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Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 3:02 pm
by gddss
lyrah68 wrote:EUREKA! I just figured out why this US vs Them crap gets to me...I am a MOM, I don't CARE what that sides point is. I want peace and quiet, I want BOTH sides to get their cookie and milk and sit and enjoy it, not beat each other up to see who gets the broken glasses and crumbs.
After 16 hours of *whiney toddler voice* MINE!!! GIMME *screaming of preteen child* MOOOOTHER make him get OUT of MY room MOOOOOOMMMMMM(in a warbling pre pubescent girls voice). I don't care WHAT he broke or if he IS in her room, I want two kids that get along.
And guess what, I don't become "not the Momma" when I log on...Mom is a 24/7/365 (except leap years of course, then add a day) Job, not a role you can EVER step out of. Kinda like being a Marine, SURE you can retire, but you are STILL a Marine. (if you don't believe me...ask one). (I tend to think EMTs, Firemen, Police, Teachers, all branches of military, and for the most part Librarians are similar in the once a *role here* always a *role here*).
omg I can soooo empathize with you there!!
Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 3:05 pm
by gddss
varelse wrote:In UO, I knew moms that "lived" exclusively in the open pvp area (Felucca, Siege Perilous). I knew moms that roleplayed pirates, vampires, thieves and highway robbers. They were really nice people who happened to get a kick out of slaughtering other player's characters in an online massively mulitplayer fantasy roleplaying game.
And, I knew some teenagers that hated the whole idea of players killing or stealing from other players.
Many people choose roles based on what they want out of the game, and these are not necessarily similar to the roles they play in the real world. That's the beauty of an online world... it allows you to explore, experiment with, and experience different roles in a virtual setting without compromising the roles you play in the real world.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think she is dumping all people who RP in this category, just the ones who make it a pain in the butt for others and pointing out simply why it bothers her personally.
I think you are totally right about the beauty of an online world. It is defintely a wonderful escape to a fantasy for me.
Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 12:49 am
by kostika
jackmor wrote:
An adult that pretends to be a fantisy char. is kind of creapy to alot of people. And if its creapy to some it must scare others. When you scare some one they will take the fight or flight responce. In the game that means they will avoid the RP player or hate them.
If this was some regular game like Sims Online, I might agree with you. If this was a LARP and norms were at the game venue, I might agree with you. But this is an mmoRPG. These are gamers we're dealing with. People who play GAMES. Whether they be RPG or FPS, games aren't likely to be afraid of someone RPing.
So I think you're completely off on this assumption.
I'd say somehting more, but GrimJim already summed everything else up earlier.
Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:26 am
by sathla
Internet, serious business
and lol@pirate moms
Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:34 pm
by lyrah68
*Tryker with Pirate hat pushes hat to a more jaunty angle* Arg you want chocolate milk with that cookie?
sathla wrote:Internet, serious business
and lol@pirate moms
Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 9:37 am
by amir00
ya know i just dont understand this "jerks using roleplay excuse". its the first time ive heared it. here on this forum. when i run into jerks, they are jerks. i've never ran into a jerk that is roleplaying a jerk. i just dun get it. i mean, they've gotta be roleplaying a jerk to be a jerk yeah?
reading some of these responses about how limited roleplaying should be makes me think if some of ya have heart attacks when ya run into a tense situation. go back to your childhood and think about why you play games. i remember the rush of making a clench 3-pointer in basketball, the gut wrenching inning as my brother struck out one batter at a time, the embarrasment of losing chess to my yougest brother, sweating as i battled bowser in mario, or the adrenaline of killing several players single handedly in another mmorpg. i remember challenging matis in thesos. loser would leave thesos for a day. everyone was running off with their mouth but veertigo stepped up. i lost but it was an awesome battle. i remember asking a matis for a pass when i saw one in pyr. she didnt have one. i asked her fyros friend if she was escorting her. she said no, i killed her and her traitorous fyros friend. this is what games are for; challenge and unique experiences. at least for me. people usually dont play chess or basketball so they can be huggy wuggy to their opponents. you need to play dollhouse or have tea party for that.
however, i do agree that roleplaying takes a lot of energy. i havent been roleplaying much now. kind of sick and tired of it. but when i am roleplaying, i get into the mood for it before logging on. sometimes i dont even log on if i am not in the mood for it because it will ruin my experience and it wont be fun anymore. i just log on with my alts, play another game, or quit the game if it goes on for long time.
but thats just me though. i like to experience things.
Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:13 pm
by zluggo
How could "an adult pretending to be a fantasy char" be seen as "creepy"? And how do you know whether I the player is an adult or not when you see my character on your screen? I'm *dead sure* Straphar isn't wearing his "I'm 40 and Swedish, what the heck is YOUR excuse?!" t-shirt.
And now that you know me the player to be 40, why would it creep anyone out? Cuz "fun" is something meant exclusively for teens?
Straphar of Shadowclan
Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:26 pm
by figgybee
I'm more worried about the Swedish than the 40... >>;

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:33 pm
by turkka
I am more worried about zluggo wanting to be teen than Swedish

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:50 pm
by timberbe
For as long as I've played MMOs, there has been a "US and THEM" attitude, however, it's been pretty much entirely One sided -- The Non-RolePlayers.
Role Players are typicaly in their own world, and interact in char, mainly, with their own kind. Though, I would have to say that some geeky, Dick ass kid / middle age Fat / Skinny Man, doing their Lording Over All or Toady, Ass Kissing routine falls into an RP category all it's own.
If Role Players are to be condemed, or viewed as "Creepy" and "Frightening" for talking in thees and thous and all manner of flowery or Techno Speech, creating a role, and a character and sticking to it, then how about all the afore mentioned Geek, Grim misters who, without this game would Continue to be Lords of their Own Universes, but it would be a Universe of One, and that one Not quite Home, if you know what I mean.