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Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:48 am
by basicart
If you think you want to be left alone in a PvP zone then dont go flaming PvP threads it just paints a big fat target on ya

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:16 pm
by grimjim
basicart wrote:If you think you want to be left alone in a PvP zone then dont go flaming PvP threads it just paints a big fat target on ya
I think all anyone really wants is even a hint of understanding from the pro lobby as to why what's going on is bad and detrimental, how they're the only ones that can force the playstyle they like onto others and some sort of move towards a compromise or acknowledgement.

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:18 pm
by asaseth
Lien Chang,


what are the kanji characters? And how did you get the hiragana and kanji into 'cut and paste' form?


Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:37 pm
by asaseth
grimjim wrote: I think all anyone really wants is even a hint of understanding from the pro lobby as to why what's going on is bad and detrimental
Grim, I atleast, understand why and how what's going on is bad and detrimental, but you seem, at least to me, to persist in thinking that this PvP is a gank fest. After talking it out with Bri, with a fiew exceptions due to one or two that can at times be considered problem players, the people that Infinity has droped have been implicitly asking for it, ie. dragging things on us, not once, but time and again, or dropping us, or causeing other forms of the grief that others accuse us for. Please note that nowhere under that 'grief' is listed 'being in a PvP zone' So, what you are talking about is bad and detrimental, but what you are talking about and what I am talking about are two different critters.
grimjim wrote:how they're the only ones that can force the playstyle they like onto others
That is not true. Non-RPers can also force their playstyle, or rather, deny others the playstyle that they want. Only, instead of magicaly or physicaly ganking, they verbaly gank, by purposly going into a piece of RP, and talking incessantly OOC, and not in region, where you can ignore it, but in around, or shouting, where you can't ignore it. Just look at any of the 'kittin morssel' events, and you will find them in abundance.
grimjim wrote:some sort of move towards a compromise or acknowledgement.
You have had you acknowledgements in spades, in this topic and others. As far as a compermise, what do you propose? Other than 'don't' I haven't seen much of anything in that direction from non-PvPers.


Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:07 pm
by grimjim
asaseth wrote:Grim, I atleast, understand why and how what's going on is bad and detrimental, but you seem, at least to me, to persist in thinking that this PvP is a gank fest.
I've heard a lot of talk here about how it isn't just a gankfest, but nothing in game or reported from in game to support that contention.

It IS entirely possible that the massively negative image of the pro-PvP guilds is down to a few problem children acting without the knowledge of the others in their guild but it stretches credibility to believe that this is the case in the face of so much upset, annoyance and out of hand killing going on.

I am not entirely against PvP but I want it to be supported by the lore or by the roleplay. I want it to make sense within the context of the game and our experience of it. Seemingly random attacks on foragers or others, relatively defenseless while digging, regardless of faction, race or alliance do not meet that very basic request.

It seems that the majority of PvPers are not doing it in any sort of context but just for the 'challenge' of wiping out an unprepared person trying to scrounge up a few materials. I don't see the reward in killfests of outmatched and unprepared people, but that's just me.

The other majorly negative parts are the crowing and smack-talking and the constant spamming with duel requests that goes on sometimes and there seems to be a total lack of acceptance that other people don't necessarily want to play that way and get nothing from it.

I/We can respect your wish to engage in player on player combat. Bully for you. Just don't bring it here outside of events and lore content, thanks very much.
asaseth wrote:That is not true. Non-RPers can also force their playstyle, or rather, deny others the playstyle that they want. Only, instead of magicaly or physicaly ganking, they verbaly gank, by purposly going into a piece of RP, and talking incessantly OOC, and not in region, where you can ignore it, but in around, or shouting, where you can't ignore it. Just look at any of the 'kittin morssel' events, and you will find them in abundance.
If someone is being verbally problematic during an event there is always the capacity to ignore them, either with a command or by simply ignoring them. You can't so easily ignore being blasted or attacked. It is possible to ignore comments, not being attacked.
asaseth wrote:You have had you acknowledgements in spades, in this topic and others. As far as a compermise, what do you propose? Other than 'don't' I haven't seen much of anything in that direction from non-PvPers.
No, there haven't been any acknowledgements that its a problem or any understanding how there can be objection even within an ostensibly 'open' PvP zone.

My ideal would be no PvP at all (outside of duels and designated arenas). PvP would only occur for set goals that promoted the story or in contested ground between factions, with, perhaps, an option for a neutral (completely non participatory in faction conflict) or bandit (outside of faction, attackable by anyone) options.

