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Re: Reorganization at Nevrax - 2nd Phase

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 5:14 pm
by jipekr
Ive brought in 2 of my friends =) they love the game

Re: Reorganization at Nevrax - 2nd Phase

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:59 pm
by rmillard
I echo the sentiments expressed here so far that this is by far the most promising MMORPG engine/game to date. There are plenty of things as yet unrealized which may or may not see daylight given Nevrax's situation.

Let's hope for the sake of Ryzom that Nevrax will be able to pull through. In the meantime, what you see is what you get. If you like the game as it is now, enjoy and play and ignore any bugs or missing features. It really is a wonderful world filled with a ton of amazing souls.

If E3 goes well then we may see an influx of players ($$) and some relief for Nevrax and then the focus may shift back to coding and feature/story enhancement.

So support or don't support as you see fit. My subscription is active although I rarely play anymore. Just my $15/mo. contribution to the cause.

Good Luck Nevrax,
Eye of Atys

Re: Reorganization at Nevrax - 2nd Phase

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 3:44 pm
by xorte
If Nevrax don't survive and we loose Ryzom - I'll buy the code base and resurrect it.


Re: Reorganization at Nevrax - 2nd Phase

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 3:53 pm
by archerke
bah i'd even pay more for it :x lets work with donations shall we ;)

Re: Reorganization at Nevrax - 2nd Phase

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:33 am
by retep004
archerke wrote:bah i'd even pay more for it :x lets work with donations shall we ;)
Donations is a great idea :)
At least for the time being this way we will be able to do something, instead of sitting and waiting.

Re: Reorganization at Nevrax - 2nd Phase

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:38 am
by borg9
retep004 wrote:Donations is a great idea :)
At least for the time being this way we will be able to do something, instead of sitting and waiting.

Or a community fund, where we put in the hat and when Nevrax, buys out Blizzard .... we can get our investment back with interest.

Watch out Jyudas, I can be just as mecenery :P

Re: Reorganization at Nevrax - 2nd Phase

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:40 pm
by dc77066
I just read the Jolt interview with David Cohen Corval ( and I think David has the money issue well at hand. You'll notice he's casing out the bank accross the street in the photo. Good luck David!

Oh, a word of advice... when planning to knock over a bank, don't get your photo taken in front of it!


Re: Reorganization at Nevrax - 2nd Phase

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:48 pm
by raynes
retep004 wrote:Donations is a great idea :)
At least for the time being this way we will be able to do something, instead of sitting and waiting.
I think my continueing to subscribe even though I don't log in anymore is more than enough of a donation.

Re: Reorganization at Nevrax - 2nd Phase

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:32 pm
by zukor
raynes wrote:I think my continueing to subscribe even though I don't log in anymore is more than enough of a donation.
You're a bigger man than me, raynes. My subscription expires April 30th, and I'm not renewing.

This is entertainment, not charity. If it's not providing me with value for my dollar, I see no point in continuing.

Doctor Z.