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Re: [feedback] [dev] Named Creatures Respawn Delay
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:19 pm
by akicks
midnight wrote:one aspect of having the named mobs wander ALL over the region instead of restricting their wanderings to lesser areas have been totally neglected by any but the involved persons, here referring to harvesters.
basically harvesters are dead the moment any named mob spies them as it is impossible to run from sources without getting a slight delay and the amount of damage named monsters deal is usually enough to kill in one blow if you are not wearing hitpoint boosting eq which none of the harvesters i know of do.
The slight delay comes from not having an instabreak button that will interrupt harvesting and drop sources and allow you to TRY and run away
i have yet to hear of any that has managed to do so.
Getting a rezz is turning more and more difficult as the mobs won't wander away from a killed person immediately and the idea of reducing the time delay with which they respawn is not welcome for harvesters. Harvesters are known to gang up on named mobs and leave their carcasses to rot simply to buy time to harvest.
if you would restrict the mobs' areas again but not to the one or two spots things would be more normal and still tolerable for both fighters and harvesters.
As it is i'm personally contemplating the idea of harvesting in lowlevel areas and lay waste to any named mob that gets close wether or not they are being pulled by lower level parties
to put it bluntly: I'm sick and tired of being killed by named mobs but my harvest is of such a level i'm forced to harvest in areas that is not of my challenge level.
It's called "Cancel Action". Ctrl+S (I think), or (if your like me) Ctrl+C (Because I can reach that quickly).
This slight delay, therefore, is not a problem if your cancel your action. As with foraging anywhere, you should always be looking aroud you. Anything could suddenly come up on you and kill you if you are not careful.
It's not the mobs fault that you keep dieing, or the fact that bosses can now roam. It's yours for not paying attention to what is around you. (This includes a boss spawning on you, as has happened to me, but because I was paying attention I was able to escape.)
Re: [feedback] [dev] Named Creatures Respawn Delay
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:22 pm
by mmatto
It would be fair if bosses or mobs did not spawn on top of homins but that is another discussion

Re: [feedback] [dev] Named Creatures Respawn Delay
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:37 pm
by calel
akicks wrote:As with foraging anywhere, you should always be looking aroud you. Anything could suddenly come up on you and kill you if you are not careful.
It's not the mobs fault that you keep dieing, or the fact that bosses can now roam. It's yours for not paying attention to what is around you.
Exactly, no one said getting higher ql materials comes without a price. If I' m digging up excellent materials and i die, it' s my own fault, because i know those are dangerous spots and there are named ones roaming around at those exact spots. If you want safety: go dig in lower ql areas or hire guards. Either live with it, move on or deal with it apropriatly.
Re: [feedback] [dev] Named Creatures Respawn Delay
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:45 pm
by rushin
midnight wrote:basically harvesters are dead the moment any named mob spies them as it is impossible to run from sources without getting a slight delay and the amount of damage named monsters deal is usually enough to kill in one blow if you are not wearing hitpoint boosting eq which none of the harvesters i know of do.
hehe, you should try harvesting in wastelands o.O Slight delay has been answered (crtl+s) all i can say is you will get used to it.. i harvest in area's where the 'normal' mobs routinely hit me for 2500+ dmg. Whenever i have moved to a higher pr area there is the initial couple of weeks where i die pretty much constantly, and always port back to town muttering under my breath about how insane the devs must be to believe anyone could survive long enough to pull mats down there. But as time goes on u get used to the level of aggression and sooner or later its second nature to dodge around the mobs, or cut short a harvest and speed away from trouble. Be thankful ur talking about one or 2 named mobs, i can normally see at least 20 mob's in spitting distance that will kill me in 1 hit

Re: [feedback] [dev] Named Creatures Respawn Delay
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:53 pm
by marct
midnight wrote:basically harvesters are dead the moment any named mob spies them as it is impossible to run from sources without getting a slight delay and the amount of damage named monsters deal is usually enough to kill in one blow if you are not wearing hitpoint boosting eq which none of the harvesters i know of do.
The slight delay comes from not having an instabreak button that will interrupt harvesting and drop sources and allow you to TRY and run away
i have yet to hear of any that has managed to do so.
I must say you are spoiled. I think as the level of the region goes up the roam of the named mobs should go up also. Come to Nexus and spend a week. You will learn to Harvest and pay attention instead of reading a book, watching the Television or chatting endlessly.
If you use your radar and look around a little bit instead of being mezmerized by your "green bubbles of happiness"
รค, you have more than enough time to stop your harvest and perform some action to allow for your escape.
Re: [feedback] [dev] Named Creatures Respawn Delay
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:48 pm
by amitst
This is a terrible solution because:
Mob hp increases linearly with level.
They are proposing a 5x gain in hp for what would be approzimately a 30 level gain for the herbi.
Why dont they just add gargantuan herbivores at level 260 or something like that. The hp would be higher than voracious by about 40% probably, but would give us close to the desired exp. None of the herbies I have seen give you decent exp even solo > level 210 the best of which has been voracious shalah.
terrible solution
Re: [feedback] [dev] Named Creatures Respawn Delay
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:34 pm
by mrshad
I am fine with this solution, but I would like to know WHEN it will be put in place?
Re: [feedback] [dev] Named Creatures Respawn Delay
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 5:09 pm
by dc77066
Don't know how dead this thread is but my guildies and I have noticed an additional negative effect to the 4-8 hour (random) spawn for named mobs.
We ported into Fount the other day and found that a majority of the named mobs were dead, unlooted and near NPC's. Dgambi, Corrah and Crimp where laying at the feet of the Karavan troopers near the TP. Don't know if they were dragged and then killed by the guards or they simply wandered too close to the TP or they were killed by players and just happened to drop dead there. The bodies didn't despawn for a very long time (far longer than before).
I would gather that its good strategy to kill aggro around a resource field and leave the bodies to create a window to harvest between pops but I think this even further delays the named mob availability. I like the idea that NPC's come to your aid when you have a few angry zerx on your tail but the mobs shouldn't wander into hostile areas. We enjoy the behavior of the DP Early Warning System (some herbs run from aggro) so we know that mobs don't wanna be killed if they can avoid it. I understand that they get a little crazy when it comes to non-NPC characters (ie players). Vigorous Gingos will attack a Novice Magician with the same gusto as a Master of Elemental Magic. I've felt like that gingo every once in a while (Fijoo!! I'll get you next time!!!)
Anyway, to bring it back on track, NPC's shouldn't kill named bosses. That should be left to us Homins who could use the mats.
Re: [feedback] [dev] Named Creatures Respawn Delay
Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 1:10 am
by mrshad
When is this going to happen?
This change has to be one of the easier things to implement (I am guessing all it takes is a couple of changes in a database), and it would allow high level groups a chance to advance.
The herbivores mentioned have some nifty abilities, and fighitng them would be entertaining, if only it were rewarding.
Please make implementing this improvement a priority.
Re: [feedback] [dev] Named Creatures Respawn Delay
Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 2:06 am
by sprite
dc77066 wrote:Anyway, to bring it back on track, NPC's shouldn't kill named bosses. That should be left to us Homins who could use the mats.
Orrrr, make the corpse "unspawn" (ie decay/disappear) immediately/very quickly if an NPC kills it
I'm frankly getting tired of seeing my good friend Cherkin lying dead at Dyron stables.