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Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:38 pm
by akede
Wow, this discussion went all over the place. Not sure why there is such a focus on consentual issues. That wasn't the point of the post, so let me try it another way.
Does the community differentiate between RPK IC actions, ie, a lunatic, madman, serial killer, etc. and a griefer/ganker/jerk?
Rundll, you have yet to answer my question regardless if your sig is a joke.
I was told that you gank, so I want to know if you RP and if so what the story is. Not sure why that is so complicated.
Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:37 pm
by jamela
The reason for the focus on consent is that, since the Temple Wars, this has been the gankers' defense; as has been shouted in big letters in this thread. As Grim said back on page 1, "during the temple event there was no way to participate for non-pvpers"; there is the argument about the lack of consent.
Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:38 pm
by sumoman
akede wrote:
Rundll, you have yet to answer my question regardless if your sig is a joke.
well im pretty sure the answer 2 that would b yeah and no , he prob has killd a digger in each of the stated lands but im guessin he is only kiddin
and what does it matter, rundll is a push over

Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:52 pm
by akede
jamela wrote:The reason for the focus on consent is that, since the Temple Wars, this has been the gankers' defense; as has been shouted in big letters in this thread. As Grim said back on page 1, "during the temple event there was no way to participate for non-pvpers"; there is the argument about the lack of consent.
Thank you. Since I wasn't around back then, I didn't understand the significance of Grim's words.
I'm beginning to understand now. So I don't expect Rundll to respond as it would be an admission of guilt. I guess it'll be fairly easy now to identify the non RPing RPKs from this thread.
Thanks for edumacating me.

Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:57 pm
by sprite
Wow, this discussion went all over the place. Not sure why there is such a focus on consentual issues. That wasn't the point of the post, so let me try it another way.
It went down the old "consent" issue because it always gets thrown at any PvPer by certain people whatever the situation
Does the community differentiate between RPK IC actions, ie, a lunatic, madman, serial killer, etc. and a griefer/ganker/jerk?
As far as I know, no one on Atys currently RPs as a lunatic/madman/serial killer/whatever. Afaik, the only person who got close was on the old Windermeer server called Raynez - when I met him after the server merge he seemed to be consistent in his RPing a zealot, and yet still he was called a ganker/griefer/jerk by others who disagreed with him for whatever reasons.
I was told that you gank, so I want to know if you RP and if so what the story is. Not sure why that is so complicated.
Imo the word gank is far too overused in relation to PvPers in SoR (such as Rundll). Once when I was talking about this to someone who was a veteran of many MMOs, he said that it was a totally innaccurate term when used here - he had seen people in other games who would just walk up to some random person, kill them, rez them, kill them again, rince & repeat for no other reason than because they could.
That, he claimed, is what ganking is, not killing someone (who has consented to it) and then moving on. PvP in Ryzom always has a reason; be it preventing someone else getting the mats in PR, defending/taking an outpost, or building some temple. I would say that Rundll RPs as much as the average player of Ryzom - he is devoted to his cause (in this case, the Karavan) and being of a warrior pursuation, sees no problem in killing anyone who is participating in a PvP situation (thats where the consent thing comes in).
As far as I know, the sig started from a joke... to a large number of people, it seems self evident that his sig is a contradiction in terms - you cannot kill a "peaceful digger" unless they have consented to it in some way - therefore the joke.
Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:59 pm
by grimjim
sprite wrote:As far as I know, the sig started from a joke... to a large number of people, it seems self evident that his sig is a contradiction in terms - you cannot kill a "peaceful digger" unless they have consented to it in some way - therefore the joke.
Except of course that there's the wrangle over what constitutes consent and what doesn't, and that it isn't very funny, unless you're a PKer with a viewpoint at one extreme end of that spectrum of opinion.
Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:05 pm
by sumoman
grimjim wrote:Except of course that there's the wrangle over what constitutes consent and what doesn't, and that it isn't very funny, unless you're a PKer with a viewpoint at one extreme end of that spectrum of opinion.
well if he was able to kill them then it was the diggers own fault, they should hav known that there tag or being in a PvP zone was bad for them becos of the dig orange writing and the wee timer u get and if u managed not to see that then u aint got a chance in hell of being a gd player
And if gettin killd in PR is so hard just be smart about it and do a /who every few mins, keep ur compass on 125 and pay attention to it and occasionally check 250.
And if rundll has managed 2 kill so many folk that he has pissd u all off then ill take my hat off 2 him cos he deserves it
PS and grimjim can u please use smaller easier to understand words, im a little on the thick side and if u keep it up ill need a dictionary
Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:12 pm
by akede
Main Entry: gank
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to show disrespect for; to hurt another's feelings
Usage: slang
I'm also a veteran of many mmo's most of them being PvP games since 1999. His definition of gank is more like the term "grief". To gank is to show disrepect for your opponent by attacking them when they cannot defend themselves, ie spawn camping, afk, lagged out or in this game digging. Now, as I said before, the digger assumed risk and the risk is being attacked, but if Rundll or any other player attacks only because of consent and no rp rationale, then they gank.
That might be fine for the current community, but people are coming here from various backgrounds and if you played Asheron's Call on the Darktide server or Shadowbane, then you had the Random Player Killers and the Anti-RPKs. Some referred to them as Chaos and Honor killers respectively as they both killed for different reasons.
I'm not saying that an RPK is wrong. They pay to play and can act the way they want, but be accountable for your kills and if that damages your rep, so be it. An RPing mass murderer communicates his rep so has nothing to lose.
I just want to know the makeup of this community. The word is out that this community rocks, but if it's full of RPKs then people need to know that. It's billed as a RP friendly game and that means that there is RP even in the PKing. If it's not this way, then I'd like to know as well as others.
Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:18 pm
by sehracii
akede wrote:Now, as I said before, the digger assumed risk and the risk is being attacked, but if Rundll or any other player attacks only because of consent and no rp rationale, then they gank.
Is is it "random" player killing if only the enemy faction is targeted?
There are prime roots zones which enable all GvG, not FvF, and I can assure you Run doesn't kill Karavan (except maybe joking around with close friends)
So I would propose it is not random and is in fact backed by RP rationale of fighting a faction war.
Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:23 pm
by akede
sehracii wrote:Is is it "random" player killing if only the enemy faction is targeted?
There are prime roots zones which enable all GvG, not FvF, and I can assure you Run doesn't kill Karavan (except maybe joking around with close friends)
So I would propose it is not random and is in fact backed by RP rationale of fighting a faction war.
Now we are getting somewhere...
Does Run's guild KOS all Kami?