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Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:27 am
by raven58
Only if we have some new content and updates!

We as a family,(my two son's and i) have been paying for this game over the years.
Sad to say we have found the game stale and in need of fresh content but that said the Community in Ryzom is first class and is one of the main things that draw us back.This is just not enough anymore and with so many other online games online or on Xbox and PS3 Ryzom has got a big fight on its hands to win back old players and keep new ones the way the game is ...But i do wish this game all the best and am sure we as a family will return if the above ever happens.
Have a good day now!

Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:36 pm
by iceaxe68
meryan wrote:Sasi, I don't think that Ryzom will ever be a quest grinder. But it would be nice to see the rites, fame and lore play a bit more importance in the game.
Oh, please don't misunderstand, I would love to see the same things. I just dread the thought of the whole game being like the one example we have of Ryzom with a "quest" emphasis.... Silan.

The conversation in region runs like this:

Where do I find X?
Need team for mission Y.
What quest are you on? Oh, I did that one already.

The community culture and feel of the game is different, and in my opinion inferior, to what we have on the mainland.

To bring this back on topic (*wink at Boroshi*) the "Silanization" of the mainland would be the one thing I can imagine keeping me from re-subscribing. I agree that it is extremely unlikely given the words we have from the new overlords, and thus my vote in the "absolutely will resub" column.

Now let me be clear - Silan can be fun. From time to time I make a new alt and go spend some time there, partly to meet new people and help them get familiar with the game and try to help them set appropriate expectations for the real game, but also partly just because it is fun. I've done it different ways, to compare. I've blasted at max speed through the missions (the usual for players with experience in other MMOs), I've taken a leisurely stroll through a combination of missions and more freeform play, and I've gone hardcore and done no missions at all. What I've found is that when the culture and expectations revolve around mission running, it becomes a royal pain to play in other ways.

Soloing is, of course, just fine, but teaming becomes a neverending exercise in explaining that you are not doing any missions, don't want to do missions, and are therefore a weirdo and probably best avoided. ;) People are generally not interested in pursuing whatever goal you set for yourself, because it's distracting them from completing the mission chain they are working on. So the culture becomes a sort of assembly line in which the people you meet and know are the ones who started at about the same time and chased the same missions at about the same time. Everyone else is just a stranger in need of a rez. :p

All of this is just to say again what so many of us have said before (and I apologize for the redundancy), that we want to see new "content" and completion of things long promised, but we do not want to see the nature of the game and especially the nature of the community to change for the worse. We have something unique and valuable here. So any additions need to be considered carefully in that regard.

Those of you "old" enough can remember changes that didn't go over so well with the existing community, and I don't think the game can withstand such a shock at the moment.

Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:54 pm
by ariabel
Silan would be a much better representation of the game with independent missions (instead of chains) that build local Silan fame and complete local Silan rites. The rewards could be what is already given there, or maybe even a new crafting plan or two.

Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:21 pm
by sidusar
iceaxe68 wrote:the "Silanization" of the mainland would be the one thing I can imagine keeping me from re-subscribing.

Now I'll admit I didn't spent much time on Silan - I just couldn't stand seeing my beloved Ryzom deformed into the standard plain MMO model - but from what I saw, a new player arriving on Silan sees almost nothing there of what separates Ryzom from other MMOs. Apart from Ryzom's unusual sci-fantasy setting and stanza-system, Silan is pretty much exactly like every other MMO's starting island.

Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:24 pm
by beaut666
The main thing I want to see is a few more winks from the mystery side of Atys. I want to start going down a path towards solving what we are doing, why we are there.

I know there is plenty of lore, and plenty of places to get all sorts of answers, but I would love to see the next step more than anything.

I don't mean more content, or new areas. I want to see something like a mysterious band of outlaws is hanging around, live events surrounding that, invasions that take over towns so we need to take them back!

The game itself is fine, but I'm SO ready to start seeing the systems the game was made to show off start running!


Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:09 pm
by beaut666
I'm at LEAST giving them another month of cash. I mean, it's 15 bucks. That's less than a movie and popcorn.

Regardless of the fact that we've heard some of this chatter before, it is still the same in this situation: they need some cash to do some stuff.

So, LET'S get to WORK!! :)


Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:32 pm
by bgraz
beaut666 wrote:I'm at LEAST giving them another month of cash. I mean, it's 15 bucks. That's less than a movie and popcorn.

Regardless of the fact that we've heard some of this chatter before, it is still the same in this situation: they need some cash to do some stuff.

So, LET'S get to WORK!! :)

well at least when you spend the 15 bucks the theater has advertised what you will be watching, and if the popcorn is stale theres someone you can bring that fact up to who will fix that with some FRESH popcorn.

and much like a theater if we don't get told what movie we just paid to watch and the popcorn is stale we can always go to another theater that does comunicate with us as to what they have to offer for our hard earned money. Not that I'm knocking the game we love, but last time i thought about it, I don't pay to work...i spend my money so someone else can know like someone else spends money so I can work.

like I said, I'm not knocking the game or the guys who dedicated themselves to resurecting it, but before i spend my hard earned money on it i'd like the comfy feeling of a business plan from someone that can assure me that the game will have the basics such as a story line, events, and really a future.

I can always go spend 60 bucks on an xbox360 game that is still the same after 4 months with the only difference being i don't have to pay 15 more on the 5th month to keep doing the same thing over and over, on top of wondering if it will still be there next month.

All me and many other ask for is a simple business plan from the owners of the game and how they plan on executing said's not alot to ask for in exchange for our money.

Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:33 am
by beaut666
Oh, I agree with you, but it's not that deep for me. It's just 15 bucks. If after a month nothing happens, I'll know. A month is plenty of time to at least start seeing good communication.


Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:09 pm
by abizmal
2 Month ago, probably even the day Ryzom reopened I would have been happy to subscribe 4 accounts (Family Package :D )

SW's Policy of not having open dialog with the community and continuing silence, makes me unsure.

Have to see what they do over the next few months.


Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:32 pm
by fiach
15 bucks = 2 beers here, guess I can afford to hang on a wee bit :)