katriell wrote:
Right now, logging in/out/relogging just takes way too long. I linkdie after teleporting often, and every time that happens I have to relog completely.
(kinda offtopic, but worth mentioning in this thread) it happens to me quite often too. Apparently, Ryzom sync code seems pretty sensible to ping increase, network latency and jitter. Once you have read the technical faq, allowed ports, disabled antivirus, configured firewalls, upgraded your comp to the latest supreme hardware you can get and done anything that comes to mind and this just happens randomly, you'll notice:
- for "unsuccesful" loadings, the dreaded "the client fills some of the loading squares but stalls there, even at the last square (to the point that you need to kill ryzom-client-rd.exe and start again), your client log will look like this
2006/01/15 16:09:45 INF d00 client_ryzom_rd.exe network_connection.cpp 2238 : CNET[013926C8]: sent ACK_PROBE (1 probes)
2006/01/15 16:09:45 DBG d00 client_ryzom_rd.exe net_manager.cpp 3098 : CNetManager::update : Probe Received.
2006/01/15 16:09:45 INF d00 client_ryzom_rd.exe network_connection.cpp 2238 : CNET[013926C8]: sent ACK_PROBE (1 probes)
and it can go on like this for dozens of lines. You'll also notice in the task manager that the memory used by the process is lower that the average usual.
A succesful load will show the following lines after the probes.
2006/01/15 16:09:46 WRN d00 client_ryzom_rd.exe network_connection.cpp 2271 : CNET[013926C8]: probe->synchronize
2006/01/15 16:09:46 INF d00 client_ryzom_rd.exe network_connection.cpp 1169 : CNET[013926C8]: received SYNC 413648784 7531822602 - _CurrentReceivedNumber=453 _CurrentServerTick=413649690
For stalls and link downs after teleporting, something worth trying (avoids usual relog most of times) is changing between the windowed mode and full screen mode (just unclick the check box and click it again). It seems that the client resyncs after a config change - may happen as well with far clip settings, I found the former solution more reliable). I used to be forced to relog , this has came handy.
Sorry for the offtopic.