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Re: Your Questions & Our Answers

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:24 pm
by jackmor
Are the new areas going to be all high level and are they going to have new races.
Will there be new skills introduced.
Will fighters be able to become as powerfull as casters.
Will it be possible for high level chars to solo effectively.
Will there be rewards that are more than mats.
Will there be quests with real rewards.

Re: Your Questions & Our Answers

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 4:59 am
by lyrah68
Where do those sky branches go? What is ON those branches? cities? lifeforms? Ruins? nothing?

How do I get up there?

Why is travel so hard solo? (what is the reasoning behind this one?)

Why are the Kami and Karavan not being helpful? They clearly have MUCH more than they are offering us, why not help us out?

What is the agenda of Kami and Karavan, what makes them tick, Why do they hate each other, and how and why are they here?

Are Homins natives or transplants? Kamis? Karavaners? Kitins? other lifeforms?
If we are transplants...where did we come from and why did we leave? and How do we get home?

What is the meaning of those odd ruins in the roots? One I SWORE looked like a Submarine *boggles repeatedly*

Why do the Kitins seems to GUARD with their very lives those ruins?

Why is their no skill to evade detection of mobs (invisablity spell or technology)?

Why no carts/cars other means of transport? I have seen ruins of them.
(and for those saying NO, why not, I have seen cars done on a magic system that would facinate you, diagrams and all. This was Pencil and paper and was impressive enough the hardline GM allowed it. Hint it involved a repeating spell pattern of invert gravity and dispel magic on a turbine system.)

Why are the graphical locations of mobs SO inaccurate that they SEEM to jump 100 m or more every four seconds or so on a mid to high end system and FAST dsl connection?

Why is everything progressing so slowly? Why can't we do research on all of the ruins and motivations and other stuff?

We seem to have stagnated in development...does this have to do with a split in dev team due to selling the game engine? Wouldn't the game be better served by shunting those people back INTO the game??!

Where have all the players gone? How do we get them or others IN game playing and enjoying themselves?

Re: Your Questions & Our Answers

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:19 pm
by raynes
Amcry posted this translation from the game box:

"The Ryzom is an semi-intelligent interstellar weed that sends out shoots through spatial wormholes, manifesting itself in our universe as plant-like planets. The Kami are Ryzom symbiotes (parasites?) that have taken advantage of this rapidly-spreading nuisance for their own gain. The Karavan race has been trying to stop the Ryzom infestation for millenia, their latest tactic being a disease that affects the Ryzom's sap, causing Ryzom development to slow to a virtual standstill."

From this it is clear that the Karavan created the goo to stop the Ryzom. Now in the The Flanagan Files ( it states the following:

Goals: - Protect and conserve the planet against the Goo.
Destabilizing factors: - The Goo is a blight on the face of the planet and threatens to weaken natural resources.

These are at direct odds with each other. Can you please tell us which one is correct? If they are both correct, how so? If one is wrong why was it changed from the text on the box, to the text on the website?

Re: Your Questions & Our Answers

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:58 pm
by amcyr
raynes wrote:These are at direct odds with each other. Can you please tell us which one is correct? If they are both correct, how so? If one is wrong why was it changed from the text on the box, to the text on the website?
I agree, we need a reply. I don't see how we can continue to RP in this game until these basic questions have been answered.

Re: Your Questions & Our Answers

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 12:36 am
by tobaran
Don't know if someone has asked this before, and I'm too lazy to do a search of the forum (viva el couch potato!!).

Every once in awhile I will notice some floating blue, green, or red numbers that has nothing to do with health pts or stamina, etc... These numbers are not small number either - most numbers are in the 10 to 40K range. These numbers seem to be related somehow to the geographical locations, yet their appearance at the location appears to be random....

What the heck are these numbers?

Re: Your Questions & Our Answers

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:42 am
by sprite
raynes wrote:Amcry posted this translation from the game box:
No, he posted a partial translation passed through an online translator 3 times in 3 different languages...
amcyr wrote:From taking every third word from the box, passing it through Babelfish from English to French, French to German, and then back to English again.
You guys who are claiming that amcyr has "blown away all the secrets" of the game (people on the original thread) should read what he said;

"every 3rd word" : means he picked out some words; this is *not* a direct translation

"through Babelfish" : online translators are notoriously bad at translating things correctly, and sending it through 3 times using 3 different languages is bound to screw things up. The fact that it even came out making any sense at all is a miracle... See the rest of my post here for an example :rolleyes:

Re: Your Questions & Our Answers

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:55 am
by ligia
1 – Will hawkers sell anything that actually people can use, atm they only sell stuff with the most crappy stats no matter what level…should be nice to see them sell stuff that people could actually use if it was different patterns and had a bit less stats then crafted items.

