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Re: ATS: News from the Advanced Test Server

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 5:44 pm
by scarazi
difficult dillema

if points are given in respect to main avater skill level, non powerlevelers lose out
if they are given by the amount of people entering your scenario, guilds will powerlevel each other (time spent in there the same, people will just go afk in there)
if they are given in accordance with the rating given to your scenario there will still be bogus ratings so to powerlevel to new content (but not so much)

I agree not everything should be available at launch to everyone, maybee only 50-60%, gives a long term goal into using the ring more than once, aiming to make better each time.

I`d love to see a ring trainer where people can buy objects with points (and not necessarily ever have access to everything ever) people would specialise, be it invasions, building up towns and story/dialogue content, kami/karavan content. I know if i saw that i could buy a goo infected gibbai for example with 30rp (ring points :P ), i`d work hard to get those 30 points, so that my next scenario would be better than the last. 65rp for +50 words dialogue, 500rp for +20% more allowed objects, etc. Just gives an added goal imo

else at released we are gonna have 200 different scenarios that all contain the same goo infected kincher invasions with multiple kincher bosses attacking from all angles. Starting slightly more basic will give people experience using the tools, get feedback on their work, and build on it, improving each time, untill finally they will have access to the highest and most badass stuff and will have the experience to make it into a truely great scenario.

my two cents

Re: ATS: News from the Advanced Test Server

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:43 pm
by petej
Just make it available gradualy -

Day1 Start pack
Day14 First add ons
Day28 More Goodies

and so on

(Days only count if you use the Ring software)

That gives people a chance to get used to the basic stuff before being swamped/put-off by too many options and would help to hold their interest over a few weeks ,hopefully long enough for them to "get into it"

It would also be a good idea to with hold some stuff to only be given to those the Devs think are capable of making content Nevrax Hosts for free

Re: ATS: News from the Advanced Test Server

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:54 pm
by Xavier Antoviaque
apb47 wrote:it was mentioned earlier (I think) that we can't take anything out of the scenarios (to stop cheating). Does that mean your character stats/inventory is frozen until you leave? or will we take mats in, craft, then lose the crafted item when walking out again?
No, your character and inventory won't be frozen; if you take mats in a scenario, and craft with them during the scenario, you'll keep the crafted item when you'll come back from the adventure.

The limit would be in what you can gain directly in the scenario. Wether killing a Yubo will reward you with experience points or not is still undetermined; as mentioned on the French boards, we are investigating the possibility to only give "bonuses" in the Ring adventures, such as a buff or a quantity of XP catalysers to use on the continent to actually gain XP.


Re: ATS: News from the Advanced Test Server

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:27 pm
by geezas
Xavier Antoviaque wrote:... we are investigating the possibility to only give "bonuses" in the Ring adventures, such as a buff or a quantity of XP catalysers to use on the continent to actually gain XP.
That would be a nice reward for completing a scenario. (I suppose only official ones get this) makes things a bit more availible to everybody, wich is good. options are good, there are more way's of doing things = more fun.

The discussion on the french board, well I kinda let french slip by in classes, there where other things on my mind, there was this beautifull girl sitting close to me and I kinda had a crush on her so I never realy payed attention. I can say 'I love you' in french :p . Would it be possible to have some sort of translation done by nevrax to let the english reading people to get a more detailed picture of what it is that is being proposed ?

Re: ATS: News from the Advanced Test Server

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:17 pm
by Xavier Antoviaque
geezas wrote:Would it be possible to have some sort of translation done by nevrax to let the english reading people to get a more detailed picture of what it is that is being proposed ?
Check the homepage this evening. :)
