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Re: something fubared in PR
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:03 pm
by iphdrunk
dguy1 wrote:Sounds to me like they have effectively cut off any way to level from 50-90 in PR foraging? Is that correct? Other than care planning for someone. Nice possibilities for a monopoly for those that already have the skill.
Correct, since there are no q100 sources available. For normal, solo leveling, it would be required to add a prime root zone with q100 sources with at least one mat of each type/class and with the same rules of aggro/weather/season that the other higher level prime roots zones, with slightly increased aggro and/or low level patrols for the risk/reward balance. Similar to the existing winds of muse, Oasis or Fleeting Garden IIRC outside.
Re: something fubared in PR
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:06 pm
by zukor
cerest wrote:I see everyone had an opinion about the harvestability in the Prime Roots. I can say that I was told there was an inbalance and it will be fixed asap. I don't think it will be like it was before, but it should be better than it is today. Thanks for your understanding guys. Patches always have surprises, this is one of them.
Thanks for the clarification, Cerest. The issue as I saw it has nothing to do with the difficulty or ease of harvesting in PR. Somehow the thread moved in that direction, but that's not the main problem. The main problem is that PR foraging diverges from the rest at level 50, but that no reasonable way was being provided to get from level 50 to level 90 (new minimum level needed to get mats), so that in the future no new player would ever be able to harvest PR, regardless of their skill in other branches. This didn't sound right, and Cerest seems to be confirming that there is something wrong with it that will be fixed.
Cerest, it would sure be nice if you guys were more upfront with these significant changes in major gameplay areas. I've reviewed the patch notes, and there is not a word mentioned about changes to harvesting. You don't have to be specific, but even something like "some changes to harvesting were implemented to improve gameplay balance" or something vague like that. People read the patch notes, and I think they expect that the major changes are mentioned in the notes. That's not unreasonable, is it?
Doctor Z.
Re: something fubared in PR
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:09 pm
by zukor
yuritau wrote:Raynes, answer this question for me:
How can you possibly equate someone going to the PR and foraging for q60 mats (that's the best you can get, try for q70 at 51 PR forage and you MIGHT get 61.. at a 5% success rate) with getting the best equipment in the game?
How does this make sense to you?
I'm relatively new to the game, myself.. my highest level is currently 93 forest forage. My guildmates helped me get a few of the roots tickets anyways, so I've been working up PR foraging a little. Tell me why it's wrong for me to be able to pull q60/q70 supreme mats, when I can't even use those mats to craft equipment for myself? (my crafting AND my stats allow me to use higher)
You wanna say I shouldn't even be able to forage in PR till 200+ or whatever? then don't give me the skill tree till 200+, and make all the mats down there 200+.
If the PR tree is available at 51, then any lvl 51+ forager damn well BETTER be able to forage in PR (getting there and staying alive are something different). Adding these minimum levels without changing the level availability of the PR tree is stupid. No two ways about it. Now anyone wanting to level PR forage MUST, as has been stated already, careplan or let others forage thier sources.
This nerf basically amounts to punishing the low level players for being low level.
Well said. That was the issue. Looks like it's going to be corrected. I'm frankly not sure raynes understood what the concerns were.
Doctor Z.
Re: something fubared in PR
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:18 pm
by overide1
it could very well be an idea that is not working as intended. if thats so we still responded as we should. if you do not show concern for the way the game is heading then you don't like the game very much.
Re: something fubared in PR
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:21 pm
by tetra
raynes wrote:You didn't answer my question. I am level 150 melee 2 handed. Since the Windy Gate is meant for level 100 players, I should have no problem going in there and surviving.
Obviously being 150 you must know that you could go to Haven of Purity and have no problem surviving there either...
oh wait you can't do that either by yourself

Re: something fubared in PR
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:24 pm
by zyran
zukor wrote:Cerest, it would sure be nice if you guys were more upfront with these significant changes in major gameplay areas. I've reviewed the patch notes, and there is not a word mentioned about changes to harvesting. You don't have to be specific, but even something like "some changes to harvesting were implemented to improve gameplay balance" or something vague like that. People read the patch notes, and I think they expect that the major changes are mentioned in the notes. That's not unreasonable, is it?
