Post Chapter 2 Wishlist

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Re: Post Chapter 2 Wishlist

Post by baby1974 »

less weight on tickets
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Re: Post Chapter 2 Wishlist

Post by ligia »

A few sugestions

A general chat channel or Kami/Karavan Channel
Able to filter tickets by region/land/color
Guild missions are a must
Team tournements 2vs2 or 4vs4

Love this game and the people

Ty, Ligia
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Re: Post Chapter 2 Wishlist

Post by sk8rss »

When you switch hotkey bar number thingies (you know what I'm tlking about ;) ) be able to set a weapon to it, for example, I have a harvesting group of actions, a melee and a magic, it would be great if I could switch and my weapons (even equipment) would switch with it. Some way to change entire suits of armor at once would be nice too. Make the tell window stop popping up when people log off. (That probably should probably be some kinda bug report). Also, as a suggestion for this auto loot system, that would be nice for harvesters. Also, make people sign up because a lot of people are just lookinf for xp, while as a crafter I need the mats. A lot of people don't take 'em anyway.
Liquado ~ Zorai
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Re: Post Chapter 2 Wishlist

Post by animd »

I would like to see the crafting missions tailored more the the individual branches. Like make a suit of heavy armor or a full set of jewelry. I don't like it that I have to make some heavy armor, some light armor, some 1h melee weapons, some 2h melee weapons, a couple of bracelets just for one mission. Why should I be forced to make high quality items in all areas in order to complete a mission. I have barely enough time to get heavy armor crafting up to a decent level. Getting Melee craft and Jewerlry craft up to that level would kill me. I just think it is more logical to group the crafting missions this way instead of having to level all the branches. I am not saying remove these types of mission but instead make others that are more taliored to the individual branches.

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Re: Post Chapter 2 Wishlist

Post by bran12 »

Add roleplaying gifts. Flowers candies, dolls,....... to give to your friends and loved ones just to let them know you care. Make them foragable or craftable. maybe make them equipable even (flowers in hand).

ability to see what the style of clothes you are buying for men or women before you buy it.

Make the vendor tell you the real price they are buying the item for.

ability to do you own emotes.

Mandrick and Kkleo
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Re: Post Chapter 2 Wishlist

Post by thexdane »

city/region names on the tickets

sloppy window focus for the chat windows (if mouse cursor is over the chat window you can type in the window, if not you can't)

not sure if this goes here but a bug fix release where they fix the graphical issues and mem leaks that the game has
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Re: Post Chapter 2 Wishlist

Post by raynes »

Forget it, I switched to hardware mouse and it's much better.
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Re: Post Chapter 2 Wishlist

Post by ryzloner »

I would like to see more specialized fight stanza

Here's some idea:

A Disrupting Stanza, It's about the same mechanic that Concentration for Magic except that it give an higher chance to interupt any action that your opponent is doing. It can be done with 2 stanzas,one for magic and one for fight or with only one, interupting both type of actions. The timing of this stanza can actually bring some players skills to the game and to pvp.

Attack Speed Power Stanza, Like the Hit rate stanza for range fighting it increase the speed of attack but unlike Hit rate this is a Power stanza that could be active for 10 sec and after that disable for 2 minutes.

and where are the defensive stanza? The game has shielding for protection but why not add some more to increase dodge and parry modifier or to give specific spell ressistance.

Please review the Berserker Power Stanza. After some Math i've figured that it increase the damage output of about 8-12%. This is actually not bad and can give an edge over someone that don't have this stanza. However, the skill is disabled for 10 or 30 minutes after use. I think the skill would be a lot more usefull if it's was disable for 2 minutes like others power stanza. To balance it you can augment the hp loss. Personnaly i think that even with no loss of hp and a short disable time (2min) the skill would be balance because of the low damage bonus it give.

For some weeks i'm thinking that it would be perfect in Ryzom to have an in-game event manager that can be use by both players and gm(moderate by gm) to add incoming events. But to do something less hard you could simply add a public messageboard in-game with section for events, trade, harvesting and quartering special order.

The Silver Watch
Daughter of Jena
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Re: Post Chapter 2 Wishlist

Post by ryzloner »

The Harvesting skill tree could be rename "Ressources" and a subtree could be added for quartering. This tree could include :

- Quartering knowledge( know in the info window of a monster what type of mats it give and the maximun quality)

- A stanza to influence the quality of the quartering mats. Can increase for some % the Quality of the mats for the maximun that a creature can give.

- A stanza to increased the ammout of mats.

- A general Quartering stanza that limits the quality of the mats, Quartering 1(q10 maximun) Quartering 2(q20max) and so on..

- A Stanza for the quartering speed.

I don't want the quartering to be something painfull though and i want that it take the the same amount of time that it take now, I just want to have more control on what i quarter.

The Silver Watch
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Re: Post Chapter 2 Wishlist

Post by caitiff »

That would be kinda cool :)
ryzloner wrote:The Harvesting skill tree could be rename "Ressources" and a subtree could be added for quartering. This tree could include :

- Quartering knowledge( know in the info window of a monster what type of mats it give and the maximun quality)

- A stanza to influence the quality of the quartering mats. Can increase for some % the Quality of the mats for the maximun that a creature can give.

- A stanza to increased the ammout of mats.

- A general Quartering stanza that limits the quality of the mats, Quartering 1(q10 maximun) Quartering 2(q20max) and so on..

- A Stanza for the quartering speed.

I don't want the quartering to be something painfull though and i want that it take the the same amount of time that it take now, I just want to have more control on what i quarter.

The Silver Watch
Daughter of Jena

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