Re: Results of Linux Contest and Mektoubs Races
Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:55 pm
A) i like for the devs to be more active and talk to the playerbase a wholeajsuk wrote:This might shock you all, but lets look at the positives! (Yes, that's right, I said positives!)
a) It seems our complaints have actually provoked a response from the real sleeping dragons(the devs) which as we know is no mean feat, and may potentially result in the CSR team being allowed to do their job.
b) This forum is now looking more lively than it's been since... umm, errr... well a bloody long time ago!
and c) at the very least it's keeping some tools busy harassing people out here instead of in game. (for a bit anyway)
lot more, so for that i give you kudos
B) I said the same on the game just last night if we could only get more
action and content to keep us in game instead of the forums
C) You keep throwing verbal insults on this Forums and nobody says
anything so i will do the same from now on.
Cry More Noob
whining and crying = Karavan pvp
i got more if you want to keep going