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Re: Shame On You!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:19 am
by aelvana
keoni wrote:I have attempted to be involved in the game, with my guild, and now in the forums - and it seems the more involved you get, the more ridiculous drama you are subjected to. I am reminded of a truism: "No good deed goes unpunished."
OMG, I guess Red means golden truth of the universe?

Re: Shame On You!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:35 am
by basicart
As i am lead to bleave it wasnt just 2 rings, thay are just what happens to be left on show thanks to the "zero for sale" bug, Why rip off some one elses hard work and kind deeds?
You think you are helping the community by doing this?

Re: Shame On You!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:38 am
by roninpvp
tygerqt wrote:As far as prices are concerned - From what I've seen, the jewelry market has been out of control, I have seen many people complain about the prices about the available jewelry. There are *many, many* people that are working right now to replace Haddo, in more ways than one in this market. The main reason, being the price. Which is completely understandible.

but to help everyone else that is in need of jewelry.

Your Lovely Little Forager,

Order Of The Dragon
Have you even read this thread? Your high officer admits to being someone who jacks up prices hoping someone is so desperate they have no choice but to buy at a huge mark up. If your position is what you stated above your guild would not allow this. As for Haddo's pricing I have no issue with it and think its very fair. The trouble is people who make huge mark ups by buying the supply then getting rich of people's desperation. I really didnt want to post anymore on this but such a blatant contradiction of words versus actions compelled me.

Re: Shame On You!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:13 am
by keoni
baby1974 wrote:Aya and my support as well

as to basic taking all of OD ..... hehe

Ravens: see the final line of my sig. Consider your core beliefs, as I recall how you related them to me. Then please explain to me in a /tell sometime how you are living up to your beliefs by blindly supporting your guild in this jingoistic exercise. Merry meet... and parted.

Re: Shame On You!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:27 am
by baby1974
ummm HARM YE NONE.... i belive explotation counts...
nuff said

Member of OmegaV

Re: Shame On You!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:28 am
by keoni
marct wrote:OK, Here it is Plain and simple.

1. If you are a repeated Black Market Hawker, OmegaV will not stand for it.
2. You may become Kill on Sight (KoS)
3. You will not receive OmegaV support through goods or assistance.

If you were only 2 rings, I think you have nothing to worry about. If you are looking to increase your dapp account instead of supporting the community then worry. You are not only a dis-service in this case to the original crafter and there price point, but you are doing a dis-service to the game and community development.

And, yes I am an OmegaV officer.
What you say is rational, marct. But rationality has not been ruling the day here. The plain and simple truth is this: Your guild has declared a KoS guild war on mine over the resale of two Haddo rings. No more, no less. Basic extrapolates a 2M figure for a set of jewelry, but I did not sell a set. I sold 2 rings. Two. Do I say this by way of apology? Absolutely not.

Now, did it make any difference to your guildmates that I happen to have been one of the very few homins willing to fill the market need created by Haddo's absense by crafting and selling at reasonable markup decent HP jewelry? No, apparently it did not. So I submit to you that it is your guild (not necessarily you individually) who are doing the dissevice to the game and community development, by starting PvP wars for childish and flimsy rationale.

If you have any influence in your guild to reverse this rash action, I would certainly appreciate it. Because, unlike Basic, I don't consider this sort of crap something to put an insipid smiley after.

Re: Shame On You!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:30 am
by keoni
baby1974 wrote:ummm HARM YE NONE.... i belive explotation counts...
nuff said

Member of OmegaV

and I exploited... who, exactly?

You are a Wiccan joining in Crusader mentality. That's a very, very sad turn of events.

Re: Shame On You!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:31 am
by kirk1972
as an OmegaV member i fully support my guild and our officers... i will back them all 100%! i look forward to "playing with the dragons"...

Re: Shame On You!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:35 am
by baby1974
the verry sad turn of events is making a profit off the the ABILITYS that you have over other homins...Karma gramere allways said never sell your gifts...maby you should be reviewing and reassesing YOUR views on your core beliefs.

PSTTT rember ppl its a GAME

member of OmegaV

Re: Shame On You!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:40 am
by keoni
aelvana wrote:OMG, I guess Red means golden truth of the universe?
No, red is for a red truth of the universe... for a golden truth of the universe I'd need to use gold, natch. With the posible exception of "Don't Panic!" which is a golden truth of the universe which is best displayed in red.