Additional Tweaks to Foraging - Please Discuss

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Re: Additional Tweaks to Foraging - Please Discuss

Post by neofuzz »

zonoli wrote:How is this NOT about PvP? Define, "..defend their deposits against other players."

Yes, pvp is mentioned in the topic, but it isn't one of the prospective changes we are asked to discuss. The changes may impact on pvp areas, however the topic of debate is not one of pvp. Don't turn this into another ****ing pvp thread. Stick to discussing the prospective changes to high end foraging.
Jungle Thug, Ninja Forager, The Kami Champion who took a -164 personal Kami fame hit thx to the Fleeting Gardens fame bug (and cancelled my Ryzom account in protest).
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Re: Additional Tweaks to Foraging - Please Discuss

Post by qmodal »

#1. I don't mind the *concept* that parts of PR might get harder, to be more of a challenge to players reaching higher levels.

But it has to a change that adds a genuine challenge, not a change that in effect just nerfs everyone to make things tougher.

So my vote is undecided on #1.

#2. I don't mind the concept that if there *is* open PvP in the game, then forage sites in PvP areas can be defended.

But I haven't see anything to convince me that PR is a logical, reasonable or even interesting choice for a PvP area.

So my vote is against #2.

I will say (in passing) that I have no wish to see any additional PvP in this game, and that if there is any change that could convince me to cancel my account, opening up PvP would probably be it.

The problem with putting PvP in PR is that PR already has a number of unique features (both visual and functional) and dangers that all players should have the opportunity to experience if they choose, without having to get Pked for the privilege.

Last edited by qmodal on Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: (edited to remove gratuitous attitudinizing)
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Re: Additional Tweaks to Foraging - Please Discuss

Post by ligia »

Unlike most people here i play this game for only a month now, although i am not a high level harvester or player and still clueless about many aspects of the game i would like to make some comments.

I have never been to PR to forage, been there a couple times to explore (trench of trial area where i passed to get to Zorai and managed to get a tely there), seeing a monster could kill me with one breath i wondered off to other areas.

As i understand you can get higher lever materials there so it makes sence as i get higher in level and grasp the deeper concepts of foraging to go there.

Now besides the aggro of monsters wich is by experience more then enough to worry about usually i have to worry about other players and PvP and the very low chance i actually can harvest anything worthwhile.

My main concern here is the actual community, if this stands out to be correct i will most likely keep my cute arse out of those places anyway but...i like the comunity here alot, i don´t think PvP will be such an issue, i believe if someone killed me i would ask for a rezz and actually get it...however there will be situations that may lead to revenge and vicious circles of grieffing and frustation about these situations.

I believe in this community and i like it very much, the people here are from my experience mature and smart, so what you are saying is that you want to introduce something that doesn´t make much sence and that will lead without a doubt to aggravating players...that doesnt make much sence to me...i like PvP when it makes sence, its fun and is not forced.

I appologise for my bad English and i hope i made some sence with this post

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Re: Additional Tweaks to Foraging - Please Discuss

Post by altomesa »

Well, I suppose I could take the time to list the top 20 reasons why these are more bad ideas stacked on top of bad ideas. The playerbase has already spoken and will undoubtably be ignored once again. Continuing to make the game more difficult to the point where we can no longer do the things we pay our $15 a month do is NOT the answer. But the devs have already made the decisions as is clear by Cerest's "Here are a few things that the devs are working on in regards to foraging. Here's what to expect in the future:" statement. Coding is already taking place, if not done. It's unfortunate and it's sad the decisions that have been made and the direction the game is going. I remember, not so long ago, I was in love with this game, thought it was the coolest, most impressive and well put together game I'd played in a long time, then the hammer falls. The continuing attempt to change and fix things that were never broken in the first place.

Since I can no longer say "hey man, this is a great game, you need to check it out!" I wish I could simply say "I'm done for now, maybe I'll log back in in 4 or 5 months to see how things have changed, maybe it'll be for the better" but at this rate I'm not convinced that there will be Ryzom by then, and it's really a shame, it was a good game. But people will make their vote heard one way or the other, if not with their voice, then with their dollars. Which thus far, the voices have seemingly gone unheard.
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Re: Additional Tweaks to Foraging - Please Discuss

Post by zyran »

As far as I can tell, the changes being discussed here are being implemented for one reason only. To slow down the rapid advance of player levels. Empty sources? Why? This adds what? I understand that Nevrax would like to see this game run 8 years, and to reach that goal, they need to string players along in order to continue to get that $15 a month. But, I have to ask; Is the current method actually working? From what I have seen, the game is hemoraging players faster than they can add them, even with a free trial. If Nevrax wants to run 8 years, maybe they should be working at getting tha long list of unimplemented features into the game. They need to stop worrying about getting my money next year, and start worrying about getting it next month.

Right now, they are failing. I've already canclled my subscription to the game. I've heard more than one person imply my unhappiness with the game is 'whining' or 'negativity' - but I don't seem to be alone. I LIKE Ryzom, and I really like the community of people playing. But right now, I'm leaning towards dealing with the 8 year olds playing WoW for a year or so until the folks running Ryzom gain enough expierience to successfully run a game. At the moment, it seems the folks making the decisions really need to spend more time on n00b island..

I challenge the devs to play the game. I think there is a huge disparity in our definitions of the word 'fun'
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Re: Additional Tweaks to Foraging - Please Discuss

Post by skylt »

As Zzeii pointed out in an earlier post, this game is about conflicts. So don't be surprised when this reflects in the game postings here. As the game conflicts increase, so will the board conflicts. Each player will have to decide how much conflict is desirable, tolerable, detested.

Conflicts bred retaliation, so they become interrelated. When you discuss one conflict, invariably all others become drawn into the discussion.

The maturity of this community will be sorely tested. It has started already.

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Re: Additional Tweaks to Foraging - Please Discuss

Post by piknik2 »

Just a reminder to several posters; these forums are not "the playerbase" or "the majority". We can however have some small impact on the game, given that cerest gave us this thread in the first place. Specifically in regards to two foraging issues. Number two does seem a little PvP related so essentially there is one issue since we're not going to change Nev's mind about PvP :)
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Re: Additional Tweaks to Foraging - Please Discuss

Post by skylt »

We should remember that this is a GAME. The conflict level should be at a level of a game only. If it exceeds this, it is unhealthy, and the player should not continue.

Hopefully, Nevrax is paying attention to the acceptable limit of conflict for our community.

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Re: Additional Tweaks to Foraging - Please Discuss

Post by piknik2 »

skylt wrote:The maturity of this community will be sorely tested. It has started already.
This community is by far the most mature I've witnessed in a mmo. Should lead nicely to the best pvp experience in a mmo.

Hope everyone stays for the ride!
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Re: Additional Tweaks to Foraging - Please Discuss

Post by zumwalt »

To my knowledge, there are 2 area's so far tested that are affected by this change, on live servers.

Prime Roots

More testing is being done to see what area's have been effected, so currently this is not limited to the Prime Roots.
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