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Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:05 pm
by hotborg
im minininja ive been on the main land for a few months i enjoy crafting and digging. my lvls are 137 2h slashing 189 elem 116 heal 55 both lvl 157 lake forage 99 PR forage. lvl 150 heavy helmet craft and 101-105 the rest of heavy crafting. i have all my crafts to atleast lvl 50 and a few in different trees over 100. i like to go hunting and enjoy to go digging with a group. i like going boss hunting what ever the dp.
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:44 pm
by kuroari
Greetings Homins! They call me Nightblade, and i'm here to serve hominkind in the fight against the kitin. My main goal before my death is to become a powerful warrior, known throughout Atys for my wit, cunning, and intelligence. My sword arm may not be horribly menacing as of yet.. but given time, i can become of great use to my people.
In a measly two weeks, i have gained a total 38 levels in "melee fight" and am nowhere near done training. I'm looking forward to intense training at the side of Masters of Atys - as i will one day surely become.
However... there is a problem. No homin, no matter how powerful, can live out his short life alone. I require companionship, and a Guild that will be there for me when I need them. In return, I vow to honor all help with my life. I give any guild that can promise me a fun, kitin-murdering time, companionship, and RP events my complete loyalty.
I have heard of the Kami and the Karavan.. and am very skeptical of both. I know not which side to choose.. however the very thought of standing alongside a group of leatherbound masked and elusive biengs shoots a tingle down my spine that is most unpleasant.. so i give myself to the kami.. but not completly... Until they can give me something i need, i see no reason to aid either faction.
So, can the Samsara provide me with all that? can the Samsara pay me well for my efforts, and will they be there when i'm in need of training? let us find out. Come, bring me your Initation.. I await your call!
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 7:55 pm
by dredd13
My name is Dredd, the things i wish to achieve are simple i want to hone my warrior skill and just have fun doing it.
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:22 pm
by chayim
Hello guys! Whats up??!!!! My name is Wisp

cute hum? and I'm an Offensive Magician, though sometimes I like to melee. My goal is to... to... hummmmmm my goal is still to be discovered

