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Re: Naming Policy
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 3:24 pm
by putterix
kayak wrote:thats the whole point. i have met the charachters i mentioned in my post and find them to be some of the most respected and respectable homins in the game. i was trying to get across the point that people shoudl look past the names of charachters and judge on play style. i have met some great homins with silly names and some silly homins with great names.
think of the old saying: 'don't judge a book by it's cover'
agrees with sash
Re: Naming Policy
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:58 pm
by bluefve
LOL I think someone got derailed in this discussion. I believe the point which was trying to be made here isn't if someone doesn't like the name as if it doesn't conform to their taste, but also against the naming policy.
And Killgore, your new name *is* against the naming policy if you created it in memerance of another game's planet. I just reviewed the policy. Check #1, 10, and possibly 12.
But none the less, a name is a representation of who a person is. For example, if someone was called Kain Killer, someone aggressive and possibly a killer comes to mind -- no offense intended for any who's name that may be. There may be "guidelines" such as "never judge a book by its cover", but in today's world, first impressions are made on the first encounter -- especially in business. So, some parting words, choose your name wisely, as, as that is how you will be remembered for. ^_-
Re: Naming Policy
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:57 am
by rundll32
bluefve wrote: There may be "guidelines" such as "never judge a book by its cover", but in today's world, first impressions are made on the first encounter
And the worlds a worse place for it in my opinion...
Re: Naming Policy
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:19 pm
by rothimar
I think people should definitely think about their name before choosing to name their character "MonkeyDump" or some other attempt at humor. And while one should not judge a book by its cover, when the player chooses the cover, they are choosing how others will perceive them. They are choosing the first thing other people will see about them. You wouldn't head a resume with the title "I like cheese".
Three things get on my nerves regarding names...
1) Offensive names, or sexual references in a name. I am not a prude, but I do think that there is a time and place for everything, and who knows who's kid is playing?
2) Book/Movie character names being used in game. Shows a lack of originality, and leads to 500 people with different spellings of the same name.
3) Names which fall outside the genre of the game, such as "BobTheGuy". This is just goofy. I'd rather see someone running around with a name like Kunkagonagon than "PorkChop", it might be a bit weird... but at least it isn't a RL food.
While this might sound a little harsh to some, I don't mean it to be. I certainly wouldn't verbally assault someone because they have a rediculous name. It just irks me a bit.
Offensive names on the other hand... you can bet such would get reported.
Re: Naming Policy
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:33 pm
by jamela
Phew! I think I pass then
Relieved regards,
Uh huh!
Re: Naming Policy
Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:10 pm
by troll16
Well, I can understand people using names that don't measure up to other peoples veiws of what names should be.
After all when you create a character it's not much fun having every name you enter being rejected because it's been used already. I've been known to spend 30 minutes plus just trying to find a name that has not been used.
And who's to say what a name should be structured like. The sci-fi cartoon character from many years ago 'Joe90' seems a pretty daft name to me. The point is in the world of sci-fi there are no names that can't be used including poorly structured names.
Poorly structured names = names we do not easily relate to.
However, although any name should be permissible within the genre of sci-fi there is a problem with having 4 races on 1 planet as poorly structured names do help destroy the illusion of the world in which Rper's wish to Rp.
Only real way around this is to have a very large bank of names from which you choose a name for your character or the name is automatically created, thus keeping the names in the format of the world of Atys.
Re: Naming Policy
Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 11:48 pm
by katriell
troll16 wrote:After all when you create a character it's not much fun having every name you enter being rejected because it's been used already. I've been known to spend 30 minutes plus just trying to find a name that has not been used.
lol. The solution to that is using a name that no one else has thought of. I've almost never run into that problem, because I spend thirty minutes thinking up a good, original name.
The point is in the world of sci-fi there are no names that can't be used including poorly structured names.
cyberpunk sci-fi, that is true.
Re: Naming Policy
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:41 am
by rothimar
Part 10 of the naming policy indicates that "off-topic" names are not allowed...
Naming Policy wrote:10. You may not use names that come from another genre such as medieval fantasy or science fiction or from other media either fictional or non-fictional that makes them easily recognized (e.g.: Skywalker, Gandalf, Flintstones).
I would imagine after reading the policy, that names are supposed to be genre specific to preserve the "look & feel" of the game. It sort of ruins the "feel" of the game when someone runs by with a name like "CabbageBuns".
Full text of the naming policy can be found here:
Re: Naming Policy
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:46 am
by rundll32
I think the point being made is....define off topic.
Like has already been said, Joe90 doesnt exactly sound like a sci fi/fantasy name, but it is. Which means fred06 is equally viable lol
Re: Naming Policy
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:48 am
by katriell
rundll32 wrote:Like has already been said, Joe90 doesnt exactly sound like a sci fi/fantasy name, but it is. Which means fred06 is equally viable lol
That'd be a great name if it was injected with some imagination. Like "Jonendi."