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Re: You ugly sand-maggots!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:20 am
by kostika
I'm glad my Officers are taking care of you and instilling the needed fear.

But remember, its not Rashan you need to impress.

Its me.

Re: You ugly sand-maggots!

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 9:15 am
by jgehring
Meeko headed out through the south gate to begin filling the orders Rashan had given her, Kostika's words still ringing in her ears. She supposed her dagger display would be the joke amoungst the officer's and other cadet's for some time to come. Her cheeks flushed a deep red at the memory.
She had only wanted to impress Kostika, as she had said that was needed, and Meeko had only ended up nearly cutting herself in the process. Kostika's quick actions had prevented that nasty business, but the fact was, Meeko was more dangerous to herself with that dagger than to anyone or anything else.
Shoving the memory out of her thoughts, she began to do the tasks she had been given orders for. She was determined to finish the bootcamp.

Re: You ugly sand-maggots!

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:25 am
by kostika
Don't worry. We'll train you so an incident like that doesn't happen again. Just be patient.

Re: You ugly sand-maggots!

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:14 pm
by jgehring
Finding very few yubo outside the southgate, Meeko cut back through the city and went out the northgate. There she found pleanty of yubo roaming and scampering about and was finished with them in a mere 4 to 4 and 1/2 hours.

Her bags were simply too full to hold anything more. She asked around in town about apartments and thought she'd see about leasing one, until she nearly choked on her tongue when she saw the listed fee.

Whenever the day came that she could afford one, she knew not to go back to that particular Caretaker again as he was not too fond of the names she'd called him.

With a heavy sigh, she had begun to head out to one of the stables and see if they might by change have a packer for sale. Running through town was always an ordeal for her as she got confused and often found she was running in circles. Her irritation level was high, the sun was hot and just as she rounded a corner, instead of a street being there as it should, there was a wall.

She landed on her rear, legs spread, knees up, hands behind her to catch her fall. Looking to see what had happened to the street and why there was a wall where the street should have been, Meeko found her 'wall' offering her a hand and she was extremely grateful to Pinsao for the gift of the heavy armor at that moment.

"How's it going, recruit?" Rashan said as he pulled her to her feet. There it was again... 'recruit' sounding both like a curse and as if he were addressing a small child.

"Pretty well, sir" she replied after snapping quickly to attention and saluting. "I have completed one of the tasks on this list. Can I turn it in now, or do I need to wait and turn in the whole list at one time?" she asked.

"I can take what you have now" Rashan informed her. She handed him the 50 yubo eyes she had collected then tossing her dagger in the air, she caught it smoothly. She about jumped for joy, but remembering herself, she did not.

"I see you have been practicing" Rashan said, sounding slightly amused. She felt her cheeks burn hot red and was again thankful to Pinsao for the armor and thankful she was wearing the helm at that moment.

"It was all those yubo, sir. They sort of helped." Meeko told him.

He said something about some contest that had been held before she had arrived and how it had to do with yubo eyes and a prize and that she had also won a prize. And when he told her she had won a packer, she was just so surprized and taken aback that she forgot most of what he'd said before that.

He led her to the stables where he spoke with the stable boy a moment and then handed her some dapper to purchase the packer. It was a scrawny little thing and didn't look like it was very fast or sturdy, but it was still a packer.

"Just a scrawny one, but good enough for the likes of you." Rashan growled.

Rashan helped show her how to talk to the beast and give it commands. By the time he had to leave, she thought she had a pretty good understanding of the beast and felt pretty confident in her knowledge.

It might be small and scrawny, but it was obediant and that was important. No doubt Rashan was going to pop in on some other unsuspecting recruit as if he'd been right at their side the whole live long day.

Well, time for her to get busy with the harvesting part of her tasks. With a sigh she changed into her light armor and putting her dagger and sword away, she set out to forage the requested items.

Re: You ugly sand-maggots!

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:58 am
by josh2250
"So you think you've got what it takes to be accepted for Rashan's Recruits?"

pfft what a fool!

I'll show him! I'll show all of them!

How errogant to assume that Nitris doesnt "have what it takes"!

"Truth, Honor and Discipline are the values prized by every true born Fyros!" These are the things drilled into my teachings as a youth, bah! I say Dappers! Dappers are the only thing prized by this Fyros!

A Pirate? I would gladely put my sword aside ... to slap the beggars cup of change out of his hand and collect the coin for myself! I am always at war ... at war with myself ... with everyone ...

