hans1976 wrote:Yesterday we were with a larger team fighting in Resting Waters. Affliction turned out to be really usefull.
- Madness on everything, faster kills
- Fear that add, especially kinchers. But beware no tank already is attacking, can get messy...
- Stun the zerx, very easy hitting for the tanks.
I was using a 97/97 amp, now that is awesome. Very easy hits and strong links!
Agreed, I've been using afflictions for a long while. There must be a few posts with my thoughts about them in the archives, but I do think they are very useful, although a bit more interactivity and variation (specially in defensive affliction) would be welcome. My thoughts:
- Mobs have really, really differnt resists (even immune) to afflictions
* madness on cuttlers, kinchers, jugulas
* stun on frahars, ocyx, jugulas, a bit less on cuts
* fear on kinchers, jugulas (easy!
* root on cuttlers, yelks, etc.
- I wish sleep could be used to loose/avoid aggro, as a sneaking spell. sleeping a mob would give you a few seconds to go past it
- Afflictions like stun or blind do help melees hit more /ยง more often / for more damage. Reduces stress from healers and reduced the yo-yo effect
- Amplifier bonuses make a difference, and specially if you can use 100/100 power and speed ones, provdied that you aim to relatively easy mobs, withing a few lvels difference (not +50)
- I have done quite a few few tests and I really can't conclude that adding concetration helps. Until I see some kind of formal study I still think taht it is only interrupt-wise. A few friends say that it decreases interrupt chance by increasing your effective level (similarly to acc attack) and thus it does have an impact on landing/link mantaining. I sitll don't know.
and last, but not least
- they are cool to use, beautiful effects, add a little variation and can be used to fear and stun infinity members when fighting on the supernodes