Allright, I´ll step in now and admit that I have read this Mail, the site and was convinced the thing was pretty geniue and did pledge a bit of money.
After reading some of the posts here I´m not that sure anymore so let me sum up what we have here:
1. Negatives:
- A strange "whois" and an even stranger registration on some french e-mail
- A post from Souls that declares Xavier as a disgruntled ex-employer. Who is he to tell?
- sketchy details on "how they´ll do it". Technically and finacially.
- Some hysterical speculations on Data theft. No proof at all on that!!
2. the Positives:
- a serious looking attempt at helping the game we all love
- Names of people that have a reputation for contributing to Ryzom and are well known throughout the Community.
- No attempt at gathering any Account Data via said site, not even a "please send your money here."
Just asking for a pledge to send money IF they are succsessful:
For now, we do not accept money, to avoid reimbursing everyone if the project fails. However, you can make a donation pledge below. If we get enough donation pledges to convince the official presiding over liquidation process, we will contact you back by email to cash your donation.
So for me there is no risk involved. And even if so, I´d chalk it up to Lives-Experiences.
And yes, chances are rather slim, even without us going ballistic here.
To the suspected data theft:
- I´d be able to get your e-mail Addys in no time too. Most of you made them public anyway somewhere. So again no proof of data theft of any kind. Just using public information.
- Login´s were given to you to a site built by whoever is behind that, mind you but I´d be able to give all of you access to my sites as well and in the same way.
So, why don´t we all calm down and look where this takes us, or them?
As said in an earlier post, me and some friends have been discussing a simmilar attempt at letting Ryzom stay up, and we certainly had no scamming in mind. So why not give these guys the benefit of doubt?
I must say I find the blattand attempts at denouncement here rather disturbing.
What if they are for real? Even IF there were technical and finacial problems, it would be a great idea IMHO.
There are enough legal and illegal free-shards of other games out there that run rather smoothely, so why couldn´t this one?
I´ll for my self wait and see.
Nobody could force me to give money based on that Mail and site.