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Re: Ever wonder what's under Oshi's armor?...

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 11:07 pm
by aylwyne
larwood wrote:Oshido...

Good job buddy. Now i have a few questions for you armor crafters. Does HQ make any diffrence other than the shiny looks? Because I really like the white basic fyros caster armor.... it is WHITE... not red with a little white like the HQ white. Anyway... if anyone can answer that, or wants to tell me off... i'm all ears. :)
Essentially, basic/medium/high quality armor are identical (that's true across all races too). There is a small variation as the different qualities use different numbers of mats but there's no built in boost applied to medium or high quality armor.

I personally don't like the red trim on high quality Fyros. I think it clashes with many of the colors and detracts a lot from the white. I like the brownish-gold trim on the medium quality best.

Re: Ever wonder what's under Oshi's armor?...

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 3:22 am
by aylwyne
Oops, I just noticed another bug that was preventing people from seeing Fyros armor as an option in the dressing room. When I first added that option a week ago, I set it up so only Soma, Raku, and I could see it for testing. When I went live, I forgot to take that restriction off the radio button that allows you to select Fyros armor.

Should be all set now.

Zoraï up next....

Re: Ever wonder what's under Oshi's armor?...

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 6:31 pm
by gillest
Fantastic work, GZ on that one ;)

And I do also prefer the trim of MQ Fyros Heavy, HQ just dont look as good.