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Re: Missing Homin Report

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:03 am
by thosholm
petej wrote:I think the last note reads "Blood" and also has "-X" in the bottom right hand corner ?
May Tryton protect all homins, I think you're right. I missed it because the oil lamp wasn't set bright enough. The writing is very washed out though, more a guess than a for sure.

Re: Missing Homin Report

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:11 am
by micrix

Re: Missing Homin Report

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:30 am
by micrix
The sign looking like a 6 is not necessary part of the message but could be a possibility to find this place in Pyr. We need just to find this sing somewhere in Pyr.

I also like the idea that some cold calculating enemies hide behind the mask of a maniac murderer.

Re: Missing Homin Report

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:44 am
by petej
It looks more like "LD" than 5 or 6 to me , no idea what that could be from though

The other bit i find interesting is the homin in Zorai armour (frames 1201 - 1217) seems to be walking backwards and is that the same armour the cut throats wore ?

Re: Missing Homin Report

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:05 am
by micrix
petej wrote:It looks more like "LD" than 5 or 6 to me , no idea what that could be from though

The other bit i find interesting is the homin in Zorai armour (frames 1201 - 1217) seems to be walking backwards and is that the same armour the cut throats wore ?
I sign that. They do move backwards in the movie. Unfortunately the ambers do not preserve colors, therefore it is impossible to know what kind of armour it is. Green or black ? Who could know...

Re: Missing Homin Report

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 2:12 pm
by sprite
Further investigation of the previous video shows an image of a man with one of the "snatched" girls:

Here you can see a man wearing what appears to be fyros light armour standing in the background.

Re: Missing Homin Report

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 2:25 pm
by sidusar
thosholm wrote:Just out of curiousity, when the film pans up from the victim lying on the ground over a strip of wall decoration up to the roof, can that spot in Pyr be identified?
After a thorough search of Pyr, I concluded that the location of the victim must have been at Rydon's Walk. So not at Southgate Road, where Sergeant Ulyros claimed the body had been found.
At the scene I encountered a Zoraï dressed in light armor similar to the one seen in the video walking backwards away from the victim. I questioned him but all he told me was that he had only been checking on the victim and that he had nothing to do with it and that he was tired of people asking him about it.
I didn't find anything that looked like a '5', '6', or 'LD' written sideways. Not there or anywhere else in Pyr.
thosholm wrote:Also the other places where victims were found, where exactly are they on a map of Pyr?
Here you go. As far as I know the first two victims, Xyrila and Bile, were walking from the bar towards Southgate Road when they disappeared. The blue line shows the most likely route they took, but where on this route they were snatched is unknown. The latest victim, Rosine Antosi, was apparently walking from the Imperial Hall towards Dexton Street when she disappeared. Shown in green is the shortest route she could've taken, but as you can see this route goes nowhere near Southgate Road and instead goes right past the Guardhouse. It's unlikely she would be kidnapped along this route, so she probably took the longer route along the red line right past Southgate Road, for whatever reason she might've had.

The red circle shows the location of the paralyzed body. Far from the routes. The message saying "This is a warning, call off your investigation or the next one won't be spared" suggests there was a 'first one' that was spared. So most likely this Aelon Ibiseus wasn't an intended victim, but someone close to finding the Snatcher. In fact, I would suspect Sergeant Ulyros isn't completely honest with us, and that Aelon didn't haplessly stumble upon the Snatcher but was involved in the investigation, perhaps working undercover.
micrix wrote:We put some effort into it...
Nice. Someone should do a similar analysis of the first video. In particular, the short flash zoomed in at the face of the Tryker girl (the one where she has her nose and lips cut off, yes, that freaked me out by the way) shows a homin figure in the background. Our Snatcher, perhaps?
[EDIT: Nevermind, Spriteh got this one while I was repeatedly clicking the 'submit reply' button.]

So now that a Matis woman has been kidnapped too (meaning I can walk the streets of Pyr a bit safer again ;) ), everyone keep their eyes out for wandering Zoraï women.

Re: Missing Homin Report

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:55 pm
by thosholm
Anyone got an idea how to connect it all with the 'poem' the Snatcher left?

Re: Missing Homin Report

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:27 pm
by hans1976
That poem is from Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None" [Title of poem changed: ***Edited - Use of offensive or foul language is not permitted on these message boards. Please respect the forum rules & Netiquette. ***] The key in that story was that one of the victims who disappeared and presumed murdered is not dead and excuting the others.

I cannot believe there is no connection between the homins who were either killed or kidnapped. Alas, I am away for the weekend, but this is really freaky!

Small edit....

First two woman kidnapped had a name with an X in it. If the snatcher is a true weirdo serial killer he will *want* to be found, so be prepared to look for a pattern, no matter how warped.

Re: Missing Homin Report

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:16 pm
by ozric
Tidings wrote:... Her apartment is located in Dexton Street...
Hmm, there are no Homin appartments in Dexton Street, just a Guild appartment.