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Re: Q&A Round VIII
Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 8:53 pm
by geezas
vinnyq wrote:I am going to guess that Xavier is regretting taking on this task now
[edit] moving this suggestion to its own thread so I can add a poll and hope more pple will see it, because I have a feeling that a lot of us don't bother reading these threads anymore because they have become so long and wordies
And we had our awnsers, even though we sometimes don't like them. Grinding them over and picking them appart won't help alot.
Re: Q&A Round VIII
Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 5:29 pm
by sehracii
Event PVP
I was looking through old patch notes and saw the following in patch 36 I think it was:
"*The PvP faction (during events only): *
. This PvP takes place in a single region during events.
. Every player who enters this zone must choose a side or remain neutral.
. This PvP allows players to participate in conflicts generated by the unfolding of the Saga."
I have never personally seen this used but heard that had to do with it not working properly with regards to fame. I was curious if this type of PvP has been abandoned, is being reworked for future event use, or any other relevant information.
Re: Q&A Round VIII
Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 8:29 pm
by trenker
Will you remove the description of features from your website that are not actually in the game in an attempt to present an honest front to new and browsing parties?
Are you worried that someone will report you to Advertising Standards Authority, European Advertising Standards Alliance, (UK etc) Trading Standards Institute, various Public Protection Departments (UK) and other self regulatory or government bodies?
Re: Q&A Round IX
Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 3:59 pm
by trenker
Stanza bricks, very nice. More apparently are in Chapter One's guild trainers, Chapter Two's rites and Chapter Three's outpost 'advantages'. In the absence of these features at the moment, can you give us some teasers on what kind of new or planned bricks are available? You must have designed a load of them and it would be interesting to see what characters development options await us as we meander through the Saga.
Re: Q&A Round VIII
Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 8:48 pm
by caitiff
sx4rlet wrote:So will there be done something to get the close combat skill more even with the other melee classes?
Close combat should be weaker than the other classes. Do you honestly think a dagger is going to do more damage than an axe? or a pike? The thing is, there needs to be something that makes it more useful in some area. I remember seeing in the past where you could change the quality of the mats recieved depending on how you kill a creature or something like this. So I would get better mats if I killed a kitin with a dagger then if I killed it with a sword. Is this still something that nevrax is looking at implamenting in the future? Or has this been dropped from thought at this point? Basically is this going to go somewhere eventually? (Not looking for when it will be done such as next year, just a yes it's going to happen eventually, or no we arent considering it anymore because...) Thank you
Re: Q&A Round IX
Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 8:12 pm
by pr0ger
Q : we always talk about devs but who are they really ? i'd like to thanks them by name at least once
can you make an organization chart detailing who's who and who's doing what ?
Re: Q&A Round IX
Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 6:57 am
by seawe
pr0ger wrote:Q : we always talk about devs but who are they really ? i'd like to thanks them by name at least once
can you make an organization chart detailing who's who and who's doing what ?
Well heres a (somewhat) dated page of interviews with a few of the major devs : ... e=devchats
And I'd still like to know what types of decisions rulers/councils (either elected or otherwise) can make about thier civilisation/world? As in Politically etc. I'd really like to see a fully dynamic world as far as whos joined with who... (ie. Trykers can become Kami
Re: Q&A Round VIII
Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 7:11 am
by grimjim
caitiff wrote:Close combat should be weaker than the other classes. Do you honestly think a dagger is going to do more damage than an axe? or a pike? The thing is, there needs to be something that makes it more useful in some area. I remember seeing in the past where you could change the quality of the mats recieved depending on how you kill a creature or something like this. So I would get better mats if I killed a kitin with a dagger then if I killed it with a sword. Is this still something that nevrax is looking at implamenting in the future? Or has this been dropped from thought at this point? Basically is this going to go somewhere eventually? (Not looking for when it will be done such as next year, just a yes it's going to happen eventually, or no we arent considering it anymore because...) Thank you
Have a 'dodge boost' brick you can pick up with close combat for use with fists or daggers but have it far more heavily affected by armour than the other actions.
This would mean your martial artists and dagger fighters could be a lot harder to hit as they duck and dive and weave but anything above light/medium armour and they're screwed.
Re: Q&A Round IX
Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 7:11 am
by grimjim
seawe wrote:Well heres a (somewhat) dated page of interviews with a few of the major devs : ... e=devchats
And I'd still like to know what types of decisions rulers/councils (either elected or otherwise) can make about thier civilisation/world? As in Politically etc. I'd really like to see a fully dynamic world as far as whos joined with who... (ie. Trykers can become Kami
Didn't the Zorai religious edicts include the mention of 'kami-hood'?
Maybe you can
Re: Q&A Round IX
Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 5:54 am
by vinnyq
Hey Xavier, any comments from you or the devs on how much support us players are giving Nevrax, esp at the site?
I think a lot of us took your previous plead about spreading wordofmouth recommendation of ryzom to heart.