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Re: Introduce Your Character!

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:42 pm
by oglala
Good morning,

I just signed up, created a character last night. So far, I like the game. Of course, I am still learning the ropes. BTW, does anyone know where to find plain damp straw around the Matis starting area? Oh, before I forget, my character's name is Savageone.


Re: Introduce Your Character!

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:10 pm
by danadita
Are you still on the starting island? is a good place to check for mats there. I know doesn't have the starter islands charted. Yet. :)
oglala wrote:Good morning,

I just signed up, created a character last night. So far, I like the game. Of course, I am still learning the ropes. BTW, does anyone know where to find plain damp straw around the Matis starting area? Oh, before I forget, my character's name is Savageone.


Re: Introduce Your Character!

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:30 pm
by oglala
danadita wrote:Are you still on the starting island? is a good place to check for mats there. I know doesn't have the starter islands charted. Yet. :)

Thank you danadita,

I will most certainly check it out. And yes, I am still on the starter island.


Re: Introduce Your Character!

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:24 am
by d29565
My name is Keiko. No last name, for I never knew my parents. I grew up mostly alone on the Refugee Island until Jena knew it was time for me to see the whole world. I left for the mainland, Verdant Heights.
I was immediantly taken into the guild Out of Cavern, my long lost uncle (Trindle) recommended me. With his help, I quickly trained and practiced my melee to the point where I was capable of handling the Gingos and Ragus outside of the main town, Yrkanis.
I soon met someone in my guild whom I quickly fell madly in love with. Zorin and I did everything together. It was with him that I found my other love, magic. I spent days learning the finer tricks of the Elemental spells. Zorin and I learned together. But sadly, one day he was murdered and taken off to another place *game*.
I mourned the loss of him so. In his honour, I trained harder than anyone in my magic. I practiced with healing, and when I was great in that, I excelled in the elemental arts.
I became bored with Out of Cavern, my family since 'birth'! But, I left them, thinking that I could find my way in a different guild. Find myself once I left home. Soon I joined Reapers of the Dark, a guild with memebers that used to be in Out of Cavern. But, they weren't what I wanted, what I needed. And, I guess i wasn't what they wanted either. I was kicked from that guild and crawled back to my accepting, loving family, OoC. I was accepted back with open arms, forgiven for my mistakes. I was home again.
Soon, problems surfaced in my guild though. Many members and leaders left. For a few harsh weeks, our guild had only three people! But, when Amcyr became our guild leader, things got better. I became a High Officer, holding great authority. Now Sekhmet, Lathaniel, Navra, Akjohb, Pubgal, Zad, Beko, and Rastaofwind are trying to bring back what OoC used to be, and will always be. Even Trindle is back in our mists (he was uh...gone.. for a while). Things are looking up.
I still talk to Zorin, though I wonder if he can hear me (called MSN people). I still dable in the magical arts, so much so that I am almost a master! I dont know what is in store for me, or my guild, but I open it with open arms. With HOPE!

Re: Introduce Your Character!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:45 am
by mtsmith
I be Spiff...that should be 'nuff fer most of ya. Fer those of ya who don't know me, just search for my DP Aura. It's the one that plays lovely death music. If I can't get ya killed, then ya are more than just the averaga homin. This wee Tryker be notorious for the zaniest adventures ever.

If yer ever in the mood for some fun accompanied by a very high chance of dying, look me up. Oh, an' if yer lookin' for some trouble, ya got no reason to look further. I be the baddest, tiniest, meanest, stubbornest, angriest, little bugger yer likely to meet!

Re: Introduce Your Character!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:16 am
by hawkes2
hi, its Erikos, some know me, most dont. Ive been reading these boards for a while , and i just wanted to say hello and maybe get into some nice discussions throughout, on anything and everything :) see yas in Atys!


Re: Introduce Your Character!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:24 am
by sprite
hawkes2 wrote:hi, its Erikos, some know me, most dont. Ive been reading these boards for a while , and i just wanted to say hello and maybe get into some nice discussions throughout, on anything and everything :) see yas in Atys!
*waves* Hi there, I've seen you around and hope to see you some more :D

Re: Introduce Your Character!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:31 pm
by hawkes2
sprite wrote:*waves* Hi there, I've seen you around and hope to see you some more :D

heya Sprite :D

Re: Introduce Your Character!

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 3:27 pm
by anzhye
Wow, okay, well...

Ingame, my name is Anzhye (ahnsh-hI, second syllable accented).

I am new to the searching of the mystery of Ryzom. Though I tend to work alone for now (not in a guild as of yet), I am watching and leaning about the different guilds to see which I may be interested in joining.

I love to hunt in teams. I also take great interest in learning about the individuals around me. Feel free to ask me more about myself, should you ever meet me ingame!

As I gain in experience, I look forward to being a help and valuable asset to others.

In all of this, time will tell...
Until we meet again, fellow Homin. ;8^)

Re: Introduce Your Character!

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:03 am
by aras420
Hi, I'm Trillion. I'm not exactly sure how I got here... One day a was a 26 year old jeweler in Florida, year 2005, the next I was a hot matis chick wielding swords, making shields and throwing damaging ice magic at everything that moved... Imagine my surprise! Well anyhow, my shield crafting skills are advancing quite rapidly and I have been accepted into a wonderfull guild called "Legion of Atys." My main focus is on offensive ice magic and one handed sword/sheild combos. I feel my transfer from Earth to Atys was quite painless and I don't especially miss the old home, except for the food. I'de give 1 million dappers and my entire collection of sheilds for a burger and a beer right now... oh, I miss the pubs...