Here's a poll about the anger with Nevrax about the false promises.

Come in, pull up a chair, let's discuss all things Ryzom-related.

Are you happy woth Nevrax's incompitence and not having mounts or outposts

I am happy with the game so far
I am inbetween happy and angry
I am fed up with nevrax but will wait to see what happens
I am so fed up that i will quit this game after next patch if not implemented
Total votes: 133

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Re: Here's a poll about the anger with Nevrax about the false promises.

Post by xcomvic »

I belay my last.
Last edited by xcomvic on Thu Dec 30, 2004 1:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Very Mature Content
In response to the ignorant players out there:

I have more heart than anyone would know :) I will let you in on a little secret... I am doing this for my newborn daughter... no one else... I like that game, but I do not have the time anymore. My first priority is to my daughter. End of story.

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Joined: Sun Oct 17, 2004 8:24 pm

Re: Here's a poll about the anger with Nevrax about the false promises.

Post by skipster »

lyrah68 wrote:I think if you read MOST of the packaged items, and the offical web site, that they FULLY inform you that the game is GROWING and changing INTO what they promised.

I did not read on anything, anything that states that the product is finished, and will NOT change, and that EVERYTHING promised on the packaging or web site is FULLY implemented.

Anyone that expects this, even within six months of release clearly has not played ANY of the MOG's on the market, since I have yet to test OR play any of them that were "ready for prime time" on release day.

Issues I have found on EVERY game I have tested or played the first YEAR post release include (but are not limited to):
unimplemented features
missing loot
extra loot
server crashes
characters LOST
gear ON characters LOST but character remains, but naked.

This is the only game as well that doesnt listen to what there ATS pl;ayers tell them what is wrong in the ATS. I have seen numerous occasions where players from the ATS have reported bugs, loot issues, crashes, and many other thing. But low and behold patch day comes out and the problems still exist with the retail server patch, So basically what I get from this is that the ATS is just aserver so that you may preview what is going to be in game rather than a Advance Test Server. Nevrax is just trying to keep us happy when the shard goes down for patching by letting us play on the ATS and not taking into acount anything that we have reported to them as far as things they need to fix.

Here is an idea how about they listen to the people on the ATS and actually try to fix whats wrong before going live with the patch, But hey thats just my opinion and i like to keep people happy.
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