Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp [b]in the prime roots[/b]

Come in, pull up a chair, let's discuss all things Ryzom-related.

Open pvp in PR, give your opinion!

Great! When can I start killing other players indescriminantly?
I'm looking forward to some added excitement in my harvesting.
Doesn't matter to me.
I'm not overly fond of open-pvp, so I'd avoid the roots.
Good bye SoR, I abhor open style pvp period.
Total votes: 302

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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by geezas »

Trindle wrote:One certainty about this patch as it stands now. the language will change. I already see carebear used in this thread, then someone replied blow me. Havnt seen pwnd yet but Im sure its coming........
I voted See ya
pvp can bring out the worst in people...

It's all fun and cool when you sit around the dev's offices and play around with your co-workers or on the friendly test server. Even on live where people are generaly helpfull and easy going, opening up whole regions / playfields to free for all would be fun in the office, fun on the test server but can be hell on the live server...
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by jackmor »

I love this poll you should work for a special intrest group. Not much room to disagree with the answer you want.

Im not in favor of all out open pvp. However, the idea that there is a place that you may or maynot use for travel or other purposes being a high risk area of pvp danger is a good one. Especially since you have no idea what level the other players are
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by jdiegel »

Trindle wrote:One certainty about this patch as it stands now. the language will change. I already see carebear used in this thread, then someone replied blow me. Havnt seen pwnd yet but Im sure its coming........
I voted See ya
That's the guy who is going around saying he will kill harvesters and that he should be able to loot there corpses. So, yeah, he can blow me.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by trosky »

It looks like we have a lot of people scared of something that might never happen. Wait and see. How many "yeah im a ganker and newbie killer du....ss" type of post vs "I dont want to be killed all the time" post ? Your already a lot more so if theres a few gankers (with the small community we have they will be easily recognized and tracked down), im in to go bash them and their guild any times and on a regular basis.
Last edited by trosky on Wed Dec 01, 2004 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by jackmor »

zzeii wrote:That is why there is option #2 for those who aren't a ganker, but still fond of open pvp, and why there is an opposite tone in #5 for those who are fully against open pvp in any form. strongly - moderate - indifferent - opposite moderate - opposite strongly. it's how polls generally tend to run.
Wow you must be joking.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by trosky »

jackmor wrote:Wow you must be joking.
I hope he his....

I dont harvest in PR, im a PvPer, im no ganker/whatever you call them.

What did I vote ?

"Great! When can I start killing other players indescriminantly?"

Ive got no other choice.

And im sure im not the only one. So all PvPer are consider as gankers in your poll.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp [b]in the prime roots[/b]

Post by zzeii »

Alright, to clear up a BIG misconception...

This poll (as it says up top by the poll results) is for Open pvp in PR, give your opinion!

This is for pvp'in the prime roots, and its being open, and how you feel about it. Not about pvp anywhere else. Information given about the possibility of 'team & guild based PvP', which in the way they are describing it in these posts, will HAVE no difference from free for all PvP which is in the arena in Matis at first implimentation:
cerest wrote: The team & guild based PvP :
-Area: only in the Prime Roots or in areas activated by events
-Trigger : automatic once the Prime Roots have been entered
-Information : full screen message indicating the entry into a PvP area
-End : on leaving the Prime Roots or by respawn outside the Prime Roots
-Participants : from two to X characters
-Fight : open once triggered
-Targeted attack: can attack everyone
-Impact: area effects do not affect members of your own group or guild, unless they are grouped with the player who is directly targeted. There are additional rules here regarding the impact of area effects on by-stander guild members in the case where you are fighting against members of your own guild.

cerest wrote:The team & guild based PvP :

This PvP takes place in the Prime Roots.
Every player who enters the Prime Roots is involved.
The Prime Roots area is transformed into a more dangerous, almost "free fire" playing area.
Later on, guilds will be able to declare war and take control of areas within the Prime Roots using specific advantages.

Reason for this specific poll (about unrestricted pvp in the Prime Roots)
cerest wrote:PvP is always a touchy subject because there are those who live for it and those who abhor it. It's imparitive to test these new PvP features out thoroughly. We won't be able to keep everyone happy, this is, sadly, a given. But with proper feedback we will be able to gauge the feature properly and perhaps make sure it has minimal negative impact.
http://ryzom.com/forum/showthread.php?t ... ge=3&pp=10

cerest had asked for input on the ats, but not everyone gets/has/wants access to it, let alone is going to go and take a character to the prime roots to either forage or pk on ats.

