plz little one, stop making fun of yourself
Login ashpetr
Name Ashley CAMBA
Birthday July 7 1978
Gender male
Address Oppelgasse 11
Postal code 1120
City Wien
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Status Account unsubscribed
Language UK
Account creation date February 6 2005
Current subscription 2 weeks of free time period
Current subscription end date November 1 2006
Your recurring subscription length 1 month(s)
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Account events
Event Id Date Description
77651 February 6 2005 - February 20 2005 2 weeks of Express Free Trial
80591 February 20 2005 - March 7 2005 Online purchase of Ryzom
84278 March 4 2005 - May 7 2005 Recurring subscription - 1 month
97302 May 7 2005 - May 9 2005 2 days of free time period
103166 May 9 2005 - September 9 2005 Recurring subscription - 1 month
132878 September 9 2005 - October 9 2005 1 month of free time period
142878 October 9 2005 - December 9 2005 Recurring subscription - 1 month
156945 December 25 2005 Recurring subscription - 1 month
179041 April 21 2006 Reactivation
179042 April 21 2006 Recurring subscription - 1 month
179045 April 21 2006 Reactivation
179046 April 21 2006 - May 21 2006 Recurring subscription - 1 month
187273 June 3 2006 Reactivation
187274 June 3 2006 - July 3 2006 Recurring subscription - 1 month
199529 July 3 2006 - July 10 2006 1 week of free time period
295958 October 13 2006 - November 1 2006 2 weeks of free time period
Transaction Id Date Description Event Id Price P. Status
81217 February 14 2005 Online purchase of Ryzom 80591 EUR 25.99 bbt FAILED
83197 February 21 2005 Online purchase of Ryzom 80591 EUR 25.99 bbt CAPTURED
86111 March 4 2005 Recurring subscription - 1 month 84278 EUR 12.90 bbt CAPTURED
95247 April 7 2005 Recurring subscription - 1 month 84278 EUR 12.90 bbt CAPTURED
104390 May 9 2005 Recurring subscription - 1 month 103166 EUR 12.90 bbt CAPTURED
115608 June 9 2005 Recurring subscription - 1 month 103166 EUR 12.90 bbt CAPTURED
125057 July 9 2005 Recurring subscription - 1 month 103166 EUR 12.90 bbt CAPTURED
134769 August 9 2005 Recurring subscription - 1 month 103166 EUR 12.90 bbt CAPTURED
151201 October 9 2005 Recurring subscription - 1 month 142878 EUR 12.90 bbt CAPTURED
158266 November 9 2005 Recurring subscription - 1 month 142878 EUR 12.90 bbt CAPTURED
164900 December 9 2005 Recurring subscription - 1 month 142878 EUR 12.90 bbt REFUSED
168121 December 25 2005 Recurring subscription - 1 month 156945 EUR 12.90 bbt REFUSED
192217 April 21 2006 Reactivation 179041 EUR 12.90 bbt FAILED
192220 April 21 2006 Reactivation 179045 EUR 12.90 pbc PAID
200499 June 3 2006 Reactivation 187273 EUR 12.90 pbc PAID
oh my jena! I created a new account with my INGAME NAME to post on the forum. ashpetr is my second account, because petrash was my first account, that my beautiful girlfriend took over to play auriane.
let my little ears be struck by lightning if this is not true.
and i do think little homins should learn a little history.