I would crush Ma-Duk in the palm of my hand ... if I had the power, if I had the Dapper ...

You georgius sand-maggots!

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 2:35 pm
by speiberb
They call me Laica..
(you make out a real skinny ,muscleless tall Zorai with a simple mask and red ponytails out of his skull, leaning on a big rusty axe)

...some called me loony Laica..but they dont understand,
Spirit is the keenest weapon of a man, beside an axe,

true power is no muscles nor reflexes

I grew up with the Nature and with the Kami, the day i was able to think,
me started to followed my fathers order

to meet "the officer" and revenge his live..i got his mask also have throwen some peanuts on his give him some nuts for afterlive

Our jungle is where Ma-Duk and the ghost of Kami stray and many of my kind, is prosper and
easy there..but im heading out to the sdesert where nature
shows its true conquer the hostile areas and show that will
will win.

Ever reconized those tiny bugs that suck waterpearls from the sandcorns
in morning?

The officer said he will take me there, he is no straange people my father has knewn,
he took of his mask.. he looked more like an Ape,

he said i should do trials, and something like a bootcamp ..what willl that be?
He saived my live.
So i will trust him and follow the will of my father,

the desert shall clean my mind..i need a clear few on things, i have to think and meditate about the Kami and the Karavan, Jena and Ma-Duk.

I will awake,

Now i have to keen my weapon.*easily picks up the heavy axe, *scrrrrch scrrrrrrch*

Re: You ugly sand-maggots!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:47 pm
by ellefsen
Name: Hvidt
guild: Samsara

from the day he was born his family and the normadic tribe he lived with taught him the Fyros way. Truth, Honor and Discipline. He should follow the Fyros way and travel to the great land of Pyr where he could do his part to aid the great empire in becomming even greater...
as much as Hvidt want to live up to his Families expectations, he just know that he cannot why. he simply cannot see the logical reason for telling the truth if it puts his own life at risk, or if that can save him for a load of problems. Why caring about your honor when it is something you cant see or touch, something distant that you cannot controle, something you isn't in charge off? letting other people descide how you should act.. thats just silly. No dappers .. now that is something you know where you got.. hopefully in your own pocket! Disciplin? HAH if that means blindly following orders from some fool who in a fancy imperial armor who most likely had his father promote him into the current position he is in.. then Hell no!
no, be honerst about what assignment you want to take...
those who should be respected are those with the dappers, not those with a good reputation, cause those dappers can be used against a homin no matter just how good his reputation is.
disciplin and loyalty should only be toward those who you know you can count on.. at the moment the Samsara guild seems to be a happy family, where people atleast would stop up, turn around, and give you some healing if you fall on your arse..

and what is that thing about the Kami's and the Karavan?.. i mean..why should we homins follow them so blindly and let them seperate us? they are up to no good anyway... the Kami's do ofcourse fight the goo... that gives them some points..but what is up with those walkin piles of junk, the Karavans?.. just silly to let those two races descide how our relationship should be .. are they worth going to battle for? ...
but please..dont blaim the Matis.. they dont know any better... at least the Zorai has a reason for following the Kami, they are fighting the Goo... the Matis need to wake up and give their pain in the ... King a good shake so he can wake up from his dream and see what went wrong with his rotten Kingdom!... Trykers..?...who?.. ooh, those small ones?.. i meet a Tryker once.. actually have one in the guild... i like that Tryker....

Re: You ugly sand-maggots!

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:10 am
by ilthor
Greetings! I am Faun, defender of the south forest and have joined the Samsara in search of dappers. I got a special will you know, i want to protect the south Matis forest, but that takes dapper so here I am.

Re: You ugly sand-maggots!

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:05 pm
by akicks
I am Gamic - and this is my brief story:

When I first travelled to yrkanis I was met by a guy who was wearing an unusual outfit. He told me briefly about Atys, my people, the kitin threat, and the Kami.

After hearing the story about these spirits that protect Atys I had to seek them.

Since that time I have set out to become the best at whatever I do. I am a Master in the arts of foraging, an Expert in crafting weapons - and an excellent companion to have on treks and expoditions.

If I had never found the kami, I would just be someone who exploits the land for the karavan's benefit, instead of working with the land for everyone's benifit.

Re: You ugly sand-maggots!

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:19 pm
by magick1
Name is Lien Chang, explorer and seeker of the world and knowledge.
As most other homins I am a refugee in search of a safehaven.

Do I have what it takes to be part of The Samsara, only time will tell.