New Race-Specific Animations

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Re: New Race-Specific Animations

Post by micrix »

Haha :D that gave me a good laugh this morning :)

Can we have Tryker males running a little more manly ? ;) Its awful enough like we run atm holding a pick or weapon.

Well, i am fine with racial walk and run. But why dont you allow us to choose the way we sit ? If technical possible then give us something like


Me personally do want to sit different depending on the situation. Like

new_fyros_female -> meditation
new_matis_fem+male -> take a breath on a hunt
new_tryker_female -> beachparty :D

and so on.

Do the "idle" animations have changed too ?
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Re: New Race-Specific Animations

Post by scarazi »

Please, pretty please modify the Tryker run a bit :(
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Re: New Race-Specific Animations

Post by gudule »

thosholm wrote:The female Tryker sitting looks as if on sale.
yep, not very lady like :(
And will ever matis be able to rest with this half-seated postion ?

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Re: New Race-Specific Animations

Post by grimjim »

Like they said, its an all or nothing deal.

I think its an improvement overall. I say we accept it and ask for changes later on, when they have time.
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Re: New Race-Specific Animations

Post by catfud »

The new animations are rubbish a good idea but rubbish, fyros males can now join the nancy boys of matis, the only thing that looked good was femal zorai sitting and female tryker sitting though admittidly a bit sluty ;) but considering tryker are "the 'children' of the wind" probably not the best race to put it on. :( And every race running now looks like they have a disability of some sort.

As its all or nothing then I say nothing nothing nothing, i cant be dealing with running around atys looking like spaz watching other people running around looking like a spaz.
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Re: New Race-Specific Animations

Post by catfud »

Ha im now finding that I cant simpy vote "no" although i don't really like the animations like a lot have said some new content would be nice. decidions decisions decisions.... bah no idea what to vote now :mad:
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Re: New Race-Specific Animations

Post by iphdrunk »

it may be a bit offtopic :) but this reminds me when Nevrax suddenly replaced the spell animations during beta. There was some uproar, specially about the goofy jumps healing etc..... I think we all end up getting used to them :)
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Re: New Race-Specific Animations

Post by catfud »

Thats a good point those are just the norm now, thats leaning me more towards yes now
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Re: New Race-Specific Animations

Post by drizzeth »

I like al sitting Animations, for the new walking animation i only found Matis female to be really an improvement.

Tryker males now walk too macho or what you want to call it, not kids-like as they did before.

I dont see too much difference on the fyros models except the sitting animation.

Zorai...they are terrible!! its like walking yeti's! or blue apes with a really neanderthal walk to them :(
The new zorai sitting animation is very nice tho, fits the zorai very well :)

So i voted no, better get these done right in your sweet time then being frustrated of playing a neanderthal ape thats supposed to be an enlightened being roflol

My girlfriend (Catana) agrees to what im saying here, she just hates the unbearable thought of changing her lady-like stride for an neanderthal apelike try at walking :p

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Re: New Race-Specific Animations

Post by aylwyne »

grimjim wrote:Like they said, its an all or nothing deal.

I think its an improvement overall. I say we accept it and ask for changes later on, when they have time.
Nevrax certainly has the right to make it an all or nothing change. Heck, it's their game, they can do whatever they want. I do think, however, that it would be a mistake to approach all 8 animation changes as "all or nothing". Based on the poll, either way you go you will upset roughly half of the players.

From the feedback, it seems like they could make changes to a few of the animations and swing an awful lot of the 'no' votes to 'yes' votes.

I would think the smartest thing they could do from the standpoint of not aggrevating a bunch of players would be to review the detailed feedback provided in the various threads and adjust some of the animations accordingly and then go live with that.

P.S. For me, the main things that made me vote 'no' are the Tryker male run, Tryker female sit, and Zorai walk. I of course feel most strongly about Tryker as that's what I play. I think maybe they were aiming for 'childlike' but with the male it just came off as feminine and with the female sit it came off as... in the interest of avoiding the censors, let's just say "un-ladylike".
Last edited by aylwyne on Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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