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Re: Clueless devs

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:25 pm
by kibsword
tetra wrote:psst... all exits from zorai pass through the prime roots.... upon exiting from the other side, you are greeted with about 50-80M of clear space so you aren't instantly killed... and a rather uniform wall of aggro beasties that I wouldn't want to have to deal with even if I suddenly had the nearly uninterruptable beta skills of a self healing 250/250/250/250 aoe vamp ubermage from beta.
Yeah but who cares about the overgrown smurfs anyway (roleplay racist vs Zorai :D )

But anyway as I rememeber from my ob1 days there are at least 3 (ok not the easiest in the world and I'm not sure what they are like now) ways to escape from Zorai, 2 of them are PR and one is the nexus as I remember. But I do know of some who even since the last increase of mobs have made it to zorai with some dp.

You could even attempt what us matis did and swarm your way through?

Re: Clueless devs

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:43 pm
by shrike
You remember incorrectly. ALL exists are prime roots - in order to get to nexus you have to cross PR areas.

Re: Clueless devs

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:08 am
by xenofur

Re: Clueless devs

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:45 am
by shrike
You can see this even more clearly using the big map ingame.

Re: Clueless devs

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 2:38 am
by cjhsb
The roots are irritating but doable - were ferrying people across all the time now it seems to hunt on the Beach.

If you want to complain, try crossing the beach; for 2 days now upto 15 of us all lvl 100+ have been trying to cross it; probably over 20 hours total.

The closest we got was today when 2 of us made it through but then died coming back to try to heal the group...and a tag-along guy ran through with us and made it at lvl 80 =P

Anyway, point is roots are pretty doable. I think theyre well balanced right now as a source for very good resources and theyre great for expeditions to get to other lands! =D

Re: Clueless devs

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:28 am
by kibsword
shrike wrote:You remember incorrectly. ALL exists are prime roots - in order to get to nexus you have to cross PR areas.
Yeah sorry I forgot about that one, the one that leads to the nexus was devoid of mobs ob1 :)

I don't exactly see the big need for travelling atm anyway, I mean I have tryker and hopefully soon Fyros spawns but I spend almost all my time at home in the forests of matis :)

Re: Clueless devs

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:41 am
by ethania
This might not be a objective opinion but what will happen when we gets mectoubs to ride on? Wouldn't we be able to outrun most of the things out there? I'm only saying, maybe its too early to oppose the devs. I think they'r working on this. As for the part were we got nothing to do; I realy hopes that we get our quest-system, the encyclopedia, soon!

Re: Clueless devs

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:39 am
by suka1
Mektoubs would help if we could use them to outrun stuff but I kinda guess it'll end up being 100k dapper lost with the DP gain as something whacks you or the mount.

Re: Clueless devs

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 11:41 am
by rugster
My compliaint here, isnt so much that the area is hard. i dont really care how hard it is, my complaint is that the hardness has been done by placing mobs at the entrances and exits in such a way that is pathetic. I dont mind the internal mobs, you have a chance (a small one) of dodging them, but to be forced to stand at the entrance for upwards of 20mins to an hour is just unacceptable.

I would'nt mind if the mobs had bigger aggro ranges, say 50m instead of the current 20-35m just so long as there were fewer of them and they patrolled a tighter line. I dont mind waiting a few minutes for them to cross back, so long as the area is passable.

It wont stop me going there, but also, it wont stop me complaining about the stupidity of the layout until its fixed. PR is like the Resin location in thesos, the entire resin location over the river by the spawn is covered with varinx and oyrx. Even if the numbers of people were there to pull them and kill them, the area would still be inaccesable for harvesting. It would take several full teams to do this.

All areas should have some kind of limited access and they should definately be crossable.

Re: Clueless devs

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 11:48 am
by rugster
weiseman wrote:exactly
You mean the 1st bridge, north of Lucenthead hurst, guarded by kinchers. Yep?
Now look at your map, near "canyon pass" ooh looky here, there's another bridge leading to Luncenthead hurst! And there's no aggro !
how do you think i got to thesos? fly? I know about the second bridge, i'm not talking about the passerbility of the second bridge, i am talking about the passerbility of the FIRST bridge. Got it?