Silan Alt (Arispotle server)
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Master of two, huggler of all!
Kibs' Autolauncher and Ammo shop
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Kibsy - Silan Alt (Arispotle server)
Avatar by Ema
Master of two, huggler of all!
Kibs' Autolauncher and Ammo shop
Vote for Ryzom on!
Re: A good way to loose a friend :(
linkzero wrote:hmmm Never read this post before but now I understand why some of those
I've played with for a VERY long time are gone
Nah Link.. nothing is happening... i'll just talk to my mum and maybe she'll solve it, at least it seems someone who posted here solves things that way... i might give it a try LMAO
Re: A good way to loose a friend :(
ilthor wrote:Nah Link.. nothing is happening... i'll just talk to my mum and maybe she'll solve it, at least it seems someone who posted here solves things that way... i might give it a try LMAO
LOL m8 Why don't you just call my mum instead !! I promise you'll regret it the moment she starts talking hehe
Re: A good way to loose a friend :(
linkzero wrote:LOL m8 Why don't you just call my mum instead !! I promise you'll regret it the moment she starts talking hehe
I would... hear she has nice shares in nevrax and your uncle is the avalist for jolts offices, which might come in handy. Maybe we can do a little players family lobbie to fight the verbal diarreia one
P.S.- LOL i'm now thinking of a movement in Portugal called the "mothers of Bragança"... it started after many ladies of bad reputation started appearing at that town, making the husbands leave their homes and families! the funny thing is at the end the quarrels were about that that movements women were ugly and the bad reputation ones were tramps... I always wondered why the paying men were never mentioned, since they were the ones breaking the law and actually harming their own families. Hehe, nothing to do with this story, except as always the main offenders came out on top and were still regarded as "good citizens".
Re: A good way to loose a friend :(
Come on guys, this thread was dead until someone unleashed the '+10 wand of not reading last post dates'
I honestly think the reason lots of people have left this game has more to do with 'misunderstandings' than any real insults or nasty incidents. We have lots of cultures and language differences here on Arispotle, and I've seen first-hand how misunderstandings can quickly turn ugly.
Someone messes up, apologises but doesn't make it clear, someone with bad english takes it the wrong way and responds in a way that offends the first person, more exchanges are made on both sides and further misunderstood, people get stressed and post complete rubbish on these forums.
Let's eat cake
I honestly think the reason lots of people have left this game has more to do with 'misunderstandings' than any real insults or nasty incidents. We have lots of cultures and language differences here on Arispotle, and I've seen first-hand how misunderstandings can quickly turn ugly.
Someone messes up, apologises but doesn't make it clear, someone with bad english takes it the wrong way and responds in a way that offends the first person, more exchanges are made on both sides and further misunderstood, people get stressed and post complete rubbish on these forums.
Let's eat cake
Dazman - Zoraï Defensive Mage / Forager
Kalzakath - Fyros Melee / New Refugee
Arispotle Shard - European English Community
Kalzakath - Fyros Melee / New Refugee
Arispotle Shard - European English Community
Re: A good way to loose a friend :(
dazman76 wrote:Come on guys, this thread was dead until someone unleashed the '+10 wand of not reading last post dates'
Yeah, personally I was just ignoring it and hoping it would drop back down a bit
Re: A good way to loose a friend :(
dazman76 wrote:
Someone messes up, apologises but doesn't make it clear, someone with bad english takes it the wrong way and responds in a way that offends the first person, more exchanges are made on both sides and further misunderstood, people get stressed and post complete rubbish on these forums.
Ok its rubbish, i don't argue with that... but now its too late! > I've already called Link's mum, so BE READY!!!!!
Let's eat cake [/QUOTE]
Sure, my fav is Siricaia... if anyone here can make that im up for it...
(How's that for a "challenge"?)
Re: A good way to loose a friend :(
ilthor wrote:Sure, my fav is Siricaia... if anyone here can make that im up for it...
100g de uvas passas pretas
1/4 de xícara de chá de vinho branco
6 pães franceses amanhecidos
Margarina para untar
2 xícaras de chá de leite
6 colheres de sopa de açúcar
1 ovo
1 colher de chá de fermento em pó
1 colher de sopa de farinha de trigo
1/2 xícara de chá de açúcar misturado
com canela em pó para polvilhar
250g de minas frescal
Coloque as uvas passas de molho no vinho branco e complete com água até cobrir as uvas.
Corte os pães em fatias finas e coloque em uma tigela grande. Misture o leite e o açúcar e despeje sobre os pães. Deixe descansar por cerca de 15 minutos, até os pães ficarem bem molhados.
Esfarele o pão com as mãos até formar uma massa. Adicione o ovo, o fermento e a farinha e misture bem. Rale o queijo no ralador grosso. Reserve. Escorra as uvas passas. Reserve.
Unte uma forma redonda com furo central com margarina e farinha de trigo. Coloque uma camada fina de massa, uma de queijo ralado, um pouco de uva passa e polvilhe com bastante açúcar e canela. Vá repetindo as camadas até terminar. A ultima deve ser de massa. Polvilhe com açúcar e canela e leve ao forno quente por cerca de 45 minutos. Desenforme e sirva quente ou frio.
Pode ser congelado por dois meses e não é recomendado o seu preparo no microondas. Substitua a uva passa por ameixa picadinha.
Rendimento : 8 porções - Tempo : 1 hora
Calorias : 320 por porção
Re: A good way to loose a friend :(
Bahhhhh Spriteh He said make it, not google for the recipe and copy and paste hehe
I have no idea what most of the ingredients are, but the cake name has a nice ring to it, so I'll volunteer for tasting, Spriteh you get the apron on mate, Sipos you can supervise...
I have no idea what most of the ingredients are, but the cake name has a nice ring to it, so I'll volunteer for tasting, Spriteh you get the apron on mate, Sipos you can supervise...
Dazman - Zoraï Defensive Mage / Forager
Kalzakath - Fyros Melee / New Refugee
Arispotle Shard - European English Community
Kalzakath - Fyros Melee / New Refugee
Arispotle Shard - European English Community