As things stand, until we get some sort of PvP flag I would _request_ the following from the pro PvP people.

1 - Only PvP with other people who enjoy PvP if you can at ALL help it.
2 - Otherwise please try to fit your actions within the RP and lore of the game. Attack people only from the opposing faction to yourself OR declare yourself bandits, make sure everyone knows it, acknowledge it, attack anyone and everyone and accept some IC censure.

I find PvP to be a completely pointless waste of time and the least engaging, involving or exciting part of the game at present. You can tell almost immediately how a fight is going to turn out and, as a melee expert (200+) my role is limited and underpowered, not even seeming able to disrupt castings by magi arond the same level as me. Team fights basically last until a healer presses the wrong button or one side gets bored or loses focus. Very little tactics, very little interest. Well done, you levelled more than me and in elemental, wheeeeeee.

If its fun for you, cool, it isn't for me. I keep trying, trying to get where the fun of it is and without a lot of dressing up and context it just seems like a pointless excercise to me. Give me a proper goal, fit it into the gameworld and it comes alive. Otherwise, its like Top Trumps, with levels.

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:14 pm
by dazman76
fateress wrote:Google is awesome isn't it?

Indeed, those who seek knowledge should be burned and tortured, we all really want to be ignorant don't we? And bitter too I guess.

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:36 pm
by kratos84
asaseth wrote:Grim, I atleast, understand why and how what's going on is bad and detrimental, but you seem, at least to me, to persist in thinking that this PvP is a gank fest. After talking it out with Bri, with a fiew exceptions due to one or two that can at times be considered problem players, the people that Infinity has droped have been implicitly asking for it, ie. dragging things on us, not once, but time and again, or dropping us, or causeing other forms of the grief that others accuse us for. Please note that nowhere under that 'grief' is listed 'being in a PvP zone' So, what you are talking about is bad and detrimental, but what you are talking about and what I am talking about are two different critters.
If that's what you were told, quite simply put, you have been told a lie. People of way different alignments and play styles have been attacked by your guild while digging. If you have read your guild's official stance, any digger that happens to be on a node your guild wants is to be killed, and your trustworthy ally has kindly stated that anyone who is against PvP on the forum 'is painting a fat target' on himself. Surely you don't suppose the people who dig nodes you want and those against PvP all happen to be griefers or mob draggers?

As for compromise, it has been put forward times and again: those guilds that have expressed their love in unrestricted, non-faction based PvP can simply confront each other and leave others alone. So far I have seen two guilds taking this stance.

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 2:48 pm
by caitiff
kratos84 wrote:If that's what you were told, quite simply put, you have been told a lie. People of way different alignments and play styles have been attacked by your guild while digging. If you have read your guild's official stance, any digger that happens to be on a node your guild wants is to be killed, and your trustworthy ally has kindly stated that anyone who is against PvP on the forum 'is painting a fat target' on himself. Surely you don't suppose the people who dig nodes you want and those against PvP all happen to be griefers or mob draggers?
try reading this other thread, it appears you have passed over it somehow,

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 2:51 pm
by caitiff
grimjim wrote:I am not entirely against PvP but I want it to be supported by the lore or by the roleplay. I want it to make sense within the context of the game and our experience of it. Seemingly random attacks on foragers or others, relatively defenseless while digging, regardless of faction, race or alliance do not meet that very basic request.
Why can't you make it into a RP thing? So what if your attackers dont. You are the one PRETENDING everything that goes on in your game play. How come you can't RP your deaths? Or do you only know how to RP when you are not being killed by other homins. I don't understand why one can't RP a fight just because the other side isnt. Doesnt make sense to me... but then again maybe I am missing something here.

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 2:54 pm
by caitiff
norvic wrote:Although it has been discussed and proved many times already that the majority of the playerbase in this game are against fully open PvP I would,nt want anyone to be denied a voice but just hope the Noisy minority would put a little more thought into their posts if they must drag this topic on.
Yes this is true, but isnt it true that most of the game is not open pvp as well? I don't see a whole lot of areas open pvp. Seems like the non-pvps have gotten more land of their gameplay style, so why should so many people complain about the little bit of land that is pvp? People keep mentioning how the pvpers need to compromise when the non-pvpers are the ones who need to learn. It is not like the pvpers have the whole world open to pvp yet people complain about the tiny piece available.