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Re: [HOW-TO] Running two clients on one PC

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:21 am
by h0lycha0
Sorry NB...I edited it out...You can rest now ;)

Re: [HOW-TO] Running two clients on one PC

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:33 am
by desertt
so much people with double accounts :O

Re: [HOW-TO] Running two clients on one PC

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:14 pm
by kuroari
h0lycha0 wrote:Sorry NB...I edited it out...You can rest now ;)
Lol :p *takes a deep breath* rest? what are you talking about? I AM CALM!

Re: [HOW-TO] Running two clients on one PC

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 1:23 pm
by final60

Re: [HOW-TO] Running two clients on one PC

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:27 pm
by altilly
I'd forgotten about this thread! Thanks for bumping it, contains useful info. When I get nillian subbed again I'll edit the first post with all the shiny nuggets from later in the thread.

Re: [HOW-TO] Running two clients on one PC

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:48 am
by night978
This is a how-to guide on running two Ryzom clients on the same PC. As you can imagine, having a dual-core CPU helps performance quite a lot when doing this, and a good 2gb of RAM is almost essential to decent performance. The only slowdown I ever notice when running two clients at once is longer teleport/loading times, but that's a minor issue really.

These instructions are for running two clients under Windows XP only, I have no idea about Linux so perhaps one of our Linux users (katriell?) can modify this to work on Linux. Ok so here goes....

Create a new Windows user (I called mine 'ryzomalt' for simplicity) and make sure to give it a password.
Copy your Ryzom install directory to another location and give it a different name (like 'Ryzom Alt'.)
Create a new shortcut either on your desktop or your Start Menu or anywhere you please, right-click on it and hit properties, and add this to the 'Target' field :
C:\WINDOWS\system32\runas.exe /user:ryzomalt /savecred "C:\Games\Ryzom Alt\client_ryzom_rd.exe"
Naturally, replace my windows system32 path with your own, and replace your new Ryzom install directory too, including the quotes.
Open the 'client.cfg' file in your new Ryzom directory, and make the following change:
DisableDirectInput = 1;
Then add this line to the end of the file:
BackgroundDownloader = 0;
That's it! You should now be able to click on the new shortcut you made, and Windows should bring up a console asking you for the password to the Windows account you made earlier. Type this password in and your second client should load!

You won't be able to use mouselook on your second client, since DirectInput is disabled. No known workaround for this AFAIK.

If you do have a dual-core CPU, open up your Task Manager and right-click on your primary copy of ryzom_client_rd.exe in the processes window, and set it's Affinity to CPU 1. This should help performance a great deal, and will do even if you're not running a second client, as Windows uses CPU 0 for it's background processes.

Personally, I run both copies in Windowed mode to make switching between the two clients easier, and I have dual-monitors so that works quite well. Mileage may vary for others. I reduced the graphics settings on my second client to almost the lowest as I found it boosted performance a fair bit, and had no real impact on my gameplay since I still have max settings on my primary client.

If there are any fatal flaws in the above How-To please let me know......

Much love,

Nilly *hugs*

<<<<help meeee help meeee...

oki oki, so i got to the point were id reconfiged the confige so add the two lines above. and id copied the folder to the program files forlder and named the folder RYZOMALT.

i also set the path for a new short cut that i had to copy from the original once during instalation, cuz for somereason anytime i right clicked on the new shortcut it saw fit to resart my windows explorer, closeing all windows and reagainging my desktop.....

so i made on out of the original one and got a lill farther. i was able to edit the file path to point to the new location and set it to run on my second of two processors.

BUT and heres were it get irritating...

i open and log into my first account np. right? this is off the original shortcut on the desktop.

i get the selection screen. and start up the second one. get as far as the username and pass. enter both

what happens is that it overrides and shuts down the first one then tells me this

"failed to initate patching process because another ryzom is already running. please close the other ryzom and try again later.

HUH??? id set thinngs up accordingly and got help from a firend that has the two clients setup.

soooo were did i got wrong. tell me what resources you need to help and ill provide them

thank you


PSPSPS... this is a vista runing lappy :P <laptop>

Re: [HOW-TO] Running two clients on one PC

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:04 am
by blaah
night978 wrote:"failed to initate patching process because another ryzom is already running. please close the other ryzom and try again later.
BackgroundDownloader = 0;
make sure there is big B and bit D in client.cfg and it's spelled correctly. also make sure no ryzom is running at the time you make the modification.
i open and log into my first account np. right? this is off the original shortcut on the desktop.
modify original shortcut and add parameter '/multi' to client_ryzom_rd.exe
then you can use same shortcut for both ryzom's
PSPSPS... this is a vista runing lappy :P <laptop>
hmm.... last time i tried multi ryzom in vista, it didnt work at all and gave "Abnormal operation" or something similar error ;-)

Re: [HOW-TO] Running two clients on one PC

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:30 pm
by kuroari
I'm using vista, all i did was add


to the end of my "Target" in shortcut on my desktop.

(if you don't know how to do this read through the thread, i'm pretty sure i already posted something about this before)

obviously have the backgroundDownloader disabled, but thats a given whether you are using dual-clients or not.

no need to have two usernames or two folders or any of that stuff.

Again, this works FINE on Vista. (i used the same setup on both XP and Vista)

Re: [HOW-TO] Running two clients on one PC

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:33 pm
by lunafr
nillian wrote:
  • That's it! You should now be able to click on the new shortcut you made, and Windows should bring up a console asking you for the password to the Windows account you made earlier. Type this password in and your second client should load!
The windows is allready open but i cant writh anyting in it, why ?

Re: [HOW-TO] Running two clients on one PC

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:13 pm
by martl
night978 wrote: Create a new Windows user (I called mine 'ryzomalt' for simplicity) and make sure to give it a password.
Copy your Ryzom install directory to another location and give it a different name (like 'Ryzom Alt'.)
Create a new shortcut either on your desktop or your Start Menu or anywhere you please, right-click on it and hit properties, and add this to the 'Target' field :
C:\WINDOWS\system32\runas.exe /user:ryzomalt /savecred "C:\Games\Ryzom Alt\client_ryzom_rd.exe"
Naturally, replace my windows system32 path with your own, and replace your new Ryzom install directory too, including the quotes.
Open the 'client.cfg' file in your new Ryzom directory, and make the following change:
DisableDirectInput = 1;
Then add this line to the end of the file:
BackgroundDownloader = 0;
That's it! You should now be able to click on the new shortcut you made, and Windows should bring up a console asking you for the password to the Windows account you made earlier. Type this password in and your second client should load!
I tried that and the second instance wouldn't work; it looked for all the Ryzom files in the windows\system32 directory.

using above method to just start a command-window with
C:\WINDOWS\system32\runas.exe /user:ryzomalt /savecred "C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe"
and then starting client_ryzom_rd.exe from there worked...