Well in terms of friendliness - to start with - it was much more friendly than it is now - none of this really chilidish bickering over OP´s and Kara/Kami crap - dont get me wrong - I AM A FULL PVP lover - but OP´s brought in here turned a mature community into a bunch of bittter infants stamping their feet and giving lots of crap to each other. (Yes I know - I am very guilyt of arguing when drunk - and well know for it - that a personal issue- lets not get that tangled up with general game mechanics or how it worked).iceaxe68 wrote:I didn't. How was it?
Larger, I know. Was it friendly?
I really regret that I never heard of Ryzom before two years ago.
For me, the quality of the community is the number one most important feature, and the primary reason I'm here and not elsewhere.
I like OP battles and believe it should bring a drive towards the comunnity to be more friendly - maybe in seperate alliances - but outside of it - as a mature community -we should be able (and mostly do) put a side the differences - but some take it too serious.
As for size of the community- well I remember my first days trying to get up the path from Yrk - I was hunted down by every gingo and died constantly (yes I learnt fast - as I said I used to power-level games - 16 hour days etc) - but you called for help - ALWAYS someone TRIED to get to you - now you call for a medic and there is silence or an empty echoe returns.
At lvl 20 or so I remember making it to Towerbridge area with friends - it was PACKED full of people - I saw people soloing Gibs and others with 5 in a team taking them on - it was awsome to watch - then you looked a little east from there - and there were groups taking on the Master kipees and the occasoniol kincher that popped - then spawned and wiped out an entire force of people - diggers came running from all corners of Matis on full speed to rez - get one up rez the next whilst another stuck up INV to hold back the killer kincher and at the end - there (usuallu) would be a happy ending - with upto 20 people rezzed and the kinchers and mobs killed off. That was my first days on Atys - I was then addicted.
I was involved with great guilds like RoA (Rulers of Atys) - many of which are now TNE members. I rember the days when Parcyl was a low level healer and now the GL of TNE.
What was it like? The place was full - even Zoria - and you needed a rez - people ran thru packs of mobs to get to you - many dying along the way to be rezzed by another hero - that was what Ryzom was about.
Ofc - they made it too easy with cats for newbies and everyone out of -group healing - but what can you do - there is nobody to team with.
When I re-joined as twina - i was so shocked to see a devestating lack of people - I couldnt believe it. I actually made me very sad - but my passion for the game never stopped - day one I started on the isle and went right to Matis at levl 15 or so - and tried running all way to Dyron - I met Joney and Michelle etc at that point and it borught back some memories - they were trying to help a person below level 20 run to dyron (I never said I knew the way - I just needed help hehe).
En fin - it was an amazing experience in the "old days" - and still is - but after using various peeps and having various masters and even walking thru all PR/Abbys solo etc (in the old days was IMPOSSIBLE - due to major patrols etc - you needed a grand force indeed) - I believe that Ryzom does need an expansion - not only to keep us oldies in it - but to spark interest in newcomers that want "reach there also (at lvl 250+ ofc)" and a great way to generate some marketing - people seeing "Rzyom expansion - The Rise of Jena".
Hope that answered you somewhat