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Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:10 am
by petej
Originaly posted by Sofia Oak
Question for PvP players, what is more important to You?

1. Ability attack anyone, even if the target does not wanna PvP.
2. Have PvP with people who wanna PvP?

Question for PvE players, what is more important to You?

1. Deny all PvP on same game You play.
2. Not allow PvP player attack You, without You consent.

I ask this because both answers as 1, will lead only one playing style server. As answer 2, allows both playing styles to be on same server.

I like it as it is now BOTH , theres regions of "Conflict" for PvP play and theres "Safe" regions for PvE play , I realy dont see that you must have only one or the other.

Outposts are the only thing that seem destined to only cater to one play style im hoping Nevrax will see the light and also include co-operative versions in PvE only regions and wont make the server Full PvP against the wishs of alot of the player base , diversity and meeting the needs of all players is the only way to make a truely "alive" and interesting world

Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:36 am
by defalgar
If my point had been made that response would never have been said.

I keep trying to approach the point from different angles with better explanations in the hope of getting through.
.<---------------------------------The point
Him ---------------------------------->.
euhm... or you are trying to impose your opinion on him??

sorry couldnt resist ill stop now

Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:03 am
by iphdrunk
Yaaaaaaaaaaaay another thread that turns into PvP metadiscussion :D

Fyyyyyrx, where you at? come look , come look!

ps: don't stop for me, I love reading forums :)

Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:44 am
by drizzeth
petej wrote:I like it as it is now BOTH , theres regions of "Conflict" for PvP play and theres "Safe" regions for PvE play , I realy dont see that you must have only one or the other.
Totally agree :)
petej wrote:theres regions of "Conflict" for PvP play and theres "Safe" regions for PvE play
People ignore the fact that any material found in pvp area can also be found in non-pvp area, they rather use it as an argument on how pvp is forced upon them.

Its a choice, do i face a Kitin Patrol or a way less hard to evade player?
If you can ditch the KP and choose easyer PVP ground then ofcourse its the ultimate powertool if you can blacklist those people so that you never have to go into a KP PR nor have to deal with PVP, in short you want to dig it up as easy as diggin on Kipee-Mull.

Supreme should be rare and thats why it is only in very limited amounts, thats also why its found on the most dangerous parts of Atys, its a balance mechanism, remove KP and PVP and Supreme mats are the industry standard.
We have had that time when everyone was running around with sup mats as standard, its no fun.

Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:47 am
by glynnj
Im a digger and i never had the problems i see everyone argueing about.
When i dig in the pr that is pvp i accept the risk.

Ive never been ganked (sofar), but ive been chased a bit.

The only experience i had was some (well known) pvpers ask me if i wanted to do a bit of pvp, i said i was in digging gear and my bag was nearly full and the spot had just turned exce. they said ok cool np.

Of course i churped up that i wouldnt mind playing "hunt the digger" if they wanted to (me being the digger). and we spent a hour or so running round. we all had a good laugh and then they nuked some mobs so i could get at a good spot id been trying at for ages.

Since then the same pvpers always ask, and if i say, sorry cant atm they leave me alone. Ive even been grouped and got rezzes off of them occasionally.

Maybe part of the problem is no give from either side? Maybe you pvpers could do with a bit less 'KOS whoever you are' and the diggers should consider occasionally putting down their gear and having a different kind of fun.

Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:53 am
by vutescu
sofiaoak wrote:Question for PvP players, what is more important to You?
1. Ability attack anyone, even if the target does not wanna PvP.
2. Have PvP with people who wanna PvP?

Question for PvE players, what is more important to You?
1. Deny all PvP on same game You play.
2. Not allow PvP player attack You, without You consent.

I ask this because both answers as 1, will lead only one playing style server. As answer 2, allows both playing styles to be on same server.
I'm a PvE so I'll answer at PvE question... with a little modification: Not allow PvP player attack Anyone, without their consent.

But "consent" can be kinda tricky. You are forced to give your consent when you enter in a PvP area, and that's not right. So no matter what bussines you have there, you HAVE to consent to PvP if you want to enter that land. That's a forced consent. Like "you want the rotten apple or nothing? Your choice." If I'm really hungry I chose the rotten apple, but I might get sick or even die if I eat it.

Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:56 am
by drizzeth
vutescu wrote: You are forced to give your consent when you enter in a PvP area, and that's not right. So no matter what bussines you have there, you HAVE to consent to PvP if you want to enter that land. That's a forced consent. Like "you want the rotten apple or nothing? Your choice." If I'm really hungry I chose the rotten apple, but I might get sick or even die if I eat it.
You do have the choice to dig supreme mat x in pvp ground or dig the same materials (including q250) in non-pvp ground, however theres the feared Kitin Patrol..

Nobody is forcing anyone by any mechanic into pvp areas, its a players choice of not wanting the Kitin Patroll

So you do have a choice, do you get the apple from a snake invested(KP) tree or do you go to the basket everyone is fighting for? (pvp)

Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:56 am
by hugedan
i dont understand why it cant be as simple as pvp zone u get killed pve zone u dont is that really that bad. i play both pve and pvp i think ppl need to grow a pair in instnaces in regards to pve players and the pure pvp players need to chill a bit

Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:06 pm
by sofiaoak
hugedan wrote:i dont understand why it cant be as simple as pvp zone u get killed pve zone u dont is that really that bad.
It's is allmost that simple, but there is this small but.. The problem isn't really about us players, but more how Nevrax has done the PvP zones. I can my self live with current way of PvP is done, but I do not agree how it is done. To undertand this requires to understand the different between consentual PvP and non-consentual PvP.

Consentual PvP, there is only PvP players doing PvP.
Non-consentual PvP there is victims.

So what we have in Ryzom?

We have consentual PvP, but still there is some small problems in it, why? Because Nevrax did put some non-PvP content in PvP zone. This means that PvE player has to deside, never go that zone or go there and pray that someone does not kill them there. Most important to understant is that this isn't PVP players fault, it's game designers fault. I'm agaist game systems what lures PvE players in PvP zone, because there in non-PvP related content. This cause PvE player to become victim for PvP players and unneccessary whining between players behavior. So my consern is why Development does this kind of decissions, when it can be so easyly avoid with using PvP flags. Why create problems what aren't neccessary.

Again, the problems aren't us the players, it's the game design. So basicly PvE and PvP players are "fighting" because badly done game design. Players did not do anyting wrong.

Hope this did make any sense to anyone?

Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:24 pm
by vutescu
It does. At least for me.
But like I said in countless posts, IF the players (read PvP fans here) would act more responsable, PvP won't be a problem.

Anyway, the PvE content exists in PvP areas especially for creating a conflict. At this moment, conflict is not that high to make players leave the game. As a matter of fact it attracts people. I can't deny that.
But is only a matter of time until "smart PvP" (based on lore and included in role play) would degenerate in a killing spree / gank / grief or whatever you like to call it.

I saw arguments like a PvE player is trying to impose his style of play to PvP players. Is not true. My PvE style of play does not hurt a PvP player in any way. But PvP style hurts other players that migh not want to play PvP. Do I hurt PvP because I don't want to get killed?