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Re: Q&A Round XIV - Answers Published

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:26 pm
by magick1
thebax wrote:Atys did not coealesce, nor did it, or was it, assembled. It grew.
What did it grow from? For anything to grow, without being hollowed out, it need materials.
The simlpe answer is that it transmogrified, but then it still need a sizeable object to start with.

Re: Q&A Round XIV - Answers Published

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:05 pm
by danadita
Yeah ... I need to read that novel - The Integral Trees - was it Niven who wrote that? yeah! (tho' that was a freefall environment....) v'ry intessressting ... :D
magick1 wrote:What did it grow from? For anything to grow, without being hollowed out, it need materials. The simlpe answer is that it transmogrified, but then it still need a sizeable object to start with.

Re: Q&A Round XIV - Answers Published

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:03 pm
by grimjim
danadita wrote:Yeah ... I need to read that novel - The Integral Trees - was it Niven who wrote that? yeah! (tho' that was a freefall environment....) v'ry intessressting ... :D
And 'The Smoke Ring' I believe.

Re: Q&A Round XIV - Answers Published

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:37 pm
by thebax
E=mc squared. Energy can be directly converted into mass, although it does take rather a lot of it. However, given the huge supply of energy available to things in open space without atmospheric shielding, and a length of time comparable to even our own relatively young planet of Earth, it is possible for enough energy to be converted into mass to form a planet-sized object. As gravity increases more atmosphere will be retained (assuming some sort of magnetic field, which is possible, just not very likely without minerals), and the thickness of the atmosphere, and probably an Ozone layer, which will block much of that radiation. By this time, though, the mass and dimension of the object will be sufficient to promote collisions with space-junk (meteors) which will also, very slowly, add to the mass of the body. Although, as metors tend to be Nickle and Iron rich, we return to minerals being present...somewhere.
Atys may well have grown without any starting mass to grow from, a microscopic spore floating through space.

Aye, dis ball grewed aight. Jus waits till Ma-Duk finds dem secret numbers an' names, mebbee den he stop holtin out on de knowledge. Dratted gods :p

Re: Q&A Round XIV - Answers Published

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:05 pm
by michielb
sidusar wrote:The PvP Strike Team Letter also said they "would add a "PvP tag"; it would be up to you to trigger the flag on or not." So I'm not too worried about griefing 1337s.
Eh? L2 has a lil thingy called "karma" that turns your name red if you kill players for no good reason and this player doesn't fight back but that doesn't stop the 1337 kiddies from ganking...

Re: Q&A Round XIV - Answers Published

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:26 pm
by michielb
magick1 wrote:What did it grow from?

A comet perhaps? :D

Re: Q&A Round XIV - Answers Published

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:44 pm
by thosholm
It probably started out as a single-cell organism, that started clumping together in a so-called bio-film. Within that film, certain cells developed in different directions all after what was needed in a symbiotic relationship, and slowly the first plants developed.

How those cells developed, is another story. Several competing and complementing theories exist for the stages between the organic soup and the early cells.

Btw, Atys must have some significant sources of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen near. Wood is made up of cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin, all of which are poly-saccharides, (C6H12O6)n. My guess is the big gas giant and its ring system.

Re: Q&A Round XIV - Answers Published

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 3:13 am
by crusade
I was wondering why we can only build 1 Drill when we have 3 buildingsites.
Do we have to wait for another patch,or can u tell me what to do ?

Re: Q&A Round XIV - Answers Published

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:54 am
by gwythion
aylwyne wrote:This is very disappointing. I pay a monthly fee to play the game. I don't want to spend gametime surfing the web to figure out what's going on inside the game.
I see the chronicles site as a missed opportunity. It has made it more difficult rather than easier to track things. Now we have to look in three places, the main lore/background pages on, the forums and now the chronicle site as well. It would be far better if the material was consolidated into one place. The background material needs a good overhaul and improvement too.