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Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:09 pm
by amitst
glipe wrote:I'm lost by all this.
Does that mean I'm about to get eaten by animals?

If you explore in the game you probably get eaten all the time. I'm just saying that its going to get worse.

Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:27 pm
by myseren
amitst wrote:
rrwfreak wrote:I do understand it can also be no fun if a game is too hard, but I don't think Ryzom falls into this category. QUOTE]

Exactly, I loved it when it was easier. I could explore more and it was fun. I didnt need an entire group just so I could look at a certain area from a certain mountain, which, btw, a group wouldn't be assembled for because people would complain and say that it is worthless.
Not the teams that i play with, and tbh, its more worthless to me if i can get to all the pretty places with no effort. I like the sense of achievement that comes with doing something difficult, unfortunately, that feels to be getting harder and harder to do :(

Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:10 am
by neoshay
To clarify, yes the natives of the Amazon are rather safe for the most part (although even among them there are deaths due to the wildlife even if rare) but that Amazonian would have a hard time walking safely through the more dangerous parts of the Australian outback. If we look at it as was originally stated he was using himself as an example. My point was that there was no single human being on the planet that could walk in any wilderness area without fear of injury/death from the wildlife. Many may be proficient in various areas to be safe in those areas, but no one is safe in all areas.

The whole point was if you want to try to make analogies between the real world and a fictional world, at least make your real world side factual.

As an gun is going to do you much good against an unseen attacker, be it a snake, spider, or even that wolverine who's nest your left foot happens to be standing in.

Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 5:48 am
by bobturke
neoshay wrote:... that Amazonian would have a hard time walking safely through the more dangerous parts of the Australian outback. ...
... ah here a book listing the things that aren't poisonous in the Australian outback....hmmm,

"Some of the sheep. Some of the time."

Back on topic....

Yes, it's soo much easier to trek around these days regardless of your level. That agro change did make the game better but did also have the downside of making trekking really easy.

Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:17 pm
by vutescu
My point was that as long I can call mysef "master of all that moves" on Earth, without spending much time leveling - lol, I can't say the same thing about Atys, even I reach the max in all levels.

All was put in as response to zhidao
zhidao wrote:You are a highlvl superpowerhomin, but not everywhere against each mob/homin. A thought you should live with as it is the case ingame like rl. (hrhr a game you can learn lections for RL life, unbelieveable)
No matter how much time I'll spend in leveling or aquiring equipment, I am and I'll remain just kipesta food on Atys. Or a wimp in other terms.

and to neoshay
Well, I can asure you that I can walk freely in jungle. Ever heard of Orange Agent? Or napalm? As human I can turn the jungle in a wasteland and walk there without fear of wildlife.

Bottom line: as long I need others to team with, in sole purpose of traveling from a place to another I will fell myself weak, and the sense of acomplishment you are talking about, mates, will remain just an abstract notion for me. Sorry, maybe I lack something here, but that's the truth.