Sorry if this wasn't clear from the get go (the subject title was a little misleading, but i was trying to put an entertaining spin in a shakespearian way). And as it is now, 99% of the people who goto the PR (I'll admit, on a rare occasion people will hunt there, or just pass through to help people get spawns) are there for foraging. Hence the actual 'selections' on the poll were meant to reflect this.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by Lukati »

jdiegel wrote:That's the guy who is going around saying he will kill harvesters and that he should be able to loot there corpses. So, yeah, he can blow me.
Good call, friend. And I'm sure there's an abundant amount of other people that feel the same way (although they may not share the same preference of vocabulary when expressing as much :D )

I voted that it doesn't matter to me. In my entire time playing this game (fairly consistently since the beginning) I've only ran into ONE person who seemed to be a little on the immature side (And I only saw that person that one time. I choose to assume that he already left the game). I speak of immaturity because in my career of MMORPG's, 99% of the people capable of griefing/ganking/looting have been people that, well, lack respect and maturity. It's hard to find immaturity in this game... and that's something I'll NEVER take for granted.

I would love to participate in a random raid of the Prime Roots. If my group happens onto another group, then by all means, let the party begin. If we stumble onto 1 or 2 people... will that even be considered worth our time? A 40000 stack of ql200 supreme mats isn't what I'm after. I want the thrill of an exciting 5 on 5 battle to the death!

On the other hand, I would also love to participate in defending my fellow harvesters from open attack by venturing into the Prime Roots with the sole intent of gathering resources. Implementing this aspect of open PvP creates the idea that, if you want those resources, you should be prepared to fight for them. Guilds will have to set aside certain times when a certain amount of people will be available to make these runs and gather the needed resources.

While this makes for an interesting twist in the game, it also causes problems for people who would rather not worry about ANY of this, as they don't have the time or the will to devote to such a possibly daunting task. I totally understand this, and sympathize towards this cause as well.

At first, I thought, "Well, I remember when the PvP in Asheron's Call got big... and tons of little kids were running around with high level characters just ganking everyone" but I realized that those types of people don't enjoy a challenge... of ANY kind. In AC, leveling to the max wasn't a challenge. Hell, it wasn't even a nuance... it was just a macro and a good chain. Here, you must grind, and if you want to be the best... well, you must grind HARD.

I don't think this game will become a gank fest, should this open PvP idea be implemented. All those potential griefers will go get the free trial, come in-game... and be turned off before they even get to the mainland. And if they come to the forums to see what the community is all about, they'll find nothing but a more refined, calmer, mature crowd... just waiting to pick apart their poor vocabulary and asinine banter. If nothing else... there's not even enough drama in these forums for those types of players to feed off of.

I just don't see this game being thrown to the dogs because of open PvP. However, if the consensus of the player base is that it won't bode well for the future, then let that be the deciding factor in whether or not it becomes an official part of the game. This game just started to pick up in population again.

Please, please, PLEASE Nevrax! Don't threaten this game's existence once again. I'll play 'til the bitter end... but that end may be way sooner than expected once you can't afford the bills.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp [b]in the prime roots[/b]

Post by oddie »

i am sure there are some out there waiting for this to be implemented. I think well they have pvp duels and some events, but i believe that those do not prompt the same reactions as being able to hunt and kill other plays.

Why does it have to be PR? I know the obvious answer is because of its location and it will be traveled by the different races. It is common ground therefore some what neutrel of an area, only due to its placement between existing land masses.

i am looking forward to defending outposts and GvG, but am concerned that the PvP implementation is coming to soon and will unduly effect the player base balance. After all how many guilds are even large enough to go out and punish disruptive pvp players that make nuicanes of them selves?

I believe that this is not something that should come in patch 2, maybe patch 4 would be okay.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp [b]in the prime roots[/b]

Post by trosky »

It is possible for the Devs to implement PvP immunity and its a lot more simple then building new area for arenas. Like ive said before it could be title based, some title would have immunity. I think its a good solution to please everyone.
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