News: Patch One & Patch Two

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Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two

Post by lucasd »

I dont know why people are complaining about the racial divergance. I mean, its pretty standard in every other RPG, only odd thing about it here is its being implemented after the launch, but even so, its not a big deal. In FFXI ive seen galka blm and taru mnks. I like the idea, it makes choosing your race more than just an aesthetic choice.

Additional points: I think harvesting is rather balanced as far as mats you can pull. At 150 i can pull 8-10 items a pull easy, at higher levels i expect to be able to pull more. True you cant pull 20 at level 10, but if you could, why would you level harvesting more? You also gotta understand, if it took 3 items to make a staff, than for an uber staff, you would only need 3 good mats. Having it take 20 makes it much more difficult to create a high-end item. As for it taking for harvesters to supply one crafter, thats relative to the quality of items people want. If you want to supply a guild of several people with uber items, it shouldnt be a 1 hour thing, it should take time. The lining issue i have not found on Zorai at all, nor an equivalent problem for any other items. Some specific mats are harder to find, like high quality big shells for instance, but again, it should take some effort. My advice would be to get the lining prospection and try to track lining in several different spots. Some locations will have alot of a mat available where some seem to deplete in a few pulls consistantly, so if its taking you 12 hours to get enough for one set, maybe you need to find bigger sources.
As for tracking, it is helpful to know the location of a potential source, even if it is one above you're level or that is currently depleted. A directional meter would make tracking far to easy, you'd be able to walk right to a source. As it is, it will eventually get you within 1 meter and from there you should be able to find it relatively quick. This also increases the importance of the +range and angle stanzas.
Mektoubs are essentially mobile banks and with 3 of them you can store quite a bit of stuff. Between that and an apartment you can store alot of stuff, no game I have played offers unlimited storage.
Offtopic from the original post but the one bug I would like to see fixed is the death penalty bug. Getting 2x or 3x the death penalty you should is ridiculous, especially at higher levels.
Also, it is fairly irritating that when you die when leveling magic or another skill, if another skill is alot higher the only way you can make up that penalty is to use that skill. My PR forage is alot higher than anything else so everytime I die, i have to go to the PR, otherwise it takes 10x as long to regain my DP. Must be absolutely awful for people with crafting alot higher than anything else... I would suggest not dying.
Decay should be adjusted as well IMO, stuff seems to decay ridiculously fast.
Last edited by lucasd on Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two

Post by Cilar »

a little update on the patch 1's ETA please ? :o
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Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two

Post by takhion »

I've got no problem with the changes to make races different.
I've got a problem with UNSPECIFIED changes.

Its the not knowing that is making me feel like whatever I'm doing now in the same is likely to become useless in the near future.

Murphy's law.. whatever can go wrong will.

O.. I chose to focus on ranged for my crafting.. is it not likely that they will change my race so that ranged weapons are favored by some other race besides mine? If that happened all new avatars for my race would stop focusing on ranged weapons.

That might happen... might not.
Nevrax certainly haven't given any specifics on what they are going to do, only that they are going to do... something? I hate uncertainty.
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Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two

Post by bwall757 »

vguerin wrote:Region should be removed (especially in Matis) and replaced with an "Open Chat" which can be disabled. A Player Help channel (that can be modded and chatters removed from) for player to player help. A "Role Playing" channel (again, needs to be a way to keep the same folks that made region worthless in Matis from ruining this). Lastly a LFG/LFT (looking for group/team) channel specifically designed for folks looking for someone to team up with.

Other than "Player Help" all channels should be able to be removed or disabled, anyone may have the answer to help someone else so that should be there IMHO.

Lastly, there must be moderation or a method to mute the part of the population that thinks $.50 USD a day allows them to do what they want. You can make channels all you like, but folks wont be happy until they can use them as intended.

Ultimate Harvesting Guide
I could be wrong, cause region chat is pretty cool where I am, but isn't there an ignore feature in the contact window - right under friends. Can't you add annoying people to your ignore list and then... ignore them? I haven't tried it, but i assume it works on all channels and not just tells.
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Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two

Post by mtsfelix »

It doesn't, they keep right on chatting.
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Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two

Post by alystra »

My ignore works just fine, or you could just go to around or guild chat only and not have to listen to any of it. :)
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Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two

Post by ariaki »

When will the decay rates be fixed ?????

When a set of qu 110 armor lasts less then one night playing the game is broken.

We are having to hunt necked as it is now.
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Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two

Post by endgrent »

Whoops, ignore this.
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Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two

Post by rushin »

morgan73 wrote:There is one thing that hasn't been mentioned at all, but I would very much like to see. A way to block ALL /tells, as when one needs some alone time, doesn't want to answer 80 questions, can't afford to have a new window pop open dead center of the screen every time someone new sends one, or just plain does not want to talk, there is no way to stop it.

Sure, there is the 'enemies' listing, but I for one don't really see it being remotely feasable to enter every single name just so that one might have some quiet time for a few hours.

So.... can we *please* (pretty, pretty please!) have something that we are able to turn off and on as an entire unit, to prevent any and all /tell messages? :(
well seeing as u bumped this one from beyond the grave, still waiting for this :D
rushin ~ asleep
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Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two

Post by desertt »

rushin wrote:well seeing as u bumped this one from beyond the grave, still waiting for this :D
old very old topic why get it up its no use
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