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Re: The Yrkanis Shielding Act

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:19 pm
by alibasil
hmmm this is starting to sound like a plot that has been designed purely to "keep the kami out" but it has been dressed up a little

Re: The Yrkanis Shielding Act

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:25 pm
by marct
alibasil wrote:hmmm this is starting to sound like a plot that has been designed purely to "keep the kami out" but it has been dressed up a little
Not so, all homins are welcomed.

Re: The Yrkanis Shielding Act

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:36 pm
by oldmess
kostika wrote:Please correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be easier if the karavan in Yrkanis put aware their own weapons and not show themselves ready for a fight than trying to make the Kami put theirs weapons away? After all if there is no target they have nothing to attack.
Your logic seems backwards to me. You seem to be saying that when we're in our home town, we should disarm and say/do nothing when declared enemies come fully armed.

I don't know how to be more straightforward about this: When I'm in my home, I can be in any state I like: armed, unarmed, clothed, nekkid, walking, running, dancing, drunk on stinga rum, whatever. It's my home. When a declared enemy comes to my home, they should show respect and come unarmed.

The clothing part we'll be more lenient on. :)

As I answered to someone else, my personal intention is to pay the same respect to the Kami towns when I go there.

Re: The Yrkanis Shielding Act

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:46 pm
by alibasil
*wonders how he became an enemy for showing that he believes in a religion different to those who reside in Yrk*

Re: The Yrkanis Shielding Act

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:11 pm
by iphdrunk
alibasil wrote:*wonders how he became an enemy for showing that he believes in a religion different to those who reside in Yrk*

The problem, dear Alibooma, is that not all homins agree that this sign that we proudly wear is just and only a sign of our religion, since its purpose, as given by the gods, is twofold: clearly state your religion and beliefs, but also on one hand accept the fact that you may be attacked and on the other hand warn others that you can attack and you may be hostile.

You cannot blame wary homins for taking a defensive approach, since your intentions are not clear, there is no common agreement that your yellow flag means only "I follow Ma'Duk".

I wish we, as homins, had more flexibility. One visible sign to show the rest of Atys our religion and beliefs and another more inclined towards Faction war. If your only purpose is to show that you are a Ma'Duk worshipper, and yet you mean no harm, I suggest you to make clear that you are a Kami champion, there is no confusion in its meaning.

Best wishes,

ooc: good point, but the PvP flag is the PvP flag, and although it can be used to dislay your faction allegiance, it's p purpose it's clearly PvP. For RP reasons the title Kami/Kara - for those who have it - seems more appropriate

Re: The Yrkanis Shielding Act

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:36 pm
by alibasil
I really really wish that i wasnt so nooby when everyone was getting their kami/karavan champion titles (i really had no idea what was going on). So I dont have the title now and the only way i can show my loyalty to the kami is with that little yellow tag.

Re: The Yrkanis Shielding Act

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:16 pm
by vguerin
alibasil wrote:*wonders how he became an enemy for showing that he believes in a religion different to those who reside in Yrk*
Serving your god does not make you an enemy unless it counteracts others serving theirs. The Matis did not vote to allow a Kami temple on our lands because we do not typically believe in that way of life. Raising a battle banner and following the Kami are not the same thing. We are not asking those following the Kami, Matis or otherwise, to not visit our grand cities. We are requiring that you do not enter our cities prepared for combat, if you are it is combat you will find.

Re: The Yrkanis Shielding Act

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:41 pm
by kostika
oldmess wrote:Your logic seems backwards to me. You seem to be saying that when we're in our home town, we should disarm and say/do nothing when declared enemies come fully armed.

I stand correted. Was jsut curious. Being of neither faction I am no threat to either faction. So my questions are merely me being curious.

Re: The Yrkanis Shielding Act

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:46 pm
by bgraz
vguerin wrote:Serving your god does not make you an enemy unless it counteracts others serving theirs. The Matis did not vote to allow a Kami temple on our lands because we do not typically believe in that way of life. Raising a battle banner and following the Kami are not the same thing. We are not asking those following the Kami, Matis or otherwise, to not visit our grand cities. We are requiring that you do not enter our cities prepared for combat, if you are it is combat you will find.
Now thats something that finally makes sense. And isn't that just a given?..thats what tags are for :) so really the point of this whole thread is, to me, nothing more than a dare for some homins to keep doing what they are doing. Do you think for a second that you saying a tagged kami in yrk is gonna be fried is gonna stop Kamis from going into yrk tagged :p ...seems to me you just egging em on and ensuring your hometown is a constant battleground...good thinking if you enjoy PvP but don't like to have to go far to find it ;)

Re: The Yrkanis Shielding Act

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:57 pm
by jamela
DoubleTap wrote:... our intention is to shield our townsfolk from further aggression ...
I feel safer already!

I have often found it very distressing to return home in good spirits only to see, through the smoke of battle, friends and comrades bleeding on the ground. Next to a steaming stable or stage! When there is a grand arena not two minutes jog from Yrkanis.

Imploring the city guard to "DO SOMETHING!" never made any difference. The only thing I could do to make a difference was to prepare myself, also. For the next time. And sadly this still did not allow me to help all those I would have liked to. If Yrkanis is once again made a city safe for its residents to go about their business, and for visitors to ply their own peaceable trades, who can complain?