What i said heavyn was that my particular battle was not against the karavan in general.. it was against the kara guilds occupying Sacred Zorai / kami lands..
Therfore the 2 sides are not Karavan and Kami they are those who believe that they should not be there and those that belive they should.
Thus it is a battle of ideals..
Kami / Karavanism is like a religion... not a nation.. there are extreme factions within a religions that do not agree with one another and thus go on to fight one another..
Your example of the war in iraq would be more accurate if you perhaps used the example of a muslim member of the american / allied forces...
Things are indeed very rarely black and white.
We can go two ways here, I'll pick one for now..
Brought up one point...'sacred Kami lands' (IC) I'm not Kami, I could care less.(OOC) When you say it's a battle of ideals, then you need to see that what your really talking about is a battle of Civilizations..you said it yourself...Zorai/Fryos/Matis/Lakes.
Oh, and two questions here I'd like ANYONE to answer relating to 'the battle of ideals' and keeping OPs to their native lands.
1) At what point did PF EVER get labeled a Matis guild....we are <50% matis, just so you know. So can our Zorai members occupy Zo-Kian?
2) Someone pleeease tell me when and where, or either, that a "Kami" guild has come to defend an OP in Matis from an attack by a Kami guild...so your statement about 'ideals' is relative only to you. Borello Gorge has been attacked 6 times since OPs came out, I've never seen one person that I would call a friend and a Kami there to defend us. But I still had fun.
things are very rarely black and white, but I do look at both pages