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Re: [DEV] Introduction to Episode 2

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:15 pm
by micrix
grimjim wrote:What is bad about someone asking for content is that the word 'content' in this context is largely ill defined and meaningless since it means wildly different things to different people.

Ask for specifics.
I think it is not about which content is announced. Its about that Dazman as developer probably writes more code a day then the game got patched in for months. From a specific point of view the [see topic] is offensive.

Re: [DEV] Introduction to Episode 2

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:19 pm
by kratos84
Just realized something scary: an unskinned low-poly model of nothing of particular interest or significance is never a good thing to be put on the front page... unless of course, it's the only thing that can be shown. Guess that's a clue to the release date estimate.

I would have just asked them when instead of guessing, but I figured if I did I would probably have just got more winks from Jessica or had someone tell me it couldn't be spoiled <.<

Re: [DEV] Introduction to Episode 2

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:24 pm
by mmatto
Whole article seemed to be list of replies to questions and worries that has been present on forums last months. Maybe whole article should have been presented as a FAQ list because there were not enough meat for an article.

Re: [DEV] Introduction to Episode 2

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:49 pm
by basicart
vguerin wrote:The message itself is not as scary as the fanboys that act like we are getting something tangible and swooning all over themselves... They may be the only ones left to make a statue of if things don't get added soon.

I am disgusted with the lack of progress in the nearly one year since release...
Aya me to, Im very disapointed with the speed the game is progressing at. Well alot of the year payers sub's will be up in november i think (that started game when releced) so lets see what they do to try and keep us here.

Re: [DEV] Introduction to Episode 2

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:53 pm
by toelke
UPS, i think the posts here are crystal clear.... any thoughts from Nevrax to these feedbacks? Hope to see an statement here.


Re: [DEV] Introduction to Episode 2

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:44 pm
by mrshad
basicart wrote:Aya me to, Im very disapointed with the speed the game is progressing at. Well alot of the year payers sub's will be up in november i think (that started game when releced) so lets see what they do to try and keep us here.

Coincidentally, November is when DnL is to be released.

The thread holding the sword is wearing thin.

Re: [DEV] Introduction to Episode 2

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:19 pm
by katriell
Christmas 2005 before any real updates?
So, to you, outposts are the ONLY "real" update? Outposts and only outposts, that's all that matters?

Re: [DEV] Introduction to Episode 2

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:20 pm
by Xavier Antoviaque
I don't like making comments that directly challenge Nevrax and what they are doing with Ryzom. But enough is enough. Over 4 months I've kept my subscription open, without even playing, in the hope that something new would come along.
As you can imagine, we are quite aware that our content delivery these last months hasn't matched your expectations. It hasn't matched ours either.

I would like to present you our apologizes, for having to go through this desert of content patches, created by the succeeding needs of a spring clean and an internal reorganization. It was a very difficult time for you and us, challeging everyone's mood, determination and even fun.

Two months ago approximately, this period ended. The majors parts of the spring clean and of the reorganisation were completed. Since this is over, the atmosphere has changed in the studio. We have been able to get back to what we really like: improving Ryzom itself, now that the main technical issues which were blocking us are solved (we still have to work on our tools, though, but this won't require drastic measures such as the spring clean). Jessica's arrival also made our processes smoother.

However, with the time distance between the actual coding of a feature and its arrival in-game (the test phase detailled in past articles), you're are still in this desert we have left two months ago: the next patch, with the elements currently in test, will be the last representative of the spring clean/reorganisation phase.

But this last patch is also a new beginning. Standing on the grounds which were such a pain to climb on, we can start to express ourselves again and work on your needs. We can finally *DO* something for you, for the game. I don't say it will be perfect. I don't say that Ryzom will finally match all your expectations as soon as Episode 2 is patched live.

But that's worth a try, don't you think?


Re: [DEV] Introduction to Episode 2

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:33 pm
by gecker
Delays are always disappointing, but not unexpected. So some thoughts and comments on this annoucement and in general.

It seems that the majority on this server do not want/like PvP. Since Outposts are mainly PvP, what would there be for those that don't want to participate in PvP? Additional rite and guild rites would give those players something to do.

There's lots of messages in the forums complaining about the lack of player influence on the world. This new episode appears to at least be a start towards players leaving their mark on the world.

With the current state of powerful healers, PvP can be a long drawn out affair. I do think the rebalance needs to happen prior to Outposts or it may be that once a guild gets an Outpost, there's no way to overtake it.

Maybe some of the disabled TPs will finally work with episode 2.

We on the EE server are only 1/3 of the total Ryzom community. Opinions may differ on the other servers.

I think when people say they want content, it can be generalized to having something new to do in the game. I don't think it matters as much what it is, as long as it is something new, different and fun. The longer it takes the devs to put something new, different and fun into the game gives players more time to cancel their accounts out of boredom and disappointment.

Given the above comment, I would still rather have something delayed than have to deal with something poorly done and buggy. Ryzom seems to be getting to the point where it is fairly stable and the current patch on ATS seems to fix many of the remaining issues. I do not want to see us back in the server crash/ server reboot cycle like we had in the past. But a couple more months until something new will cause my interest in playing to dwindle.

wow, I usually don't write so much...

Re: [DEV] Introduction to Episode 2

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:42 pm
by grimjim
Daz, to answer you more specifically.

I couldn't give that much of a monkeys about outposts TBH, the building aspect I like as well as having a 'base of operations'. Affecting the landscape in some way by having an outpost is a good thing IMO. The PvP I can leave. This lead up stuff, the events and the statues does sound a lot more interesting and worthwhile to me and I'm glad it should be coming first.

I disagree with you on the statues though, I really want one of them for Jyudas and even if it doesn't look like him it will be something there, changing the world, adding to it and something I can point to as an achievement (should I get one).

Yeah, the slowness is disappointing but I only just finished writing a 40 odd page tabletop RPG book and that's taken me months over time because it just wouldn't get out of my head and onto the page in the time it should have taken.

Sh*t happens.

The thing I'm REALLY waiting for is Ryzom Ring. I don't think outposts are the make or break of Ryzom, I think R2 is. So long as it comes out before Neverwinter Nights 2 and is easier to use than Neverwinter Nights 1, I'm sold :)