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Re: Player that missed the point
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:31 pm
by iphdrunk
jamela wrote:I It might be convenient but it just wouldn't make sense to use the catalyst rewards to boost my digging. I think the catalysts need a skill limitation applied.
Although in my opinion, it defeats the purpose of the catalyzers. Imho, the level of the catalyzer just needs to be proportionate to the skill / difficulty used to get them. A possible solution that would enable controlling the rate of catalyzers and to adapt them to the effort / difficulty is to put them as automatic rewards (e.g., why not as mob loot, or, if harvesting is possible in the ring, harvesting them)
Re: Player that missed the point
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:45 pm
by jamela
Zahan, we're not talking about Outpost catalysts, we're talking about potential experience lost while doing stuff in Ring scenarios.
There is no digging and there are no craftable materials on the Ring, so there is no potential experience lost in either of those skills. Though you might wish to bring ammo materials into the Ring since they're lighter than the ammo they make, but you can't bring a packer.
Anissa, by skill limitation I didn't mean quality level, I meant that catalyst rewards ought to be limited for use on the skill branch that earned the reward. Seeing as the rationale for even having them is that you do not earn experience for actions that you would on Atys. I always assumed they would be automatic rewards, as you say. Which is why I suggested that they ought to be enabled only by Nevrax.
Re: Player that missed the point
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:53 pm
by rothimar
No matter how R2 is presented, regardless of what bonuses are offered or not, someone is going to complain about something.
Whatever the developers come up with is fine with me, so long as it doesn't unbalance the game.
Re: Player that missed the point
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:56 pm
by aardnebb
jamela wrote:Zahan, we're not talking about Outpost catalysts, we're talking about potential experience lost while doing stuff in Ring scenarios.
There is no digging and there are no craftable materials on the Ring, so there is no potential experience lost in either of those skills. Though you might wish to bring ammo materials into the Ring since they're lighter than the ammo they make, but you can't bring a packer.
1. Isnt the "justification" for OP catalysts that they are to make up for the vast ammount of time not getting XP for PvP?
2. So you could claim that you are losing valuable digging/crafting xp since while you are there you _could_ be doing it just like you _could_ be hunting...
I just dont want to see the ring turn into a "hunter/fighter only" thing, just like OPs turned into a "PvPer only" thing.
Re: Player that missed the point
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:10 pm
by jamela
I don't wish to see the game balance drastically disturbed either, Andarr, which is precisely why I am making these points
Zahan already raised the issue of outpost catalysts and justification - when they turned up, they upset the game balance. Ryzom adapted, but I don't think Atys is level again.
I would never claim to be losing valuable digging experience while I am not digging in a Ring scenario, that would be absurd. If I was digging and not getting experience then I would have some reason, I think.
Re: Player that missed the point
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:31 pm
by aardnebb
The OPs have skewed the game balance, R2 could prop it back by providing a source of cats _not_ limited to the "winning side" of a PvP war.
IMHO cats should be removed totally, or made available to everyone, not held only by a limited proportion of the population.
Sure _everyone_ will level faster, but I think thats preferable to the current situation of haves and have-nots.
Re: Player that missed the point
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:48 pm
by truce1
jamela wrote:Try reading a little further in the thread, truce1; Acridiel apologised twice for the tone of that post, but now you've quoted the whole thing. While essentially I agree with you, you should also take a look at Acridiel's sig before you warn him about damaging the community
His sig didnt matter to me, and it wont to new player or those he talks to like that for expressing their ideas/concerns.
I read that far in this post and stopped BECOUSE of his post.
The OP has allot of the same concerns as i.
No game is ever "It is what it is". Thats a really bad stance to take, for allot of reasons.
Basically, from that post, He doesnt want the game to change, or evolve.
Im just wating for someone to tell me to go back to WoW (and i have never played it) becouse i want such things as more "quests", Player housing, Non-Armor clothing options, and space warfair.
Any way, Im over it.
Re: Player that missed the point
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:54 pm
by rothimar
In DAoC, they have outposts there as well. Keeps in their "frontier" zones, which offer different bonuses to statistics for the realm (yes, the whole realm... everyone in it) based on which realm owns which keep.
The beauty of this, is it brings the entire population of a region together with a common goal. Perhaps that would have been a better way to impliment the OP's.
The idea of cats being provided by the OP's seems like an attempt to attract players to participate in the whole GvG concept. Perhaps this would have been better if they had come up with a concept more closely related to DAoC's. That was a community motivator... everyone benefited.
Of course... that would also split the outposts based on race or faction... not guild vs guild.
Re: Player that missed the point
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:20 pm
by iphdrunk
jamela wrote:
Anissa, by skill limitation I didn't mean quality level, I meant that catalyst rewards ought to be limited for use on the skill branch that earned the reward. Seeing as the rationale for even having them is that you do not earn experience for actions that you would on Atys. I always assumed they would be automatic rewards, as you say. Which is why I suggested that they ought to be enabled only by Nevrax.
Yes, I understood. But what I meant is that to me, one of the attractions of catalyzers is the choice of using them in the skill that I want to. My player experience improves if I am able to do something I like and use the obtained cats in something I like less, or simply I find harder to level. Reducing the use of cats to skill branch earnt in the rewards is diminishing it's utility. The EP2 cats were good in the sense that, while forced to a specific activity, like digging, the rewards allowed me to catch up e.g. defensive affliction.
I also foresee lots of practical problems to implement this, without mentioning the fact that players could find "work arounds":
- If I use a lvl 250 skill in a ring scenario, that means no use of the rewards. Although one can say that while hunting with that 250 skill would also mean no xp gained in mainland, I could obtain looted mats to craft later.
- If the rewards were gained by a team, that means that every team member gets different rewards, according to the skill used. Can we trade them? Would players select the skill to use based on the fact that I will be contrained on the use later?
- Since there is no crafting and harvesting, that means that I cannot speed up those branches using ring catalyzers.
Your suggestion, although interesting and justified, is imho, limiting player choice.
Re: Player that missed the point
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:27 pm
by aardnebb
yes hehe, would just like to agree with Anissa here, its an interesting suggestion Jamela, and I can see why you made it, but I must politely disagree for reasons stated in previous posts