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Re: Combat problems

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:37 pm
by varna
The way i see it is not every skill you can learn is going to be immediately useful or ever useful at that level. You buy better versions of those skills as your level progresses. Also there are small variations to skills that make people different eg ID after dodge, ID after parry and standard ID. Then there are the skills that can be used with blunt weapons, slashing etc, then the accurate attacks for various different creatures and so on. These are all the ones i can see when i go to the trainer and i'm only lvl 45 fight. If you want to be an individual character then specailise in one of these areas.

Things like ID after parry and dodge make a huge difference to your character - all the equipment you use when fighting needs to be made with better modifiers in that area - i spent a whole night trying to forage the best mats for my light armour so the dodge modifier was as high as i could get it (which i really enjoyed btw - it shows how much depth there is in the game that i had to get mats from 3 different town areas to make the armour i wanted). Already there is a little bit of specialisation because i could give my armour to someone who parrys but it won't be nearly as effective as if i used it. Mobs as far as i can tell are more susceptible to different types of weapon eg slashing, piercing etc. I could give you more examples of a little bit of specialisation at lower levels but there isn't much point as i think at higher levels the difference will be much more noticeable.

If you want your character to be different then pick the skills that no one else is picking. You might surprise yourself and realise that x skill at a higher level than most people will have bothered with is actually really good for you. Or combined with skill y makes a fantastic difference. The options are there, its not the game's fault if everyone chooses the same options.

Re: Combat problems

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:24 pm
by tonycow
Decided to let my nephew have a go playing Ryzom on my account, hes played many mmorpgs as well, after some frustrating events starting as a new player and seeing the same limitations as me hes not too impressed with Ryzom either - he termed it as a very pretty but basic game.

Many players comment on the fact that I should wait and more content will come soon along with more skills and the game will grow - guess what, thats said about most new mmorpgs, but still some contain more content than others when released. As I see Ryzom right now its another take on some of Horizons ideas and is probably destined for the same future.

When a new FPS is released, for example half life 2, the new features are already there - why ? to be better than the competition, in the world of mmorpgs we are paying for unfinished games most of the time and hoping the content we want will be released over time - maybe its time these companies took a step back and released FINISHED products. I, and I am sure many others are sick to pay for beta releases of titles. Ryzoms is one of those titles with LESS content at release than many.

The current content of Ryzom is poor - its an immersive world graphics and design-wise, with some very basic and repetetive tasks, add to this no quests at release and some poorly implemented harvesting (read some of the other threads on rants about the upcoming dev changes and poor pulling of mats meaning bad supply for crafters) and fairly basic combat. Some problems look like they should have been fixed during the beta stages (the item decay problems which players are moaning about really shouldn't have made it into the final game).

Ryzom may well improve given time but tbh theres not enough there now of interest to keep me playing. I also feel cheated of the money I paid to buy this game - I did try to get into beta with no success, maybe if I had I would not have bothered to buy it.

This will be my final post on the boards - I am off to find a game with more to do - might even return to one of my many previous games :)

To those of you who do stay I do hope the game does well and the content does get added, it would be a shame for this game to go to waste, but in light of stiff competition from eq2, wow, wish, guild wars, tabula rasa, etc ,etc (some of which I like the look of, others I don't - blech to any SOE release) if the Ryzom developers dont release more details of their upcoming plans and pull their fingers out to get more content in pretty sharpish then this game is doomed to fail :(

Bye to all, Im off to click that big cancel button and go do something more rewarding :)

Re: Combat problems

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:34 pm
by aneuvotf
I really do have faith in this game...

I joined last night after having a problem with my account information i decided to give the 'Ryzom Chat' a go. I joined and asked for help and instantly given assistance.

There are many other MMORPG's out there but none offer such great community assistance like Ryzom.

Afterwards i started playing the GM's that i were talking to on the 'Chat' were in game and i must admit, i had a GREAT time with them.

Phaedrea - my twin - is a great gal and i want her mage-staff... but she wouldnt give it to me... we were chatting for quite some time and she taught me so much with the interface... how do dance, greeting people and so on.

Then along came Affy... higher level than me, who was a friend of Phae's, i decided to ask Affy for a duel and we were running around like head-less chickens trying to kill eachother, me using root now and again to make sure i wasnt hit, which did happen eventually... hehehe

Now my point is, the GM's believe in this game, and they believe in the community. There is no other game out there that provides this interaction and first hand 1on1 chat with GM's.

The game will get better, i know it will, in leaps and bounds and you will be coming back, believe me.

Kind Regards
Vengance Of The Fallen - Leader

Re: Combat problems

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:40 pm
by ozric
tonycow wrote:... seeing as Ozric doesnt actually post any helpful advice but continues to say an option is there and I am not thinking hard enough
Well, I wasnt going to post more, mainly because we were just repeating the same things over and over, but 1 more comment and im done.
Perhaps you were expecting the easy option of me just telling you exactly how to do this, rather than give you some food for thought from which you could have worked out a solution yourself, and which would have surely been more rewarding ? I did try to drop a few clues and one of my remarks, taken a further step of development, may have lead you to a solution, and its one that is available to everyone regardless of what their main discipline is. In fact, a method has already been posted elsewhere on these forums (variations on it are also possible). Sorry to see you leave the game, but as you say, maybe it just wasnt for you.

Re: Combat problems

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:31 pm
by mostevil