Time for action..
Guild Name : Project Hope
Guild Leader : Laili
Guild Motto : Hug a Yubo
GH Location : Fairhaven
What will happen:
A) Anyone wishing to donate, get in touch useing your alt. You will be invited, you will then be able to place donations directly into the guild house.
B) On saturday the 15th at 12:00 GMT - 15:00 GMT all cats will be distributed to all guilds that have signed up from the Fiarhaven stables. Then again every saturday after
Condtitions for signing up :
A)Guild cannot have owned an OP within the last ~14 days.
B)If a guild declares on an outpost for what ever reason, it will not receive OP produce that week. Participation in OP wars is ok
(this is a compromise with regards to comments earlier in this thread, and fairly simple)
C)Faction does not matter. Other activities do not matter. We are non-biased
Conditions for donations :
When you place anything into the Guilds Guild House, press Shift + G
Go to the latest "Donations dd/mm/yy" thread simply state how many stacks of each quality your are placing and/or OP mats.
OP Mats
2x Q200 Maga Duk
Donations cannot be made with "strings attached". Anyone attempting to do so will find an IG mail advising to collect their cats at the same time as usual collections by guilds. Otherwise they will be destroyed.
Q50 Cats are accepted (though will be destroyed if there are too many)
They will not be distributed in the same manner, but rather on request.
This is not fixed and 100% unchangeable - its is merely a starting point.How Distribution will be done fairly:
Each Guild is to supply their current active player base. Active counts as more than once a month.
a simple head count will suffice - this is a matter of trust, please dont abuse it.
Each QL of cats will be counted in total on the saturday morning.
calculation as follows:
total cats at Q / total head count x guild head count = share of cats at Q for guild
OP mats will be handed out on rotation.
Anyone wishing to help Distribute on Saturdays, Please send an IG mail from your Main to laili. only laili will know the identities of helpers alts.
There is currently 1 position open for a helper. Preferably a karavneer/neutral at this time.
Im about 7.4 million dappers short of a GH...