but one thing I know for sure... I have lots of fun playing!
I hope we have fun ingame
P.S: I sooooo love the outfits
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:07 am
by niely21
Hello my name is Niros and my story began before i was even born.
Before i was born my parents lived in Yrkanis the capital of Matis, My mother was a Forager, My father was a guard of the Prins Yrkanis and loyal through his death later he became a normal soldier when the prins was said to be killed by Jinovitch the new leader of the Matis and their lives continued for a while without any special events in their lives until the day 2 years after the so called death of The Prins who was not so dead as Jinovitch told the Matisians, returned to take back his throne from Jinovitch but failed to do so, after his failed coup he then was thrown into jail and escaped
after awhile, he then tried to flee from the cursed lands of the Matis, my father and mother then decided to follow the Prins and leave the Masjic garden.
After awhile my mother got pregnant of me and at that time they where in the Burning desert near the great city of Pyr and decided to leave the cohorts of the prins and ask asylum in Pyr which they where granted.
Then i was born, Niros a Matisian child between the Fyrosians it was a hard stage of my life since the fyros dont like the Matis much, but i learned alot from it, My Mother she got killed when i was a young boy while foraging alone in the Burning Desert, My father raised me and learned me how to fight with the sword, he also learned me that the way of the matis is the wrong one and that following the Karavan and Jena was not the right way, so i began following the Kami and learned there ways, he died not so long ago in the stupidestway ever, when he was goin to his work, he got hit by a Mektoub mount with some drunk ass rider who then stood on his head and rushed off without stopping.
All this made me to the man i am now a "converted" Matis who said the way of the Karavan and Jena goodbye, and Hello to the ways of the Kami, But one thing my father also learned me was that "Dappers makes Atys go round" and not believe in The Karavan or the Kami becuase then wont help u if your starving from food shortage and a man can live only so long without a family thats are two of the many reason why i want to join a great guild as The Samsara, because i am in search of a new family and lets end it with a quote "Dappers makes Atys go round"
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 10:39 am
by walloo
Hello homins !
My name is Syln and I come to you after several months of wander in the desert. But let me tell you where everything started.
As a Tryker, I was tought since childhood that Jena is our goddess,and Karavan our friends. That I accepted, though I always was curious about theese funny little things standing on the hills of Fairheaven, my hometown. I was more often trying to see them than going to school, and to survive in this beautiful but extremly dangerous landscape, I learned to use a sword. As soon as I can discover the world on my own and with some other friends, we went across the land to discover new places. I see things from Matys to Zorai, even in lands where strange creature 10 times taller than I slaughtered several homins just under my eyes.
And then, during a trip, I see... I discovered the truth. The Truth about the Karavan. How they lie to us all pretending helping us, and in our back devastating Atys to empty its resources, wounding its flesh during the process. I saw the toxic breathe of what they use to do their perfidy and then I understand than the only moral way to act was to spread the Kami's words around the world. So I started an exile from Yrkanis to Pyr, to reach a land - a new home, where I would have than same point of view than most people. But something went wrong. I don't know exactly what, but during the trip, I fell. That was months ago. And when I woke up, few days ago, I was lying naked on the sand, feeling completely lost. So I started to walk, trying to survive on my own. And one day, I saw my bless, the gates of Pyr where in sight. I only remember me falling again due to tire, thirst and weakness. And when I woke up, I was safe, lying in the Samsara's hall, alive.
What I ask now is to have a chance to help them, to help the Kami send the Karavan back away, and help hominkind to free itself from theese lies.
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:18 am
by caedryn
It had all happened so fast, in what had barely seemed like the blinking of an eye, her parents were dead and the rest of the caravan scattered. They had been so close to reaching Pyr, their long sought destination when the bandits had attacked. A small group of Fyros and Trykens making their way to the growing capital of the desert lands. So close you could almost see it.
The day had been scorching, the sand dancing under the shimmering waves of heat. The young Fyros girl had been enjoying the feeling of the sun's touch on her skin as the refugees had made their way from sun up to sun down drawing ever near their destination.
A scream had warned them, one of the mounts stumbling and throwing it's rider. Then the shouts of the rushing bandits followed by the ringing of metal, the firing of weaponry, and the screams of the dying. Her father had pushed her mother and herself behind him, shielding them from the bandit's shot. He was one of the first to die. Her mother lasted longer, sheltering the girl in her arms as the young one watched the caravan be slaughtered, never once making a sound. In all her 13 years of life she had been a lively young woman, but seeing those people die had stripped that from her.
She never saw her mother die, only stumlbed across the body after waking up besider her with a sharp pain in her side and a pounding headache. She was bleeding, she knew she would die if the flow wasn't stopped. As she stumbled about, her foot caught on the body and threw her to the ground, bringing her face to face with the dead form she once called Mother. For a time she stared at the vacant eyes, then the dizziness set in, the young girl knew she was running out of time. Forcing herself up, a shaky hand ripping fabric from her dead mother's clothing and binding the flowing wound in her side. Shortly there after, pain and lack of blood stole consciousness from her once more.
The young one awoke in the middle of the night to the sounds of a fire burning nearby. Sitting up fast she turned and saw that she was covered in a blanket, the bodies that were around her before now gone. And a handful of people were sitting nearbye talking softly to one another. One of them noticed her waking, and came over to kneel beside her and tell her that she was safe...
That had been over ten years ago...
Life in Pyr wasn't easy, surviving from day to day was a struggle for Alaeri. She struggled, and fought, to make it from one day to the next, never complaining, never really saying much of anything. Her sword said all she needed to say. A job here, a job there, never paying much, just enough for a meal and a cot to sleep on in some cheap inn. Gods, Kamis, Karavan, held no interest for her, the only thing that did was money.
She had been wandering the streets all day searching for a job, when she had stumbled across a Tryken who was making a trekk to Dryon. The young merc offered to go with her, and the Tryken just laughed at her, mumbling something about novices. It wasn't too much longer afterwards that Alaeri was repeating a name, something to remember, "The Samsara", she needed to find out more, and the best way to do that was to try and join them, if they would take her.
((OOC: I got a little carried away.))
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:50 am
by hans1976
caedryn wrote:((OOC: I got a little carried away.))
OOC: looking forward to you getting carried away a lot.

Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:57 am
by richky
Well, I always considered myself a handsome sand-maggot, but that's beside the point. The point is that sand-maggots just dig right in and take what they need, and that's what I've always done. Had a knack for finding stuff in the desert, and helped keep the village supplied even since I was small. But it wasn't enough. Great Pyr beckoned with its promise of dappers and adventure.
Well, there's been adventure enough but I've had to work for every last dapper. The village folk warned me about getting robbed in the city, but they didn't say that the worst thieves were the merchants. It's harder work getting decent coin for my goods than it is grubbing them out of the desert, but once I started learning their tricks the dappers started staying in my pockets instead of theirs.
It's funny, but now that I've made it to Pyr I mostly just want to get out of it. A few of my hard-earned dappers went to buy a packer, and now I can stay out in the clean desert for longer before heading back in to deal with the filthy merchants. And a packer-load of quality goods gives me bargaining power that a few handfuls from my backpack could never do. I'm sure that there are more dappers out there and maybe better ways to get them into my pockets; but at least I know that the bounty of the desert will always be there if I need it.
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:30 pm
by dargnon
Iam Dargnon Nazgariall, explorer of worlds. Now, its my 3rd day in Atys. I have chosen Zorai body to wield my soul during my exploration in this world.
As always when iam materialized in living body, i cant fully reach my upper mind - my undying cognition and wisdom. Only thing i know is that I MUST understand this world. I feel it must be controled and altered by someone - or something. To do it, i need power! All sorts of power! More power, than one being can handle! And thats why i cant do it alone, and thats why i want to join you...
I believe you will understand my problems with local language - iam new here, but iam learning. As always.