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Re: grats :(

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:32 pm
by nillian
Kinda just wanted to bump the first post really. The whole game is still here, enjoy that if you really hate the whole new area. But think of it like this - they aren't turning it into a sole PvP game, they are just currently working on the PvP. I'm sure if they had X amount more staff, they could work on both the PvP implementations for those that do want it, AND the PvE / Digging / Crafting implementations for those that don't. Just give it some time, this game can only advance one stage at a time. Currently we're in the PvP advancement stage. When that's over, and coded, then I'm sure there will be more content for those who don't want to be involved in PvP. Don't get me wrong, I'm not into PvP. I've been to AD to help out and it's not really my thing. So I went back to digging and melee and healing. Just calm down a little :p

My two cents :)

Re: grats :(

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:57 am
by asyne
nillian wrote:The whole game is still here, enjoy that if you really hate the whole new area.
Nail on the head there Nillan. It really bothers me how few of those complaining about the PvP additions realise that nothing has been taken away.

Those who say Ryzom has become a PvP game: what has left? Nothing. These were only additions, everything you loved and praised before is still there, ready for you PvE enthusiasts to turn to. Even I still go back there to get levels in harvest, since the FvF Old Lands are not the best place to do that.

Those who say PvP is being given preference: would you have rather waited until Nevrax had PvP and PvE content so they could release them at the same time? I think not. You would have most assuredly been saying that they were slacking since there was no new content. You would have complained about the lack of current material, saying that Outposts had been in the ATS for long enough.

Those that say the forums are less responsible than the game for player negitivity: are you doing what you can to promote the parts of Ryzom that you still like? I for one LIKE the harvesting system. I LIKE the leveling system. I LIKE the interface layout. I LIKE the stanza system. I can talk about likes all day long, as I am sure you can. So why aren't you? Just because you don't like the FvF additions doesn't mean that you can't still say how great the other parts of Ryzom are. If you don't like the FvF, say that, not that Ryzom is bad. You must still like something in it, since all that you loved before is still there. So say that, and say it loud.

You who say that you want Ryzom to continue but speak of it's death: what do you want? Pick a side or clarify your message. Saying "Ryzom is a bad game now" kills everything, saying "FvF in Ryzom is bad now" makes that the part the will be looked badly upon. Don't make a 'Skull-Atys' avatar, make a 'Skull-Faction' or 'Skull-FvF' avatar. Or heck, a yellow ribbon, asking our warring homin to return to the peaceful ways of the earlier times would be a _much_ better message to be sending than a black ribbon hailing Ryzom's death.
borg9 wrote:...SoR is and soon will be a TOTAL PvP game
Show me. "TOTAL PvP" means to me that there will be no mobs, no bosses, no mob based mats. Do you think that Nevrax will throw away what attracted so many players, and is very much an integral part of the game?
blaah wrote:it's all Nevrax. we (players) have no saying where Ryzom is going aparently ;-( Look at the first quote on the list, the response to Grim's complaint. Then say that again with honesty.

Re: grats :(

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 1:33 am
by thebax
<snipped alot to save space, no dis-respect intended>
asyne wrote:
Those who say Ryzom has become a PvP game:.
Nothing has left, on the face of it. However, the stores are rather bare, because the crafters tend to be diggers as well, the favored targets of both sides (great reward no risk) and no-one wants to be killed with their own creations :p The absolute best part of Ryzom was always the community. That has left. Not just the people that quit, but its hard to be nice to someone who was just standing over your corpse shouting "rofl". and don't pretend that doesn't happen, it is commonplace, and becoming more so.

In any event, the statement that it has become a PvP game is correct, because that little wrinkle infuses everything, from who you will sell to, to who you will group with in a hunt. There are still some of us around who will rez you no matter what, if we can, but we are becoming rarer by the day.
asyne wrote: Those who say PvP is being given preference:.
It was given preference, there is no possible debate about that. Had they introduced non-PvP content, it would still have left a segment of the population unsatisfied, but a much smaller segment. More of the players would have had new toys, as even the PvPers would have benefited from new crafting plans, new regions, the ability to play music, even the worst of the worst, the hard-core ganker spends time doing other things. Non-PvPers do not spend any time PvPing.
asyne wrote: Those that say the forums are less responsible than the game for player negitivity:.
No. I recomended this game to quite a few friends before this latest idiocy. I would not do so now, as they are not as invested in it as I am, and, being my friends, they find the sort of behavior common in the post-FvF Atys deplorable. However, even though a small, teensy, and mininscule fraction of the people who have left may have done so because of the forums as opposed to the events in game, if someone is that easily disuaded, how likely is it they will get past level 50 craft, 100 harvest, or 150 anything else?
asyne wrote: You who say that you want Ryzom to continue but speak of it's death:
No real conflict there. Do we love the game that used to be? Yes. Do we see it's death (or at least the death of the game that was) in the near future? Also yes. Even if they manage to retain sufficient players to continue, how many are likely to stay? Consider the people who have a hard time when peace has broken out in the FvF zone. When was the last time one of them crafted you a piece of Q250 gear?