It would also be nice if the signifigant changes to the game were intelligent, tested changes, rather than broken nerfs designed to slow things down without adding anything to the gaming experience. There are too many other games out there to play for you guys to be charging us to beta test the knee-jerk responses that seem to be the norm in Ryzom updates. I don't mean to just bash the game, the truth is, I think this is one of the best massives done to date. But, I am so frustrated with the way changes have been handled, I am seriously on the verge of cancelling my account. Maybe you can talk the devs into including a surprise in the next patch that WORKS, adds something to the game, and increases the 'fun factor' that we, the folks supporting the game are looking for?
Re: something fubared in PR
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:01 pm
by sydius
zyran wrote:It would also be nice if the signifigant changes to the game were intelligent, tested changes, rather than broken nerfs designed to slow things down without adding anything to the gaming experience. There are too many other games out there to play for you guys to be charging us to beta test the knee-jerk responses that seem to be the norm in Ryzom updates. I don't mean to just bash the game, the truth is, I think this is one of the best massives done to date. But, I am so frustrated with the way changes have been handled, I am seriously on the verge of cancelling my account. Maybe you can talk the devs into including a surprise in the next patch that WORKS, adds something to the game, and increases the 'fun factor' that we, the folks supporting the game are looking for?
I dont even consider the game done. They are charging people to test it, as far as I am concerned. Since I am a willing subscriber, though, I cant complain its fun regardless and will be more so when finished.
Re: something fubared in PR
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:06 pm
by qmodal
OK, I read the entire thread up to this point, and I confess I don't entirely understand the *strength* of Zyran's objection.
Yes, I got the bit about the illogicality of the PR skill splitting from the rest of the forage tree at 51.
Yes, I got the bit about the new minimum stanza level requirement in PR.
Yes, I got the bit about PR forages (above the minimum level) failing a lot.
Yes, I got Cerest's message about possible easing of the difficulty.
What I don't get is why this is seen as an absolute block to new players levelling in PR. If you can't extract with a q60 stanza, but you can with a q90 stanza, then you can advance.
Maybe atm (and maybe incorrectly) it might take a long time, but if you can ever extract a q90 mat with PR skill still at 51, then you can advance. Are you saying that you can never ever earn even 1 XP in PR (solo) if your PR skill is at 51? Or are you saying it would take too long to make meaningful progress?
Further, my examination of the Action Progression window suggests that you can get PR specializations when you reach skill level 150 in any of the continental foraging skill trees. I can't verify this because I'm not quite there yet, but if this is true, then presumably PR foraging will get easier and faster when you acquire the PR specializations.
All this means is that PR is now very hard (too hard, according to Cerest, and expected to get easier) and not really geared to players whose maxumum forage level is less than 150, but not actually broken.
I'm not criticizing you, Zyran, but I am trying to understand the essentials of what you say. I'm still applying the patch as I type this reply, and it may be a day or two before I go back into PR, so maybe my analysis is not fully informed, but I would like to understand your analysis a little better.
**edited to add:
The post Zzeii refers to (below) suggests that there is a bug that will cause extractions to fail (0 mats in sources). If that is happening here, then if you're not aware of it, it's gonna look like foraging in PR got a lot harder, when it didn't actually do that, it just got broken. Again, this is just speculation on my part, but it seems relevant to this discussion.
Forager of Matis
Re: something fubared in PR
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:12 pm
by zzeii
my opinion on this matter can be found here :
not gonna fill up another page with the post.
Re: something fubared in PR
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:38 pm
by tetra
qmodal wrote:
What I don't get is why this is seen as an absolute block to new players levelling in PR. If you can't extract with a q60 stanza, but you can with a q90 stanza, then you can advance.
Essentially because it doesn't work. If you have level 100 or 200 or 250 or any other level of xxx forage, then try to forage in YYY with a QL brick more than 10 levels above your YYY forage, it will fail almost 100% of the time.