2 - Will there be a general chat channel, more and more needed in my opinion, for a lot more options either in hunting, for crafters, roleplay and chatting of course .

3 – I would like to see a plan of the things to come in the future in terms of patches and content. Not too much revealing but enough to keep us going.

4 – NPCs. Theres good suggestions about them already…just one more…can you try to simplify some names or make them less like other 10 npc with similar ones.

5 – On the website:
A development plan;
A who are we section, the people who work, where and what they work on for this game.

6 – Be truthful to your players, if things are going bad and theres a lot of bugfixing to do and you are unable to push content just say it, not saying anything can only make things worst…you cant expect people to hang around without information, even if its bad I believe people who love this game will wait for good things to come if they know what is going on.

7 – Better questing, group questing, guild questing…

8 – More information and challenges for boss monsters – would be awesome to have a guild mission to kill “insert name here” boss for Karavan or kami to reward that guild with a guild hall improvement for example…

9 – Will there be a better sorting system (for tickets at least...)

10 – I like this game because it’s not easy, and people will only benefit from hard missions so they work better together and with others so don’t make events to easy ;)

11 – In my opinion this is very important and should be a major “adition” to the game, also related to the point before this one. On events make things not respawnable, let me try to make some sence, events are unique, made for players to feel like they advance and change and accomplish things, if you kill 100 monsters and they respawn behind you while you fighting others whats the point…I know you can say “well point is killing boss monster”. But, for example if you invade a town with kitins and players need to recover it you could make the monsters extra hard and players would need to unite efforts and use strategy to kill one at a time, at what point each would be a accomplishment till the last one (boss) without the worry of respawn wich doesn’t make mush sence to me on things like events (unless they require mobs spawn for mission items hehe). Hope I made some sence…

12 - Will there be any changes to the self heals, since i think its kinda silly i can only use one for a time, so i cant heal sap if i used hp (and no i dont want combos when i use hp i use full hp becouse i will need so duh!)

Ty, Ligia

Re: Your Questions & Our Answers

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:30 am
by figgybee
ligia wrote:12 - Please change the self heals, kinda stupid i cant self heal sap or stamina if i used hp one...
Well I didn't think this was really a request thread, and I realise this is getting off-topic, but you know you can make combo self-heals (eg, self-life 6 and self-sap 4, with the self-heal 10 credit)?

Re: Your Questions & Our Answers

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:59 am
by ligia
figgybee wrote:Well I didn't think this was really a request thread, and I realise this is getting off-topic, but you know you can make combo self-heals (eg, self-life 6 and self-sap 4, with the self-heal 10 credit)?
Your right not a request thread, guess i got carried away ;) Refrased :)

Re: Your Questions & Our Answers

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:01 pm
by lyrah68
This is one of the reasons I have trouble role playing. The script keeps changing.

Plus, being the rebel without a clue (yep that is exactly what I meant to say *giggle*) that I am, I tend to buck any system I find. LIKE the system that says, "ok you are this race *hand player two conflicting scripts* both are true, YOU make sense out of them *bureaucratic smile*". They say turn left...I go straight...just to see what is in that direction.

There are just TOO many inconsistancies to make heads or tails of any of it,even if you try to filter through the racial hatreds and mutual skepticisms, there just isn't enough FACT to base any opinions on.

Ok, for the debate, for the moment, let's ASSUME (out of character and regardless of what you really believe, try to see this point, thanks.) that:

The Kami are Natives. They are benevolent, but warry of "outsiders" and SLOW to warm to anyone (Umm fame missions would kinda serve as a good indicator of the truth of the slow to warm to anyone, even "friends"). The Kami have higher magic knoweldge than any homin even when that homin reaches ALL magical trees at 250 (this isn't proven yet, but still...anyone that has died to the Kami Death ray when they were strip mining will tell you that it aint tiddley winks). They have THEIR own mission, and as I see it (as PLAYER...not character) they are like the ULTRA radical enviromental terrorists (I am not talking recyclers and tree planters here, I am talking the SICKOS that spike a tree and HIDE the spike, so that when a lumberjack cuts into the spike it breaks the chain on his chain saw...let's just say seeing that ONCE is enough to force extreme measures like using metal detectors anywhere a chainsaw MIGHT be used and marking spiked trees with HUGE indelible BRIGHT marks. The lucky lumberjacks that hit a spike DON'T live.)

