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Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:41 pm
by aylwyne
iphdrunk wrote:Although I agree, everytime I think about packers I think that it's still a pity that most of them are kept as storage bags in the stables and that there are not a lof ot packers running around... today, travelling is almost always TP based. We rarely see packer scorts.

I really don't know how, but I'd welcome a change that would motivate us taking our pets for a walk from time to time. But today, I don't have the time to walk 3 packers from Yrkanis to GoC when porting is so easier.
A little veer off topic but that gave me an idea... It'd be kind of cool if there were transportation missions where you had to transport a large quantity of items from one city or land to another. It would be more than you could carry in your bag so you'd have to take a packer and escort it without getting it or yourself killed. Of course, then you just replace the motivation to take your packer out with motivation for doing missions, which there is currently very little in the game. But assuming fame and such starts mattering in the game, they could easily make such a mission appealing to take.

As for the original suggestions, I don't think packers should be immune to attack nor do I think they should respawn with you or teleport with you. At that point, they just become a suppliment to your bag. I mean, why not just buy a bag upgrade and not have to deal with the graphic of a packer following you?

I do like the idea of not making death permanent on the packer. I'd like to see this be accomplished by making a packer able to be healed and rezzed just like another player.

I also like the idea of a packer leveling up with you.

Ultimately, I'd like to see animal domestication become its own skill line that you could level up in and get new skills which allow your animals to do special things (be stronger, travel faster, fetch my slippers, etc.).

Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:49 pm
by tridman
kristana wrote:Another solution might be to have multiple levels of packers. Such as:
Packer A - level 1, holds 50 additional pounds of storage, costs 20,000 dapper
Packer B - level 40, holds 90 additional pounds of storage, costs 60,000 dapper.

And so on.

Hm... there are diffrend types of packers:
-With low Constitution (die fast if attacked)
-With medium Constitution (stand a bit longer)
-With hich Constitution (Normaly no Problem to safe the Packer if you are in an area where you can kill mobs quickly)

And then I think the same with the fast packers.

A general note on Packers:
Dont use the as aditional bags. Just take them with you if you want to place them somewhere, i.e. near a material spot... And then always with additional protection from other players if you move through grounds with dangerous mobs.
Packers are very usefull for diggers because you can harvers lots of mats into your packers before you have to go beck to town to sell.

A note on Mounts:
Personally I find them quite usefull for travelling fast through lands, where the mobs are one hits, because with a mount you can easily outrun them and even a group of six gingos at once is nothing you must care about. !!!!!!!BUT!!!!!!!: Always have a look on your compas fpr other players, since they will get the agro of some of your mobs if you ride past them. And being killed by mobs a rider pulled to you is not the nicest kind of death. ;)
One importamt thing about mount is, that you cant perform any actions while mounted. So if you are attacked and want to fight back, you will have to dismount first. And the whole time while you dismount the mobs will continue to hit you. So choose wisely where to ride.
And yes, they will die like mounts. And thats good (imho).

And for the Poll:
I think it's quite a bit outdated.......*points at the date of December*


Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:43 pm
by blaah
packer/app/guild hall bulk is a joke atm.
like it has been said, if you want to get your mats to other land, then just do 2 (1.5 actually, naked) trips per packer and it's done.
what they should do is increase packers bulk to 10k (10000) and app to 100k. gh to 100k base + additional storage you can buy.
maybe just after the launch, packer/app/gh bulk was fine,but after a year.. we need more room ;-)

bag's bulk is fine ;-)

Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:27 pm
by danadita
tridman wrote:A note on Mounts: Personally I find them quite usefull for travelling fast through lands, where the mobs are one hits, because with a mount you can easily outrun them and even a group of six gingos at once is nothing you must care about.
Exactly - and also another caution to please be careful about dragging aggro to other players.

Mounts are a little tougher. I've been killed several times but not my mount when going through such fun spots as Loria and Dragon's Spine - and died more times getting them back. They would have died if they had fought back so I'm happy they were ignored in those places. Getting Nova away from kirosta hill next to Whirling Stronghold in Loria was a real pain!!

I know of one lowbie - with 900 hps - who was able to get the karavan and kami tps by herself by riding a mount through Enchanted Isle and that was before the recent change to the mobs there.

Watch out for Area of Effect mobs - like lightning on goari and kinchers, spit from zerx and najab and so on - those will kill your pets just as fast as they kill you.

Good luck!

Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:05 pm
by micrix
Sorry for the loss. It is rare that Mektoubs get attacked. Never saw something attack a wild Mektoub , except Homins.

At the moment this is also a huge loss of dappers. 50 levels later in crafting not anymore.

Reading back on this thread i think we should really be able to teleport with the packers. Even if i have to pay for two :D . Same goes for my mount.

Oh.. btw. I also got both TPs in EI solo with my mount. I died on the way back in front of the gate, cause i had to unmount :( and the Torbacks got me there :D . We should be able to pass gates mounted.

Edit: Torbacks didnt kill my mount. It waited for me there at the gate.

Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:21 pm
by bradarth

Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:14 pm
by kristana
Thanks for the info on the mounts. I'm still sad that packers can't be resurrected, and it really makes me not want to even use them. (aside of stabling one) I was just so excited to have a "pet" to follow me around.. *pathetically sad expression* Ohwell. RIP my little packer, who was not even old enough to be named. *sobs*

Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 7:07 pm
by katriell
Mounts aren't useless. Speed run only lasts a brief time, therefore mounts are the fastest way to reach someone who needs a res, or get somewhere that isn't near a tp.

Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:15 pm
by thebax
I wants 10 packies per land (min) an de ability to buys extra storage fer me apt. an guild :p

OOC: While it would be incredibly useful and convienient to have many more packers than are currently allowed, we'd probably crash the system with our 40+ member mule trains, heh ( "Quick, get to a safe spot, I'm going to crystallize a spell!")
Not sure what harm extra buyable bulk space for apartments and guild halls would do, other than offend the same mentality that makes over-powered mobs and lack of any self-healing magic spells for players a reality.