Baxter makes things. He would much rather create than destroy. If you have the mats, he will (and has for over a year now) craft the item for free. He tells you if the odds are against a successful craft, to let you make an informed decision. He returns any unused mats, unless the client insists they be kept. He is not alone in this, or at least similar, ethos.

Think of the people who truly enjoy PvP. Are they willing to invest the months of profound tedium necessary to craft at high level? Even if they do obtain some skill, how likely is it that someone willing, even eager, to kill the defenseless is going to behave with even a shred of honor when making something for you? Most know that the introduction of only a few Exe mats into gear composed primarily of fine, renders gear which reads "Excellent". ther are a large number of ways a dishonest crafter could profit from the innocent ignorance of his or her clients.

Like it or not, war does not bring out the best in people, nor does it bring out the best people. And the more there are of them, the fewer there are of us.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 3:21 pm
by meisvlk
Hi all.

I've tried several online games "too" (lineage, AO, SWG, eve online, everquest), and had a free trial character "too", Freeborn, and when i started the game, i had big hopes, "too". But compared to other games, this game is very booring. :( It would be cool, and all of his ideas are very good (if this game were what i thought about it, it would the best mmorpg ever!), but:

- very slow leveling, and to lvl up succesfully and quick, i have to learn harvesting, crafting, fighting, and magic is good, too.
- the same creatures, everywhere... :( so i fell all the time, that im weak, coz a simple yubo kills me, if its a strong one. And this is one of the biggest problem.
- no goals, exept the apartments, and mektoubs, but they are very-very expensive. They should make special clothes, or tatoos on the body, or furnitures.
- harvesting is mining, not harvesting (i thought i'll be skinning animals, fishing...).
- every player is the same: harvester, crafter, fighter. and the shops are terrible: nobody sells lining or clothing materials, because they need it for everything in crafting. The npc materials are very expensive. But its not forcing me to trade other players, because they need the same materials, so i dont get the point...
- every area i was with lvl 36 fighting and best armor i can wear (thx to Praha), was hard for me. There were creatures much weaker than me, and creatures much stronger. And when i finally be able to kill a human mob, his friends ran to me were killed me, even though they were miles away from there.
- armors, weapons, and levels have very little difference. So i hit a new lvl, or get a new armor, then nothing happens... the strong mobs still kills me, and i still have to hunt the weaks.

I wrote it down, because i hope one day the developers will realise that they have to solve these problems, and balancing the game, and makes more opportunity for players to do.

Re: grats :(

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 5:18 pm
by nillian
Fanboi alert !

I'm not sure how this will be received, but I think the difficulty of the game is one of the things that has really attracted me to it. I don't want to use the term carebear, as it has connotations towards non-PvP playstyles etc, but a lot of games I have played have simply been too easy. The game holds your hand and cleans your wounds, but Ryzom is unforgiving and requires a lot of care when travelling, a lot of attention when fighting (in some cases) and a lot of due dilligence basically. Plus the community kicks the proverbial backside. Soloing is incredibly difficult in th is game (though not impossible) and I think it suffers from the traditional nature of MMOs. E.G. in SWG, as soon as you got about halfway up the four trees in any melee skill, grab a set of composite and go and grind of Rancor lairs by yourself. Easy as pie. Makes me sick.

Arf, I'm shutting up now. This could go on forever. Sorry for the little hijack!

*dons flame-retardant Tryker MA*

Re: grats :(

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 5:55 pm
by xenofur
meisvlk wrote:lvl 36 fighting and best armor
a little hint: you're currently basically a blue 3 star rating and soloing is usually only practicable against creatures which are ~2 stars above you or less

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 9:56 pm
by meisvlk
If the game is hard, it would be not problem for me, but then i need somethig in exchange for it. Like new enemies, or interesting crafting, or unique skills. But grind the same weak enemies for weeks, to get the same mobs with 3 star instead of two...

But i see, this game is not for my kind. I didnt knew that there are players who enjoy just harvesting and hunting, instead of trading, RP-ing and bigger goals. Yes, i said RP-ing too, because without unique clothes, customable, and different mounts, good trading system, and different classes, i think very hard to RPing well. Im just a bit sad, coz this game could be very good...

But if there is a group of peoples, who likes this system, im happy that they found their "virtual world" (i mean for hobby, so its not offensive :) )... me not yet. (Well, SWG maybe...)

Re: grats :(

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 11:09 pm
by calel
Actually most of these things can be found in the game if you look for it in the right places.
It is easy to set a goal for oneself; for instance I am personally looking into all manner or armourcraft recipies (which is quite a few), gathering materials from all over Atys while in the meantime studying the different regions and perhaps some day reach mastery in all those fields. Not only in skill level but also in knowledge. (probably no chance I could accomplish all that soonish)

The trading and RP-ing can surely be found; I have been doing that from day one here and I sure ain' t the only one. It just requires you to take the first steps and get to know others that do so too. Some browsing on the Saga forums might shed some light on RP-happenings or on the people involved who have all been doing this for many months already without the props you describe but with some adaptation to the system and all they can make up themselves.
(for clothing for instance there' s a huge array of different pieces you can combine, each with a different look, but maybe at the expense of efficiency)

All these things (can) come from yourself, don' t be afraid to use some imagination.