If Kami were humans on the earth they would say that we should stop using heating oil to heat homes (there goes the ENTIRE eastern seaboard and much of the midwest, but then they think the earth is GROSSLY over populated and a few hundred million people less would be a GOOD thing), and of course Air conditioning is MUST stop (there goes everything south of Virgina and ALL of the south west). Funny how those that think like that end up in climiates that never vary in temp more than can be controled by a good ceiling fan and/or attic fan like California coast north to Washington state coastal areas (Seatac), or their climates. Yes, things need to change, but I don't buy that the earth is going to END in ten years if we just keep going as we are. I remember in high school the "global cooling" scare, take global warming, turn it on its head and ta da, OH and the latest they said earth would remain warm was ooooh 1999. After that ICE AGE for ooodles and ooodles of years. I read a Newsweek article or some major newsmag like that, ten or 15 pages of DIRE warnings. And somehow...Earth found a way to even compensate for Mt. Penatubo's eruption (I read that poluted the air as much as 40 years of the WORST of the industrial era, which was the EARLY years before ANY rules existed, back in our great great grand parents time).

Point is the Kami have a VERY narrow view, ATYS MUST HADES with everything with more sense than a Yubo(I would include Cutes and Fahar in this, since clearly they are semi intellegent). Oddly enough it sounds VERY Darwinesque, survival of the fittest, or at least of those smart, determined, or ruthless enough to find a way to "adjust" the odds.

I haven't read everything on the Karavan, I only know that they seem to be drawn, graphically, to LOOK like the embodiment of impersonal, NON individual, NON human, non humane, no soul (if you can't see the can't see the soul. Even the Zorai have HOLES in their masks so you can sorta see the eyes...if they are sitting down and you are standing that is.), Corporate mechanistic drones. I have even wondered if they ARE machines, do we have even ONE account of one taking off either a mask or enough clothing to reveal flesh?

I don't tend to believe that anyone is entirely black or white hat (cowboy movies) most tend to be more of a shade of grey. I don't think the Kami have our interests at heart, but I don't think the Karavaners are like the Aliens in Independence day either. If they are going to kill the planet, are they going to leave their slaves (the Matis and Trykers) behind? Someone has to do the menial work...(no I don't really think like that, but I don't know that there ARE those that have...and likely do.)

PLUS...who is to say that our ancestors didn't have the technologies/magics that the Kami and Karavan have. Could THAT be what all those ruins mean? If you can come up with a better explaination for something that STRONGLY resembles a World War two submarine UNDER tell me. It is that or the frame of a hard shell lighter than air flying ship, or maybe I just had had too much mining gas that night.

Totaly out of character, I don't think the devs realized the bucket of bugs that they were getting themselves into. EVERYTHING works well on the drawing board, and all timelines LOOK reasonable until you toss a wriggling ball of bugs into the mix. I hope they aren't getting dispirited with all the hold ups. I do HOPE that eventually, but not too late, everything will work as they drempt up. Realistically, I see at least a few things that won't make it, simply because the state of the art won't allow it, that or funds won't permit it.

I tend to believe that they intend to deliver ALL they promised, and I tend to believe the best until I see firm evidence to the conterary. My only worry is that once they are able to deliver the box and beyond, there will be NO ONE there to live their dream. I hope I am wrong, I will eat humble pie with a tablespoon and smile while I do it.

I just wish they would hire a FLUENT English speaker/writer and keep us folks on this side of the pond without 10 years of French classes and two years in France/Brussels a bit more aware than your average Truffle. If we knew what was holding them up, or where on this grand time line (or is that time line train wreck? either way) we were, that maybe fewer people would out right quit and just do like me....Poke our noses back in and see if the world has turned yet, still paying, still praying, but off keeping our sanity in *insert other games name here* testing, playing or whatever, just keeping busy until where we WANT to be is ready for us.