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Re: The game was ruined by community

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:46 pm
by fiach
camlost2 wrote:If beating each other with sticks and stones isn't PvP then I surely fail to grasp what PvP is. Care to enlighten us?
Because in the scenario you suggest Beren, the OP wont be won or lost making the PvP pointless and the same people will still keep holding the ops forever and ever and ever.

Re: The game was ruined by community

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:49 pm
by camlost2
fiach wrote:Because in the scenario you suggest Beren, the OP wont be won or lost making the PvP pointless and the same people will still keep holding the ops forever and ever and ever.
You misunderstand me. The better wielder of the sticks and stones win get the OP :)

Either way, attemp #1 at ressurrecting PvP has been executed. Stay tuned for more happiness.

Re: The game was ruined by community

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:54 pm
by fiach
Ah, cool, I thought you meant like the friendly OP's a couple of kami guilds used to have vs each other, thanks for the heads up :)

Re: The game was ruined by community

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:18 pm
by michielb
loosing track of the original question here so how about we make a new thread about what is wrong about OP's and let this one drop out of sight before the question becomes a definate "Yes"...

Just to be clear: No, the community did not ruin the game though certain (design) decisions did hurt the community. (as mentioned earlier in this thread...)

Re: The game was ruined by community

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:53 am
by totnkopf
akovylin wrote:IMHO, started playing in the middle on GameForge era and think the game was ruined by community that refused the only high end content existed in game - op wars.

Just curious with opinions....
Not sure what you mean by everyone refused the OPs. I was playing when they were released and they were pretty widely accepted (by most... some decried the PvP aspect). There were battles and the balance between Kami and Kara was pretty even and it was all done in a good spirited way. Problem with the OPs was that there was nothing ever added to them, the faction with the most people started winning and all of a sudden the OP wars weren't as much fun (no one likes to show up and get crushed in battle). So there were some issues with in which the OPs were implemented, but they certainly weren't what killed this game...

I'm still of the mindset that this game is in beta... so can't really ruin a game that hasn't truly been released :p

Re: The game was ruined by community

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:05 am
by totnkopf
kay226 wrote:I started playing in 2005. Soon after that, Nevrax took the decision to start forcing the implementation of PvP in Ryzom. I was a starting noob back then so i didnt much care, but i do remember how angry the players were, the forums were ablaze and an exodus followed.
Whats left of the Ryzom community now has nothing to do with the community that i remember back then, completely different mentality, very PvP centered, thats not how this community was.
I might be wrong of course, but in my eyes the accent on PvP played an important role in the decline of this game.
I think Ryzom was originally not designed with PvP in mind ... rialnotes3 , battles in Ryzom were supposed to be lead against hordes of monster invaders, not against other homins.
When i first subscribed to Ryzom i was attracted by this ... rialnotes4 not by PvP.
According to the manual included in the original Ryzom box, there was no pvp involved in the outpost ownership.

Also when thinking about who or what ruined the game, consider this: a new player decides to give Ryzom a try. He comes, he looks, and he likes what he sees. He wants to play it and eventually bring his friends. He will want to make a guild right? Unfortunately new guilds in Ryzom have little chance of survival, new players are encouraged to join existing guilds, with no concern for the fact they might not fit in any of these guilds. So for our new player, its either join existing guild or quit and go try something else. Many of them will chose the latter.
So stop blaming everything on the lack of communication of the new owners, this game went down twice before they took over and you should be really naive to blame it on lack of communication.
Part of the problem with comparing 2005 to now is the total number of current players is vastly lower than what it was in 2005. Back then it was impossible to go to Dyron or Thesos and not see 15-20 names when doing a /who. Now you'd be lucky to break 5. The OP system was created with a large game population in mind so that OPs would be constantly switching hands. We don't have the numbers and so the OP system has become stale.
And before some one claims that OPs or PVP drove the people away, it didn't. The lack of development, endless bugs, unfinished aspects of the game and the multitude of other pve issues are much more likely suspects.

and on that note, I found this hilariously funny when reading those links you posted
David Cohen wrote:But players, understandably, don't want to have to wait ages for content; they don't want to be bored at any time the game and you as a developer don't want to be in a situation where your players are catching up with you too fast. So it's a balancing act between making sure players have enough content to keep them happy and making sure you have enough time to create it as well as working on new things like expansion packs.
we caught up a long long time ago...

Re: The game was ruined by community

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:34 am
by kaetemi